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Table of contents

I. PART 1 ........................................................................................................................... 3

1. Bringing things ....................................................................................................................... 3

2. Shoes....................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Television ............................................................................................................................... 5

4. Housework .............................................................................................................................. 7

5. Dreams .................................................................................................................................... 8

6. History .................................................................................................................................. 10

7. Leisure time .......................................................................................................................... 11

8. Mirror ................................................................................................................................... 13

9. Sport ..................................................................................................................................... 14

10. Birds ................................................................................................................................... 18

11. Food/Cooking ..................................................................................................................... 19

12. Indoor games ...................................................................................................................... 22

13. Rain..................................................................................................................................... 25

`14. Going out ........................................................................................................................... 27

II. PART 2 & PART 3 ............................................................................................................ 29

1. Describe a café you like...................................................................................................... 29

2. Describe a plan you made in your life (except work or study)........................................... 30

3. Describe a shop opened in your hometown ........................................................................ 33

4. Describe a talk or a speech ................................................................................................. 36

5. Describe an interesting neighbor you have/had .................................................................. 38

6. Describe an experience that when you spent time with a child. ........................................... 42

7. Describe an activity that makes you feel excited ............................................................... 44

8. Describe a holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked. ............................. 45

9. Describe a historic event in your country ............................................................................. 47

10.Describe a quiet place. ......................................................................................................... 53

11. Describe a success you would like to achieve (in the near future). .................................... 56
12. Describe an experience that you are waiting for something ............................................... 57

13. Describe an exciting sport that you know about................................................................. 62

14. Describe an item of furniture, either modern or traditional. ............................................... 64

15. Describe a party you would like to arrange for your friends or family. ............................. 65

16. Describe a person who visited your home. ......................................................................... 67

17. Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music ......................................... 69

18. Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen. ...................................................... 70

19. Describe an adventurous person you know ....................................................................... 72

20. Describe an artistic activity that you do/did (outside of normal classes) at school or
university (such as painting, woodwork or pottery) ........................................................... 73

21. Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine. ................................... 75

22. Describe an experience of good service in a shop or a restaurant. ..................................... 77

23.Describe a tourist site in your country that you enjoyed visiting. ....................................... 78

1. Bringing things
1. What do you bring when you go out?
Well, the most important thing to bring with me whenever I go out is my cell phone, which is
indispensable for keeping in contact with everyone. Of course, I never forget my wallet,
because having no money when stepping out of the house will give you a sense of insecurity.
Additionally, I frequently equip myself with a book or a pocket dictionary just in case I get a
few minutes to sit and read.

2. Did you ever forget to bring things?

As a matter of fact, yes but not very often. I remember there was a time when I was hanging
out with classmates without my cell phone, and my parents were unable to contact me,
which made them very anxious until I turned up. Therefore, I always check my bag
attentively before going somewhere.

3. Will you bring different things in the daytime or at night?

Yes, definitely. For example, when I commute to my workplace/school in the morning, I will
take my laptop with me, which is essential for projects or group presentations. On the other
hand, at night, when meeting up with friends, or going to parties, I will bring some make-up
and maybe perfume to look attractive.

1. INDISPENSABLE [adjective]: too important to be without. (+ for sth/doing sth)
Eg: A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language
2. INSECURITY [adjective]:
Eg: Walking alone at night gives me a feeling of insecurity.
3. ADDITIONALLY [adverb]: in addition
Eg: Additionally, the bus service will run on Sunday, every two hours.
4. (to) EQUIP [verb]: to provide yourself/sb/sth with the things that are needed for a particular
purpose or activity. (+ yourself/sb/sth WITH sth)
Eg: This center is well equipped with prominent teachers.
5. (to) HANG OUT [verb]: to go out with someone
Eg: The local kids hang out at the mall in the afternoon.
6. UNABLE [adjective]: +to do sth: not having the skill, strength, time, knowledge, etc. to do
Eg: I tried to contact him but I was unable to.
7. ANXIOUS [adjective]: worried by sth or afraid of sth (+ ABOUT/OF sth)
Eg: Consumers are very anxious about their health in this day and age.
8. (to) TURN UP [phrasal verb]: to arrive
Eg: We arranged to meet at midday, but she never turned up.
9. ATTENTIVELY [adverb]: listening or caring about something with interest
Eg: The students listened attentively to their tutors.
10. (to) COMMUTE [verb]: to travel to a place by transportation between your workplace and
Eg: She commutes from Oxford to London every day.
11. ESSENTIAL [adjective]: completely necessary in a particular situation or for a particular
activity (+ for sth)
Eg: Experience is essential for this demanding job.
12. PROJECT [noun]: a plan or piece of work
Eg: The final term will be devoted to a project on climate change.
13. MAKE-UP [noun]: substances used by women to make their face look more attractive.
Eg: Putting too much make-up on your face is not good for the skin
14. MEET UP [phrasal verb]: to meet someone, especially by arrangement
Eg: I met up with my cousin at the airport soon after his flight arrived.
15. ATTRACTIVE [adjective]: pleasant to look at
Eg: She is a very attractive and intelligent woman.

2. Shoes
1. Do you like shoes?
To be honest, I’m really addicted to shoes. I started building up my huge collection of shoes
when I was eight years old. Now, whenever I have spare time, I often go shopping for shoes
and spend a whole lot more money than I should on them.

2. Which do you prefer, comfortable ones or fashionable ones?

Well, it depends on different situations. For example, when I’m at home, I definitely prefer
wearing flats because they are super comfortable. But when I go to work or parties, wearing
fashion shoes such as high-heels or leather boots would be a better option for me because
they make me look more confident and attractive.

3. Are people willing to buy expensive shoes?

Of course, some wealthy people can pay a lot of money to purchase shoes, which cost them
an arm and a leg. The reason behind this is that they want to look trendy and show off their

Words English meanings Vietnamese Example
Be addicted to something To cause to use Nghiê ̣n cái gì Ex: That show is so good
( expression) something on a regular that I’m addicted to
basis watching it every week.
A whole lot Very much Rấ t nhiều Ex: He didn’t like her a
(adverb) whole lot.

Flats (noun) Shoes that have a level Giày bệt Ex: I like wearing flats
surface, without heels because I have to walk a
Fashion shoes (noun) Fashionable shoes Giày thời trang Ex: Celebrities often spend
a lot of money buying
fashion shoes.
Cost somebody an arm Extremely expensive Đắ t cắt cổ Ex: I want to buy a new
and a leg (expression) Porsche, but it costs an
arm and a leg.
Trendy (adjective) Fashionable Ex: She always wears the
latest trendy clothes.
Show off (phrasal verb) to behave in a way that Khoe, thể hiê ̣n Ex: She is always showing
is intended to attract at off her fashionable clothes
tention or admiration, to her friends.
and that
other people often find

3. Television
1. Did you often watch television when you were a child?
Well, I used to be a couch potato when I was a little boy. When my parents went to work, I
was left alone at home with my TV all day long. Therefore, so as to kill time, I took an avid
interest in watching various TV programs. Some of the movies such as Sinbad, and Tom and
Jerry are closely associated with my childhood and have been indelibly imprinted on my
mind until now.

