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Implementation of AWS Lambda in Business Arena

Diksha Mishra
BBAU Satellite Campus,

In the emergence of traditional microservices for There are three major components of cloud computing.
browsing over the internet, cloud computing is a major Those three models are PAAS-(Platform as a Service),
acquiring service nowadays, as it provides function-as-a- SAAS-(Software as a Service) and IAAS-(Infrastructure as
service. For the new business implementations where web
a Service).
applications are required to run the business, the planning of
required infrastructure as well as their maintenances and
management is a hectic concern to the businessmen. Instead
of using traditional microservices, cloud computing services
provided by cloud vendors are the major relieve for their
concerns.AWS in a major cloud vendor that provides over
165 web services including AWs lambda, AWS API gateway
which are required services to build the infrastructure
regarding web services for the business implementations.
Serverless is a cost-effective with pay-as-go pricing technique
as well as the security and compliances of the related to web
services are fully managed by cloud vendors.

In this paper, we will discuss the evolution of web

services, advantages of cloud computing over the traditional
services and the level of usage of cloud computing over in
comparison to traditional services, AWS services and
architectures regarding business aspects for the new

Keywords—Cloud computing, AWS, Serverless, AWS


I. INTRODUCTION Figure 1. Components of cloud computing.

Amazon has launched its AWS- Amazon Web Services
in 2006 since Amazon has become a major cloud vendor in
the arena of cloud computing web services. Back in time, SAAS offers the most elevated level of scaling. At last,
when timesharing systems are used for scientific purposes IaaS offers access to processing assets, as a rule by renting.
or for the organizations, which provides a common Virtual Machines (VMs) and extra room. The Serverless
resource pool, it proposes a paradigm of computing figuring, which was evaluated in this paper can be
systems which is known as cloud computing nowadays. remembered for PaaS as in both of these models there is no
With this computing technique inflation in assembling of server the executives and engineers should just think about
data capacity and computing resources or power is composing the code.
available to share among many users, to the general public
as function-as-a-service. Cloud computing introduces a III. SERVERLESS COMPUTING
new trending word ‘Serverless’. Serverless refers to the
function-as-a-service platform which promises end-users Serverless registering is a distributed computing model
to reduced hosting cost, high availability of resources, where the cloud supplier progressively deals with the
dynamic elasticity, fault tolerance. Comparatively, owing portion and provisioning of the servers. At the end of the
to their own hardware infrastructures, client or day, applications are facilitated by third-get-together
organization uses the services on the rent basis provided by assistance, which causes a designer not to be locked in
the cloud vendor. Almost all those services where the with equipment and programming the board. The term
client doesn’t need to be present physically to the itself can make a bogus impression that there are no
computing hardware can be easily conveyed by the administrations off-camera, in any case, the servers are
vendors. not disposed of, they have simply avoided the purchasers.

In Figure 2, you can see the case of Serverless engineering model makes the communication between the client and
with the Amazon Web Services supplier. the user by exchanging the protocols between server and
database. This traditional architecture is comprised of two
In Figure 2, a client calls a post demand with a JSON components, where the client makes always request and
body and the parameters ought to be placed into a the server responds according to the request is make. But
DynamoDB table. The API is given by means of the API there are some issues related to this architecture like the
Gateway administration and the asset should trigger a required network setup is difficult to manage also it
Lambda work. The Lambda work gets the parameters and requires a lot of servers. Also, to maintain up these servers
put them into the database. The majority of the PaaS, or to deliver efficient services, it becomes quite expensive in
Platform as a Service, items offer similar focal points, terms of capital.
where the engineers likewise don't have to stress over the In serverless architecture, as shown in figure 2, some
backend servers yet at the same time, there exists the changes are done including server and database; new
critical contrast between these two advancements. The components are added like API Gateway, Lambda
essential distinction is standing out how to form and functions. Instead of having one server for each type of
convey the application to the cloud. functionalities, our FAAS has now each piece of
functionality for each type of function. For example, if we
could have a function for searching for a product, then
there does also exist a function for buying that product.

In the cloud arena, the application is used to run in

stateless compute, which is brought up and bring down
according to the trigger. Triggers are simply coded events,
the service according to the HTTP request that is requested
by the client. AWS Lambda is also a trigger that is created
Figure 2. AWS Serverless Architecture. within the function console, command-line interface and
within the same cloud provider’s environment. There are
three types of triggers majorly exist in the cloud computing
Interestingly, in a conventional 'server' design, the arena:
engineers should conjecture, how a lot of limits is required
for his application and buy it, regardless of whether they  HTTP Trigger: It gives the function call
wind up utilizing it or not. according to the content with the rich features. On
the contrary, a file, text, JSON, PUT, POST and
At long last, the client has an advantage of snappy DELETE HTTP methods.
organization and updates. As there is no need for backend
design from the designer's side, it is conceivable to rapidly  Database Trigger: It performs all those functions
transfer the code and discharge another item. Likewise, as which are used to alter the existing database like
the application is isolated into little capacities, it isn't insertion, deletion, updating and modification
important to make changes to the entire application; rather queries of records in the table.
can refresh each capacity in turn.  Storage Object Trigger: it is used for tracking
objects that exist in cloud storage like database
and some metadata about the events calls and
COMPUTING In AWS, a trigger function can be an HTTP request or
it can also be a request for another service. The AWS
cloud provides so many different types of serverless
Netizens make some assumptions like serverless computing. These include capacities are [1]:
computing means no servers are there used during the
computing. These assumptions are erroneous. To  Compute - AWS Lambda
demonstrate this, below give example is showed, which  APIs -Amazon API Gateway
shows the discrepancy between traditional service
architecture with n-tier server logic and the architecture of  Storage - Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3)
serverless computing.  Databases- Amazon DynamoDB
 Interprocess messaging- Amazon Simple
Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon
 Orchestration: AWS Step Functions and AWS
Figure3. A traditional architecture where the server and Cloud Watch Events.
database are managed by the developers.

Here, the traditional architecture, we have spoken yet is

refers to the client-server architecture. The client-server

V. AWS LAMBDA focusing on technical infrastructures for maintaining the
Amazon Lambda was launched by Amazon Web services servers, capital cost as perusing or pay-as-you-go and
in 2014 and it was the first serverless computing platform. also it provides high scalabilities to integrate or the
AWS lambda defines a few key aspects like cost, sudden inflations for multiple requests simultaneously
programming model, deploy, security and monitoring. responses. Also, AWS provides 9.9999% of data recovery
That supports many languages, for example, Node.Js, and disaster recovery guarantee to the users in any case.
Python, Java, GoLang, .Net[2]. AWS lambda assists the Also, Amazon services are working on deploying services
progress of the functions which get automatically scaled that work with AWS Lambda for fields like Artificial
up or unable parallel computation and also those Intelligence and the Internet of Things.
functional applications can easily be deployed. AWS
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