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Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon

Department of Computer Science and

Session 2021-2022

Artificial Intelligence for Speech Recognition


The intelligence of machines by which it works efficiently shall known as

artificial intelligence. Speech recognition is the way of understanding voice
through the computer and by any required task. It is commonly used in
military, commercial and also for business purpose. The speech recognition
processing is performed by software known as speech recognition engine,
based on audio signals it enables communication among human and the
computers. It is the science and engineer of making intelligent machines,
exclusively with computer programs and the process of converting speech
signals in to words.
Speech recognition software can be installed on a personal computer of
appropriate specification. The user speaks into a microphone (a headphone
microphone is usually supplied with the product). The software generally
requires an initial training and enrolment process in order to teach the
software to recognise the voice of the user. A voice profile is then produced
that is unique to that individual. This procedure also helps the user to learn
how to ‘speak’ to a computer.
Speech recognition systems have found use where the speed of text input is
required to be extremely fast. They are used in legal and medical
transcription, the generation of subtitles for live sports and current affairs
programs on television; not directly but via an operator that re-speaks the
dialog into software trained in the operator's voice; in such cases the operator
also has special training, first to speak clearly and consistently to maximize
recognition accuracy, second to indicate punctuation by various techniques,
and also often domain-specific training (especially in medical or legal
contexts).In courtrooms and similar situations where the operator's voice
would disturb the proceedings, he or she may sit in a soundproofed booth or
wear a Steno mask or similar device.continued to grow as the cost for
implementing such voice-activated systems has dropped and the usefulness
and efficacy of these systems has improved. For example, recognition
systems optimized for telephone applications can often supply information
about the confidence of a particular recognition, and if the Speech recognition
is sometimes a necessity for people who have difficulty interacting with their
computers through a keyboard, for example, those with serious carpal tunnel
syndrome, damaged hands or arms, or other physical limitations.
Speech recognition technology is used more and more for telephone
applications like travel booking and information, financial account information,
customer service call routing, and directory assistance. Research and
development in speech recognition technology has confidence is low, it can
trigger the application to prompt callers to confirm or repeat their request.
Furthermore, speech recognition has enabled the automation of certain
applications that are not automatable using push-button interactive voice
response (IVR) systems, like directory assistance and systems that allow
callers to "dial" by speaking names listed in an electronic phone book.
Nevertheless, speech recognition based systems remain the exception
because push-button systems are still much cheaper to implement and
operate. Speech recognition is also used for speech fluency evaluation and
language instruction.


 D. O'Shaughnessy, "Automatic speech recognition," 2015 CHILEAN Conference

on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication
Technologies (CHILECON), 2015, pp. 417-424, doi:

 Manis G. Gohil ,”Artificial Intelligence For Speech Recognition”, 2014

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, vol-1 issue-2/ISSN:2349-7637

 G. Harsha Vardhan, G. Hari Charan, ”Artificial Intelligence & its Application for
Speech Recognition”, 2012 International Journal OfScience & Research,/ISSN :

 Choudhary, A. and Kshirsagar, R. (2012) Process Speech Recognition System

Using Artificial Intelligence Technique. International Journal of Soft Computing
and Engineering (IJSCE), 2.

 “Speech recognition and utterance verification based on a generalized confidence

score,” with M.W. Koo and C.H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing,
vol. 9, no. 8, pp.821-832, November 2001

. Guided by : Prof. P.V. Deshmukh

Name: Khushbu T. Bhattad

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