2. Do you often watch TV nowadays?

Well, to be honest, my studies have been extremely demanding recently, so I don’t watch
much TV. However, in my free time, I usually enjoy singing competition reality series such as
American Idol and The Voice, just so as to unwind, recharge my batteries and practice my
English listening skills.
3. What kind of TV programs do you like most?
I have been an avid fan of reality shows and documentaries, especially anything to do with
military history. These programs have enabled me to broaden my horizons and obtain real
experience about life. I also love to enjoy dramas and thrillers with other people around, as
the presence of others adds a great sense of intensity and excitement.

1. Couch potato [noun]: a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
(người dành nhiều thời gian xem truyền hình)
Eg: He spends all day lazing around in front of the TV – he is a typical couch potato.
2. Take an avid interest in [expression]: to enjoy something very much (say mê, thích thú
cái gì đó)
Eg: I take an avid interest in reading comic books.
3. Be associated with [expression]: if one thing is associated with another, the two things
are connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other. (gắn liền, kết nối
với nhau)
Eg: The risks of developing cancer are associated with smoking.
4. Indelibly [adverb]: in a way that is impossible to forget or change (khó phai)
Eg: The day that I graduated from university is stamped indelibly on my memory.
5. Imprint [verb]: to have a great effect on something so that it cannot be forgotten,
changed (ghi khắc, in sâu)
Eg: The horror scenes of the movie were permanently imprinted on his mind and sometimes
he has nightmares about them.
6. Demanding [adjective]: requiring a lot of effort, patience or skill
Eg: Her job is very demanding, and she often has to work overtime.
7. Unwind [verb]: to relax (thư giãn)
Eg: I like listening to music since it helps me unwind after a stressful day.
8. Recharge one’s batteries [expression]: to rest and get back your energy (nạp lại năng
Eg: She took a holiday to France so as to recharge her batteries before the new semester.
9. Broaden one’s horizons [expression]: to expand knowledge (mở mang đầu óc)
Eg: He wants to travel to broaden his horizons and learn more about the world.
10. Intensity [noun]: the state of being intense and having strong emotions (sự căng
thẳng/ gây cấn)
Eg: He looked at me with intensity, so I knew that he was a serious person.

4. Housework
1. Do you do housework at home?
Yes. Although I work/study full time, I still manage to help my parents with household
chores. We all think that sharing housework is a great way to reduce the collective burden
and help develop a sense of responsibility towards family.

2. What kind of housework do you often do?

I can handle almost everything but I often cook dinner for my family because my parents
usually get off work late. I sometimes mop the floor and clean the bathroom with my family
during weekends. It’s fun to spend time together, though I don’t like cleaning at all.

3. Did you do housework when you were a child?

Yes. Every day I made up my bed, kept my bedroom clean and helped my mom preparing
meals. I was also assigned weekly domestic tasks - like dusting and vacuuming - to be
completed on Saturdays. As I look back on my childhood, I’m proud that I was such a good

4. Do you think that children should do housework?

Definitely! Parents should assign chores to their children so that they can learn new skills and
become more responsible and independent. Doing chores gives a child the opportunity to
return their parents’ kindness and guidance. Kids begin to see themselves as important
contributors to the family. They feel a connection to the family. This helps form a bond for

1. Chore [n]: a task that you do regularly (việc lặt vặt)
Eg: She let her husband manage the money while she handled other household chores.
2. To reduce [v]: to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc. (giảm)
Eg: We need to reduce the speed slightly.
3. Burden [n]: a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work. (gánh
Eg: The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state.
4. Responsibility [n]: a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something, so that you
may be blamed if something goes wrong. (trách nhiệm)
Eg: The responsibility for doing this rests with the department managers.
 a sense of responsibility: tinh thần trách nhiệm
5. To get off [v]: to leave work with permission. (tan làm)
Eg: Could you get off (work) early tomorrow?
6. to mop (v): to clean something with a mop (lau, chùi)
Eg: She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor.
7. To make up [v]: to prepare a bed for use; to create a temporary bed. (dọn giường)
Eg: We made up the bed in the spare room.
8. Meal [n]: an occasion when people sit down to eat food, especially breakfast, lunch or
dinner. (bữa ăn)
Eg: Lunch is his main meal of the day.
 prepare a meal: chuẩn bị một bữa ăn
9. To assign [v] to give somebody some work or responsibility (giao việc)
Eg: The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.
10. To look back (on something): to think about something in your past
Eg: It’s always sweet to look back on my childhood.
11. Contributor [v]: a person or thing that provides money to help pay for something, or
support something (người đóng góp)
Eg: Older people are important contributors to the economy.
12. Connection [n]: something that connects two facts, ideas, etc. (sự kết nối)
Eg: Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.

5. Dreams
1. Do you remember your dream when you wake up?
Well, I would say that I have had a lot of dreams since I was young, but I wouldn’t say that I
did remember all of them. There are some dreams that I remembered vividly when I woke up,
and there are others that I recalled so gloomily, and there are even some I didn’t remember
after getting up.

2. Do you like hearing others’ dreams?

To be honest, I enjoy being told about others’ dreams because, in my opinion, dreams
somehow reflect a part of their life. For example, when people sleep on something too much
while they are awake, they will, in all likelihood, dream about it when they go to bed at
night. So, hearing others’ dreams, to me, is like getting to know a part of them, and they are
literally sharing their life with me, which would make me feel special.
3. Do you think a dream will affect life?
Well, to some extent, I would say that dreams play an important part in people’s life.
According to some study, a dream has the power to influence people’s life as it makes people
think about their life in a negative or positive way depending on the type of dream they had.
If they experienced a good dream, then they would feel over the moon when they woke up.
Otherwise, they would feel the opposite.

4. Do you want to learn more about dreams?

As a matter of fact, I am really eager to gain more knowledge about dreams because of the
fact that they are so mysterious. They are something that relate to psychological concepts,
and even some renowned psychologists can’t even fully explain why would some people have
a dream that forecasts the near future. It may sound crazy, but there are many cases in which
prophetic dreams can even save people’s life. I love mystery, and this is something I am
really keen on learning more about.

