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1. On your desktop home screen, create a new folder and name it html or any arbitrary name you
2. Open your vs code generator and go to the explorer panel
3. Go to open folder and open the folder you created on your homescreen
4. Add a new file called index.html which represents the homepage of your website
5. Now close the explorer panel by pressing ctrl+B on windows
6. We need to tell the browser that we want to create html 5 document, so we type the left angle
bracket <. A list of suggestions will prompt on your screen, the first one which goes by the
name !Doctype short form of document type. Press enter
7. VS code will generate a piece of code and with this line of code we should be able to tell the
browser that this is an html 5 document. This type of declaration is called doctype declaration
8. We need to use html document to define the structure of the webpage and the first element to
be used is called the html document. So we type in html

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