1. Vivid (ADJ): (sinh động, rỏ ràng) vivid memories, dreams, descriptions etc are so
clearly that they seem real.
Eg: I’ve got vivid memories of that summer.
2. Recall (V): (gợi nhớ) to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past
Eg: I can’t recall who gave me the information.
3. Gloomy (ADJ): (tối tăm, mịt mù) dark, especially in a way that makes you feel sad.
Eg: It was a gloomy room with one small window.
4. Sleep on [expression]: (suy nghĩ về gì đó) to make a decision about something
Eg: We decided to sleep on it.
5. Awake (ADJ): (thức tỉnh) not sleeping
Eg: I hope he’s awake now
6. In all likelihood [expression]: (trong mọi khả năng) almost certainly
Eg: If I refused, it would in all likelihood mean I’d lose my job.
7. Literally (ADV): (nghĩa đen) according to the most basic or original meaning of a
word or expression.
Eg: The name of the cheese is Dolcelatte, literally meaning ‘sweet milk’.
8. To…extent [expression]: used to say how true something is or how great an effect or
change is.
To a certain extent/to some extent/to an extent.
Eg: I do agree with him to some extent.
9. Over the moon [idiom]: very happy
Eg: She’s over the moon about her new job.
10. Eager (ADJ): (hăng hái) very keen and excited about something that is going to
happen or about something you want to do.
Eg: He’s a bright kid and eager to learn
11. Mysterious (ADJ): (bí ẩn) mysterious events or situations are difficult to explain or
Eg: There’s something mysterious going on
12. Concept (N): (khái niệm) an idea of how something is, or how something should be
Eg: The concept of infinite space.
13. Prophetic (ADJ): (tiên tri, dự đoán) correctly saying what will happen in the future.
Eg: It turned out to be a prophetic piece of journalism.
14. Mystery (N): (bí ẩn) an event, situation etc that people do not understand.
Eg: The way her mind worked was always a mystery to him.

6. History
1. Do you like (to learn about) history?
Definitely. I find past events extremely fascinating but what really intrigues me is finding out
how they actually came about. However, the way history is taught in most schools is rather
tedious; we are only briefly informed of historical events but not given a deeper insight into

2. What historical event do you find most interesting?

It’s hard to choose only one but if I have to, I’d go for Vietnam’s liberation in 1975. It could
be considered one of the biggest milestones in the history of Vietnam, marking our country
free from colonization.

3. Do you think history is important?

Well, it’s impossible to deny the importance of history. Knowing our roots and how modern
civilisation has come to be surely makes us more appreciative of our predecessors and
enables us to learn from past mistakes. Regardless of that, I think people shouldn’t delve too
much into the past but look to the future instead.

4. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?

Absolutely, I think watching history documentaries is the perfect alternative to in-class
history lessons. Rather than reading textbooks, watching real recordings and illustrations of
past events evokes much stronger curiosity, which might be the reason why I really dig TV
programs about history.

5. How (or, from where) do you get information about history?

There are a few ways for me to obtain information about history. The easiest is by attending
lessons at schools, though it can be pretty dreary sometimes. Moreover, as I was saying, I
enjoy history documentaries and with the access to the Internet, I also visit reputable websites
to read more about past events.
 Tedious (dài dòng, chán ngắt) [adj]: boring, tiresome
Example: The students found the headmaster’s speech extremely tedious.
 To be given a deep insight into something (được cung cấp hiểu biết sâu sắc về điều
gì) [expression]: to be provided detailed and in-depth knowledge about something
Example: We were given a deep insight into the history of Hawaii in our last history class.
 Liberation (sự giải phóng) [noun]: the act of freeing something/somebody
Example: One of the important results of the American Civil War was the liberation of slaves.
 Colonization (sự thuộc địa hóa) [noun]: The action or process of establishing control
over the native people of an area
Example: Vietnam was subjected to colonization by China for a thousand years.
 To be appreciative of predecessors (biết ơn ông cha, những người di trước)
[expression]: to be grateful for ancestors
Example: We should be appreciative of our predecessors, who have greatly contributed to the
liberation of our nation.
 To delve into something (tìm hiểu chi tiết, nghiên cứu điều gì) [expression]: to
investigate, to look into something very carefully
Example: I am now delving into a study of the Trojan War, being given it as an assignment in
 To be an alternative to something (là một lựa chọn thay thế cho điều gì)
[expression]: to be a replacement for something
Example: Renewable energy sources are efficient alternatives to fossil fuels.
 To dig something (thích thú với điều gì) [expression]: to be interested in something
Example: I love rock songs and I especially dig those from Queen.
 Dreary (u ám, buồn tẻ, chán ngắt) [adj]: gloomy, boring
Example: A day working in the office and dealing with tons of paperwork is dreary.

1. When do you have free time?
Well, in actual fact, I suppose I would have to say that it really depends. Like for instance, if
I’m not up to my ears in homework, then it’s quite possible that I will have time to indulge
my own interests at weekends. Whereas in contrast, when the final test comes, I would hardly
find a moment to relax.

2. Do you think it’s important to have leisure time?

As a matter of fact, I would say yes. Having quality leisure time means we can enhance our
communication skills and self-esteem by engaging in group activities based on shared
interests we can explore in book clubs, or exercise groups. Therefore, it helps relieve
boredom and improves our physical and emotional health, giving us the balance needed to
focus on our other, more stressful, daily activities.

3. How does that (the way Vietnamese people like to relax) compare with western
In my point of view, the way in which Westerners and Vietnamese people entertain
themselves has many aspects in common. Like for instance, women of both cultures often
consider shopping as an effective aid to de-stress and cheer themselves up. Meanwhile, men
are pretty into having a cup of coffee with a small group of friends in their leisure time.

4. Do your friends ever come to your home in their free time?

Definitely yes. As my house is within walking distance of my school, some of my friends
often come over to my home for lunch and a nap whenever we have classes in the afternoon.
Sometimes, at weekends we have a sleepover party as my parents are pretty comfortable
with me inviting friends to our home.

5. Compare the way people in Vietnam relax today and the way they used to relax years
ago ?
As the quality of life has improved substantially in recent years, there have been considerable
changes to the way Vietnamese people indulge themselves. It is common knowledge that
people nowadays have a tendency to consider high-tech devices as a means of
entertainment in their leisure time. Whereas in the past, people seemed to be more active as
they spent their free time doing outdoor activities such as playing sports or hanging out with

 Be up to one’s ears in something: [idiom] to be very busy, or to have more of
something than you can manage / quá bận rộn với việc gì
Example: She is up to her ears in debt.
 Indulge: [verb] allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of / nuông chiều bản thân
Example: You will be able to indulge your liking for cinema and music.
 Enhance: [verb] intensify, increase or further improve the quality of / làm tăng, nâng
Example: The development of advanced technology enhances our quality of life.
 Self-esteem: [noun] confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect / lòng tự
Example: We hope to build people's confidence and self-esteem with these projects.
 Shared interests: [noun phrase] hobbies that a group of people have in common / sở
thích chung
Example: People often choose their friends based on shared interests.
 Balance: [verb] keep something in a steady position so that it does not fall / cân bằng
Example: A working woman needs to organise her life to balance her professional and family
 Have something in common: [expression] of joint interests / có điểm chung, có sở
thích giống nhau
Example: My best friends and I have many things in common.
 De-stress: [verb] to get rid of nervous tension or anxiety / làm giảm căng thẳng
Example: He watches classic movie comedies as a way to de-stress.
 Cheer somebody up: [phrasal verb] to make someone feel happier / khiến ai đó vui
Example: He tried to tell funny stories in order to cheer her up.
 Be into something/doing something: [phrasal verb] like something / thích, say mê cái
Example: I am fairly into playing basketball.
 Be within walking distance: [expression] not very far, close enough to reach by
walking / rất gần, trong khoảng cách có thể đi bộ được
Example: My house is within walking distance of the city center.
 Come over (to): [phrasal verb] to visit a place / ghé qua, tạt qua
Example: Why don’t you come over to my house for dinner?
 Sleepover party: [noun phrase] a type of party when a group of young people stay for
the night at the house of a friend / tiệc ngủ
Example: This Saturday we have a sleepover party to celebrate my birthday.
 Have a tendency to: [expression] to be likely to do something, tend to / có khuynh
hướng làm gì
Example: He has a tendency to make decisions quickly.
 High-tech devices: [noun phrase] advanced gadgets such as computers, smart phones
/ thiết bị công nghệ cao
Example: The advent of high-tech devices dissuades young people from participating in
outdoor activities.
 A means of entertainment: [noun phrase] a way, a tool to relax and enjoy ourselves /
một hình thức giải trí
Example: Computer games are a popular means of entertainment among youngsters.
 Hang out with : [verb phrase] spending time with someone / đi chơi, tụ tập bạn bè
Example: At weekends, I often hang out with my friends.

8. Mirror
1. Do you often look at yourself in the mirror?
No, I don't. To be honest I don't think I'm a good-looking girl and mirrors remind me of that
so I often just quickly glance at myself before heading out just to make sure I look

2. Do you often buy mirror?

No, I don't. In fact I don't think I have ever bought a mirror before. It was my mum who
bought one for me.

3. Do you think mirrors are necessary ornaments?

Yes, absolutely. Whether we like it or not, appearance and being presentable matter. We're
judged partly by how we look and how we dress. That doesn't mean we need thick makeup
and designer clothing, but I think we should at least take a look at ourselves and notice which
visible flaws the mirror highlights.


To glance: liếc nhìn, liếc nhanh, nhìn qua

a. To direct the eyes at or toward something briefly.
“She glanced at her notes before entering the examination hall.”
b. To read quickly
“I glanced at the menu and decided to go with a portion of spaghetti.”

Appropriate: thích hợp, thích đáng

Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting.
“It’s challenging to select an appropriate treatment for all patients since people can have
different responses to medicines.”

Being presentable: thiếu sót, sai lầm

Presentable: chỉnh tề, bảnh bao; trưng bày được, phô ra được, coi được, chỉn chu
suitable or socially acceptable in appearance, dress, manners, etc., as for being introduced
into society
“I have to make myself presentable before our guests arrive.”

Judge: xét, xét đoán, phán đoán, đánh giá

form an opinion or conclusion about.
“Judging from his facial expression, something is wrong.”

Flaw: thiếu sót, sai lầm

a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned
or made, or that causes something not to be perfect:
“This report is full of flaws”

1. What sports do you like? (why ?)
Well, I would say that there’s quite a variety of sports on my favorites list but to be honest,
I’m particularly keen on basketball. I guess the reason for this could be that basketball is a
demanding and strenuous game, which helps me burn up lots of calories and keep myself
in shape. Besides, it is a group activity that gives me the chance to meet up with new friends
and build up strong relationships with others.

2. What sports are most popular in Vietnam?

It goes without saying that soccer is the most popular game across the globe and Vietnamese
people are not any exception in their passion for it. This is because football is an inexpensive
sport to play and everyone can get involved in the game as long as they want to. However,
the most convincing reason making it the leading sport in Vietnam should be that soccer
gives our people an opportunity to share in both the excitement and pride in our own country,
especially when it comes to international tournaments like the Sea Games or Asian Cup.

3. Are boys and girls good at the same sports?

Well, in all fairness, I would probably say no. Generally, there’s no doubt that boys tend to
perform better at strenuous and active sports which require greater strength and stamina,
such as football, boxing or basketball. Whereas in contrast, girls seem to be past masters at
more relaxing and gentle activities, like yoga or ballet.

4. What sports do children prefer?

In my estimation, I guess that kids are particularly keen on engaging in group activities like
soccer, or basketball. I suppose the explanation for this is that these games can be played in a
team of ten to twelve people, not only giving children an opportunity to make friends but also
bringing them great pleasure.

5. Do you like to do daily exercise? (why ?/why not?)

Well, to be quite honest, I’m pretty enthusiastic about working out. This is because regular
exercise not only prevents me from being obese like those sitting glued to the screens but
also allows me to discipline myself as I have to follow a fitness plan. In addition, keeping
myself physically active is probably the most effective way to get me into shape and help me
lead a healthy life.

6. What are the advantages of doing regular exercise?

Obviously there are a number of positive features. However, I guess the most evident would
be that doing a workout might minimize the risk of getting diseases like diabetes or eye-
related problems, which might help extend our life expectancy. Besides this, a second plus
point could be that daily exercise enables us to relieve stress and refresh our mind,
motivating us to focus on our daily tasks.

7. Where do people in Vietnam usually exercise?

Well, I suppose I would have to say that it kind of depends really. It goes without saying that
Vietnamese young people are in favor of going to the gym and having their personal trainers
to motivate them to reach their fitness goals. Whereas on the contrary, the elderly are more
given to going for a walk or joining a dance club in the park.

 Burn up lots of calories: [expression] getting rid of energy in order to keep fit / đốt
cháy nhiều năng lượng
Example: A good laugh can burn up as many calories per hour as brisk walking.
 Demanding: [adjective] requiring much skill or effort / (công việc) đòi hỏi, yêu cầu
cao về chuyên môn, sức khỏe,…
Example: He was involved in technically demanding work for which he was plainly well
 Strenuous: [adjective] requiring or using great exertion / đòi hỏi sự ráng sức, căng
Example: All your muscles need more oxygen during strenuous exercise.
 Keep oneself in shape: [expression] keeping fit, having a healthy body / giữ một thân
hình khỏe mạnh, giữ dáng
Example: I do exercises regularly in order to keep myself in shape.
 Build up strong relationships with: [expression] establishing friendship with others
/ xây dựng các mối quan hệ bền vững
Example: Participating in voluntary activities is a good opportunity to build up strong
relationship with others.
 Get involved in: [verb phrase] participating in, take part in an activity / tham gia,
tham dự
Example: Young people are enthusiastic about getting involved in community work.
 Convincing: [adjective] capable of causing someone to believe that something is true
or real / làm cho người ta tin, có sức thuyết phục
Example: There is no convincing evidence that advertising influences total alcohol
 When it comes to: [expression] to mention or to talk about something / khi nhắc tới
Example: When it comes to fishing, he is an expert.
 Tournament: [noun] (in a sport or game) a series of contests between a number of
competitors / (thể dục, thể thao) cuộc đấu, giải đấu
Example: England beat them in the semi-final in one of the best games of the tournament.
 Be good at something/doing something: [expression] to be very skilful at something
/ tài giỏi, có năng lực về một lĩnh vực nào đó
Example: To be honest, I’m not good at drawing.
 Stamina: [noun] the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort / sức chịu
đựng, khả năng chịu đựng
Example: Their secret to success is stamina rather than speed.
 Be a past master at: [expression] to be very good at something because you have
been doing it for a long time / rất giỏi, có năng lực trong việc nào đấy
Example: She is a past master at cooking omelets.
 Gentle: [adjective] mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender / nhẹ nhàng, dịu
Example: She was a gentle person who retained a well balanced perspective on life
throughout her long years.
 Engage in: [verb] participate in, get involved in something / tham gia, tham dự
Example: I'd be happy to engage in a discussion about the value of advertising.
 Meet up with: [verb phrase] hang out with, spend time with other people / gặp gỡ,
làm quen với những người bạn mới
Example: Travelling abroad is a golden opportunity to meet up with people of different
 Bring somebody great pleasure: [verb] to make someone happy / mang lại niềm vui
cho ai đó
Example: The new policy on tax reduction brings residents great pleasure.
 Obese: [adjective] being grossly fat or overweight / bệnh béo phì
Example: Children are becoming alarmingly more obese in developed countries.
 Sit glued to the screens: [expression] spending too much time watching TV or
playing computers / ngồi dán mắt vào màn hình
Example: Children nowadays often spend their free time sitting glued to the screens.
 Discipline: [verb] train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behavior / rèn luyện, đưa
vào kỉ luật
Example: Physical punishment is not the most effective way to discipline children.
 Get somebody into shape: [expression] keep fit / lấy lại vóc dáng
Example: I do regular exercise in order to get myself into shape.
 Lead a healthy life: [expression] in good condition, living a healthy lifestyle / ở trong
tình trạng sức khỏe tốt; ăn uống, vui chơi lành mạnh
Example: Avoiding eating fast food enables people to lead a healthy life.
 Minimize the risk of: [expression] avoiding a dangerous situation / làm giảm nguy
cơ, giảm thiểu rủi ro
Example: Giving disadvantaged children a chance to go to school is an effective way to
minimize the risk of them committing crimes.
 Diabetes: [noun] a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or
enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood / bệnh tiểu đường
Example: Obese people are likely to suffer from illnesses such as cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and asthma.
 Eye-related problems: [noun phrase] diseases relating to eyes / bệnh về mắt
Example: Playing computer games too much increases the risk of getting eye-related
 Extend life expectancy: [expression] be able to live longer, prolong the life span / kéo
dài tuổi thọ
Example: Advanced biological sciences enable people to extend their life expectancy.
 Refresh our mind: [expression] taking a break to relax and recharge energy / làm cho
đầu óc tỉnh táo, thư giãn
Example: Hanging out with friends at weekends is a common way to refresh our mind in
order to focus on daily demanding tasks.
 Be in favor of: [expression] on the side of; in support of / thích cái gì, ủng hộ cái gì
Example: Residents are in favor of the tax reduction policy.
 Reach one’s fitness goal: [expression] be able to have a healthy body by working out
Example: People have to work hard in order to reach their fitness goals. / có được thân hình
khỏe mạnh như mục tiêu đã đề ra
 Be given to: [expression] be likely to do something / có khuynh hướng làm gì,
nghiêng về cái gì
Example: My sister is given to shopping at malls where there is a greater choice of products.
10. Birds
1. How do you feel about birds? (why do you feel that way?)
I have to say I’m a bird-lover. It’s primarily because birds are absolutely beautiful creatures
with sweet songs. Watching them fly can evoke a feeling of freedom for me.

2. How do Vietnamese people feel about birds?

Well, it’s difficult to generalize. Some people are fond of keeping birds. Some only like to eat
them. And some develop a keen interest in taking pictures of birds.

3. Are there many birds near your home?

No. Birds are now a rare sight in my neighborhood or elsewhere in Hanoi center. I guess
because there’re too many skyscrapers and the environment is heavily polluted. You’re more
likely to find them in zoos, national parks, unpolluted cities or in the countryside.

4. Have you seen many different kinds of birds? (near your home)
No, I haven’t unfortunately. I have only seen some sparrows play on my balcony, but very
rarely. When I was still living in my hometown, a small village on the outskirts of Hanoi, I
spotted a variety of birds like pigeons, red-whiskered bulbuls, and spotted doves.

1. lover [noun]: (often in compounds) a person who likes or enjoys a particular thing (người
yêu thích)
Eg: He was a devoted animal lover, and had a large number of pets at home.
2. primarily [adverb]: mainly (chủ yếu)
Eg: It was the first book of poetry primarily designed for children.
3. creature [noun]: a living thing, real or imaginary, that can move around, such as an animal
(sinh vật, loài vật)
Eg: Dogs are more social creatures than cats.
4. evoke something [verb]: to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind (gợi lên)
Eg: The music evoked memories of her youth.
5. generalize [verb]: to use a particular set of facts or ideas in order to form an opinion that is
considered valid for a different situation (khái quát hoá)
Eg: It would be foolish to generalize from a single example.
6. interest (in somebody/something) [noun]: the feeling that you have when you want to know
or learn more about somebody/something (sự quan tâm; sự thích thú)
Eg: He showed a polite interest in her story.
 develop a keen interest in something: hình thành sở thích về điều gì
7. rare [adjective]: not done, seen, happening, etc. very often (hiếm; ít có)
Eg: It’s extremely rare for it to be this hot in April.
8. sight [noun]: a thing that you see or can see (cảnh, cảnh tượng)
Eg: The eagle is now a rare sight in this country.
9. skyscraper [noun]: a very tall building in a city (nhà chọc trời )
Eg: It's located in a square surrounded by towering skyscrapers.
10. national park [noun]: an area of land that is protected by the government for people to
visit because of its natural beauty and historical or scientific interest (vườn quốc gia)
Eg: The area was designated a national park because of the many rare creatures living there.
11. outskirts [noun]: the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre (vùng ngoại ô)
Eg: We live on the outskirts of a big city and we take a bus to the centre.
12. spot [verb]: to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to
do so (nhận ra, phát hiện ra)
Eg: Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?
13. pigeon [noun]: a fat grey and white bird with short legs. Pigeons are common in cities and
also live in woods and fields where people shoot them for sport or food. (chim bồ câu)
Eg: A pigeon strutted along the roof, singing rhythmically.
14. Red-whiskered bulbul [noun]: a songbird found in Asia (chim chào mào)
Eg: The red-whiskered bulbul has white cheeks, brown back, and a long white-tipped tail.
15. spotted [adjective]: having a regular pattern of round dots on it (lốm đốm)
Eg: I received a black and white spotted dress as a gift from my father.
16. spotted dove [noun]: is a small and quite long-tailed pigeon which natively lives in the
Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia (chim cu gáy)
Eg: The spotted dove has a grey head and grey-brown neck and underparts.

11. Food/Cooking
1. Is food important to you? (why?)
Yes, definitely. I believe food is an essential part of everyone’s lives. Without it, we wouldn’t
have the energy and nutrients to grow and develop, be healthy and active, to move, work,
play, think and learn.
2. What kinds of food you like? (why?)
I have to say that I’m a big fan of Vietnamese traditional food because it’s tasty, healthy and
not greasy at all. It is usually made with plenty of vegetables, and flavored with fresh herbs
and spices. Just thinking of it whets my appetite already.

3. Is there any food you don’t like? (why?)

Yes, there is. I’m not a fussy eater, but I can’t stand onions and I have an allergy to seafood.
I try to avoid meals that might contain these products.

4. What kinds of food are the most popular in Vietnam?

I think Vietnamese traditional food is always everyone’s favourite in my country. But recently
foreign foods from Korea, Japan or Western countries are also gaining more and more
popularity. Eating the same kind of food can dull our appetite so we sometimes want to try
something new.

5. Do you like cooking? (why?/why not?)

Well, I love to cook, especially for my family on special occasions, but I find everyday
cooking a real chore. I like to try out new recipes when I’m in a relaxed mood.

6. Who usually does the cooking in your home?

Mostly my mother, but I take turns sometimes. To me she’s the best cook ever who can
always guarantee lovely home-cooked food. Unlike her cooking, the quality of my food is a
bit hit-and-miss.

1. Essential [adjective]: completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or
for a particular activity (cần thiết)
Eg: Even in small companies, computers are an essential tool.
2. Energy [noun]: the physical and mental effort that you use to do something (năng lượng)
Eg: She put all her energies into her work, so she arrives home very tired.
3. Nutrient [noun]: a substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it to
grow (chất bổ dưỡng)
Eg: Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
4. Active [adjective]: always busy doing things, especially physical activities (năng động)
Eg: Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active.
5. Fan [noun]: a person who admires somebody/something or enjoys watching or listening to
somebody/something very much (người hâm mô ̣)
Eg: I’m a big fan of Italian food, especially pizza and spaghetti.
6. Tasty (adjective): having a strong and pleasant flavour (ngon)
Eg: The food is tasty and well-presented.
7. Healthy [adjective]: good for your health (tốt cho sức khỏe)
Eg: We have a very healthy diet, with lots of fruit and vegetables.
8. Greasy [adjective]: covered in a lot of grease or oil (bóng mỡ)
Eg: The sink was piled high with greasy dishes.
9. Flavor [verb] to add something to food to make it more tasty (…….)
Eg: She likes to flavor her cooking with lots of spices.
10. Herb (noun): a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines
or for their pleasant smell. Parsley, mint and oregano are all herbs. (thảo mộc)
Eg: Add a teaspoonful of mixed herbs before you put the pizza in the oven.
11. Spice [noun]: one of the various types of powder or seed that come from plants and are
used in cooking. Spices have a strong taste and smell (đồ gia vị)
Eg: The shop sells a large range of herbs and spices.
12. Whet [verb]: to increase your desire for or interest in something (…..)
Eg: The travel program will whet your appetite to visit Paris.
13. Appetite [n]: physical desire for something, usuall food (sự ngon miê ̣ng)
Eg: He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite.
14. Fussy [adjective]: too concerned or worried about details or standards, especially
unimportant ones (kiểu cách)
Eg: Our teacher is very fussy about exact punctuation.
 fussy eater: người ăn uống kiểu cách
15. Stand [verb]: used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do
not like somebody/something (chiụ đựng)
Eg: I can't stand the sight of blood, so I could never be a nurse.
16. Allergy [noun]: a medical condition that causes you to react badly or feel ill/sick when
you eat or touch a particular substance (dị ứng)
Eg: I have an allergy to animal hair and I start to sneeze.
17. Foreign [adjective]: in or from a country that is not your own (thuộc về một nước khác)
Eg: He drives a foreign car, which was imported from Germany.
18. Dull [verb]: to become or make something less bright or sharp
Eg: Don’t eat anything before a meal – it will dull your appetite.
19. Chore [noun]: a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work (gánh
Eg: I am sick and tired of all the chores in the house.
20. Recipe [noun]: a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the
ingredients (= items of food) you need for it (công thức)
Eg: Each month we feature easy low-fat recipes.
21. Mood [noun]: the way you are feeling at a particular time (tâm trạng)
Eg: She's in a good mood today (= happy and friendly).
 relaxed mood: tâm trạng thoải mái.
22. Turn [noun]: the time when somebody in a group of people should or is allowed to do
something (phiên)
Eg: When it's your turn, take another card.
 take turns: đến lượt
23. To guarantee [verb]: to make something certain to happen (đảm bảo)
Eg: These days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job.
24. hit-and-miss [adjective]: not done in a careful and planned way (….)
Eg: I may pass the exam, but my revision has been a bit hit-and-miss.


1. Do you play any indoor games?
Honestly, there’s quite a wide range of indoor games that I’m particularly into. However, the
game that attracts me the most is Monopoly, which is a real estate trading game. This is
because monopoly not only provides me with hours of entertainment, but it also teaches me
valuable lessons on risk assessment, timing and diversification - all useful tools for
investing in the real world.

2. Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

As a matter of fact, I prefer to engage in outdoor activities rather than staying inside. Playing
outdoor games keeps me physically active, which might prevent me from suffering from
diseases like obesity or diabetes later in life. In addition, participating in strenuous games
such as tennis and basketball is an effective way to get myself into shape and build up my
muscles and strength.

3. What indoor games did you play when you were a child?
Well, looking back on my childhood, I remember I spent most of my leisure time on board
games, puzzles and cards. I suppose the reason why I found these games appealing was that
they were so challenging that when I had achieved the goal, I mean when I had solved the
problem, I could feel an enormous sense of accomplishment. Seeing the tangible results of
mastering a new skill, hence, strengthened my confidence to take on the next challenge.
4. Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?
To be honest, as a child, I was fairly enthusiastic about playing chess, which was possibly
the best known board game at the time. The reason why I was into this brain game might be
that I enjoyed the challenge of thinking ahead and trying to outwit my opponent. Also,
although I love winning, chess taught me to learn from my losses and to congratulate the
person who had beaten me.

5. What sorts of indoor games do children play now?

Well, it goes without saying that there’s fairly broad range of indoor activities, however, in
my estimation, kids nowadays are pretty keen on board games. I guess the explanation for this
could be that these games have an ability to stimulate children’s curiosity and creativity.
Besides, these kinds of games teach youngsters about the importance of following directions,
taking turns, and socializing with others – all essential skills for succeeding in school and life.

 Real estate: [noun] property consisting of land or buildings / bất động sản
Example: She has been in real estate for 11 years, buying and selling houses.
 Entertainment: [noun] the action of providing or being provided with amusement or
enjoyment / sự giải trí
Example: Everyone just sits in front of the TV for entertainment.
 Risk assessment: [noun phrase] a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks
that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking / sự đánh giá rủi ro
Example: Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of a good
occupational health and safety management plan.
 Timing: [noun] the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done /
quản lí thời gian
Example: One of the secrets of golf is good timing, so that you maintain a steady rhythm
when you hit the ball.
 Diversitification: [noun] the process of changing so that there is greater variety / sự
đa dạng hóa
Example: The company decided on a policy of diversification, producing a range of goods.
 Engage in: [verb] participate in, get involved in something / tham gia, tham dự
Example: I'd be happy to engage in a discussion about the value of advertising.
Suffer from: [verb] . To feel pain or distress; sustain injury or harm / mắc, bị (bệnh); trải qua
cái gì đó
Example: He suffers from asthma, and so he can only do gentle exercises.
 Obesity: [noun] the condition of being grossly fat or overweight / bệnh béo phì
Example: Obesity is becoming an alarming problem among children in developed countries.
 Diabetes: [noun] a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or
enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood / bệnh tiểu đường
Example: Obese people are likely to suffer from illnesses such as cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and asthma.
 Strenuous: [adjective] requiring or using great exertion / đòi hỏi sự ráng sức, căng
Example: All your muscles need more oxygen during strenuous exercise.
 Get somebody into shape: [expression] keep fit / lấy lại vóc dáng
Example: I do regular exercise in order to get myself into shape.
 Build up: [phrasal verb] to make something stronger than it was before /……….
Example: I have to build up my confidence before I take the exam again.
 Look back on: [phrasal verb] to think about something that happened in the past / nhớ
lại quá khứ
Example: It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it.
 Appealing: [adjective] attractive or interesting / lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn
Example: The rural life is somehow more appealing than my stressful life in the city.
 Achieve the goal: [expression] to accomplish a purpose / đạt được mục tiêu
Example: Having worked hard, he was finally able to achieve his goal.
 Enormous: [adjective] very large in size, quantity, or extent / khổng lồ, to lớn
Example: He did an enormous amount of revision and, as a result, he passed the exam.
 Tangible: [adjective] perceptible by touch / hữu hình, có thật, rõ ràng
Example: Maybe one day he will understand that there are real and tangible consequences of
making mistakes.
 Master a new skill: [expression] to be good at, excel at doing something / thành thạo
một kĩ năng mới
Example: With the help of her piano teacher, she mastered a new skill – the ability to read
 Be enthusiastic about: [expression] like something, have passion for something /
thích, say mê cái gì
Example: I am enthusiastic about playing basketball, as it is the best way to have fun and
relieve stress.
 Think ahead: [phrasal verb]
to have thoughts about something that is to happen in the future / nghĩ trước về tương lai, đi
trước một bước
Example: We're already thinking ahead to what will happen after the accident.
 Outwit: [verb] deceive or defeat by greater ingenuity / đánh bại, qua mặt
Example: She had outwitted many an opponent.
 Opponent: [noun] someone who competes against or fights another in a contest,
game, or argument; a rival or adversary / đối thủ
Example: He beat his opponent by a landslide margin in the election.
 Congratulate: [verb] give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or
pleasant has happened to them / chúc mừng, khen ngợi
Example: I went into the living room to congratulate Bill on his marriage.
 Have an ability to: [expression] be able to / có thể, có khả năng làm gì
Example: A pig has an ability to eat an enormous amount of food.
 Stimulate: [verb] To rouse to action or increased activity; excite / khuyến khích, kích
Example: The courses stimulate a passion for learning.
 Curiosity: [noun] a strong desire to know or learn something / sự tò mò
Example: I left the museum with a great curiosity to know more about dinosaurs .
 Youngster: [noun] a child, young person, or young animal / người trẻ tuổi
Example: Members are organising a transport survey to find out how youngsters get to

13. Rain
1. Does it rain much in Vietnam? (Where? When?)
As it is entirely located in the tropical belt, Vietnam receives quite a great amount of
precipitation every year. However, the part that records the highest rainfall is the northern
section of Central Vietnam when the northeast monsoon arrives, between September and
December. This region can also be affected by the typhoon season in the Western Pacific,
which can see severe storms lashing the coast from August to November.

2. Is there any part of Vietnam where it doesn’t rain much? (Where?)

In general, I guess the driest place in Vietnam might possibly be Ninh Thuan province, which
is situated on the south-central coast. The weather there is quite extreme with a lot of wind
as well as a hot and dry atmosphere during the year. Also, there is no winter here, and the
average temperature is considerably higher than most other parts of the country.

3. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?

Well, currently, I am living in Hanoi, which is located in the northern part of Vietnam. I
suppose that in the north, the rainy season comes during the summer months, extending from
mid-April to mid-October. This is because during this time of the year, the city’s climate is
influenced by the southwest monsoon, which brings moist air from the oceans to the land and
causes torrential rain.

4. What about the other parts of Vietnam? (In which season does it rain most in other
parts of Vietnam?)

Well, the southern part of Vietnam, especially the Mekong Delta, gets plenty of rain and hot,
humid weather during the southwest monsoon from April to September, with June and July
being especially wet. Meanwhile, the centre of the country receives the most rainfall between
September and December, during which time the region suffers from severe storms and

5. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?
Yes, of course. I suppose it was about a year or so ago, when we had several days of
torrential rain, almost non-stop, and so the whole of my neighbourhood got flooded. You
know, the water was, like, up to my knees, and so the traffic came to a complete standstill.
So, yeah, that was probably the worst time I can remember.

6. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown? (How?)

Yeah, for sure. As a matter of fact, rain often causes severe traffic congestion, especially
when there is heavy downpour. People should expect to be stuck for hours in a traffic jam.
I’m not exactly sure why, but it’s possibly because vehicles tend to move slower in the rain.

 Tropical belt: [noun phrase] area between the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of
Capricon / vành đai nhiệt đới
Example: The northern and southern populations were naturally separated by the warm
tropical belts in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
 Precipitation: [noun] rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground / mưa
Example: In places where the warmer air extends to the ground, the precipitation will fall as
 Monsoon: [noun] a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast
Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet
monsoon), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ) / gió mùa
Example: We get only very little rain during the southwest monsoon.
 Typhoon: [noun] a tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans
/ bão
Example: Severe tropical cyclones correspond to the hurricanes or typhoons of other parts of
the world.
 Lash: [verb] to move suddenly and swiftly; rush, dash, or flash / vụt qua, tàn phá
Example: Strong winds and storms are lashing the east coast of the USA.
 Province: [noun] a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires /
Example: The school is in a poor district of the province and students often go without the
simplest of items, let alone educational funds.
 Situate: [verb] fix or build (something) in a certain place or position / được đặt ở, nằm

Example: The pilot light is usually situated at the front of the boiler.
 Extreme: [adjective] reaching a high or the highest degree; very great / cực, rất
Example: There is extreme cold in Hanoi during the winter.
 Atmosphere: [noun] the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet /
không khí, bầu khí quyển
Example: In dry weather the electric potential in the atmosphere is normally positive relative
to the earth, and increases with the height.
 Rainy season: [noun phrase] the time during which there is a large amount of rainfall
/ mùa mưa
Example: The traffic often gets congested during rainy season.
 Moist: [adjective] slightly wet; damp or humid / ẩm ướt
Example: The air was moist and heavy after the storm passed.
 Torrential: [adjective] (of rain) falling rapidly and in copious quantities / chảy mạnh,
(mưa) như trút xuống
Example: The rest of the day torrential rain fell, the grass becoming a bog, the river turning
to a lake.
 Come to a complete standstill: [idiom] to slow down and finally stop; to stop entirely
/ dừng lại, trì trệ
Example: As the strike began, the production line came to a complete standstill.
 Congestion: [noun] the state of being overcrowded / sự tắc nghẽn
Example: The new bridge should ease congestion in the area.
 Downpour: [noun] a heavy rainfall / mưa lớn
Example: A sudden downpour had filled the gutters and drains.

`14. Going out

1. Do you like going out with your friends?
Definitely. I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and I consider this a great way to
blow off some steam as well as to strengthen our bonds. I’m really into meeting friends, just
to make some small talk and gossip with each other.

2. Do you often go out with friends?

As I was saying, I treasure my time with my friends and I always spare some of my time for
them every week. My best friends and I attend different universities but we meet up every
Sunday to catch up with each other’s life. It’s a pity that we’re both up to the ears with school
assignments and haven’t been able to see each other much lately.

3. What do you do when you go out?

Well, I’d say that it really depends. If it’s in the summer when the weather is sweltering then
I will opt for places like cinemas, cafes or shopping malls where I can stay in the cool.
Whereas if it’s in the autumn or even winter when the weather is rather chilly, I would go
outside and you know, take a stroll and feel the breeze.

4. Where do you go when you go out?

Well, every time I hang out with my friends, I try to look up exotic destinations to visit. Still,
my favourite go-to place is theme parks where I can unwind by going on crazy rides with my
friends. Also, being a food enthusiast, I spend most of my time outside going to restaurants,
trying out exquisite dishes and delicacies.

5. Do you prefer to go out with a large group of friends or just a few friends?
It really depends on the occasion, I guess. If it’s a party, like a year-end party or a reunion,
larger groups would heat up the atmosphere better. Yet, on a regular basis or on special
days like birthdays, I tend to lean towards sharing intimate moments with a few close friends.

 To blow off some steam (thư giãn, xả stress) [expression]: to relax, to relieve stress
Example: I go to gatherings with my friends every weekend to blow off some steam.
 To make small talk (nói chuyện phiếm) [noun]: to have
informal conversation about things that are not important
Example: They made small talk while waiting for the meeting to start to kill time.
 To spare time for something/somebody (dành thời gian cho cái gì/ ai đó) [phrase]:
to set aside some time for something/somebody
Example: Always spare time for your family no matter how busy you are.
 To take a stroll (đi dạo) [phrase]: to go on a walk
Example: It is my habit to take a stroll every night, both to exercise and to relax.
 To feel the breeze (cảm nhận làn gió, hóng gió) [phrase]: to enjoy the light wind
Example: Autumn is the perfect time to go out and feel the breeze.
 Go-to (nói về một thứ mình luôn chọn, nghĩ đến đầu tiên) [adj]: talking about
something can always be relied on to bring satisfaction,success, or good results
Example: One of my go-to songs at karaoke is ‘Lucky’.
 A food enthusiast (một người đam mê ẩm thực) [phrase]: someone with a deep
passion for food
Example: Sally is such a food enthusiast. She spends a lot of money and time going to
restaurants and also trying out different recipes at home.
 Exquisite (cực kỳ đẹp và tinh tế) [adj]: extremely beautiful and delicate
Example: An exquisite hand-painted vase from China may cost millions of dollars.
 To heat up the atmosphere (làm nóng bầu không khí) [phrase]: to liven up the
Example: The DJ heated up the atmosphere at the party with an upbeat EDM track.
1. Describe a café you like.
I’m going to describe a café that I’ve been to recently; the name is Meow Coffee and it’s on
Tay Son Street, Hanoi.
I think you could easily recognize it just from the name that this coffee shop offers you
many kinds of drinks together with the chance of pampering the cats. I’m a cat person so
this place is like heaven to me. I’ve only been there twice; the first time was with one of my
friends and the second time all by myself.
I felt like I was in love the first time I went to Meow Coffee. You could see the cats sleeping
or playing with each other so happily and comfortably. The first cat I saw on my first visit
was a British Short Hair; it was orange, looking so grumpy but cute. He was sound asleep on
a stool, and didn’t even care a bit even if the guests entered and started to lightly pet him.
There are maybe dozens of cats in there together with some cute dogs that are really nice to
people. The place feels cozy and has a nice smell; it’s also very clean, in my opinion, for a
place that has pets. The owner has decorated the coffee shop with toys and supplied some
particular facilities to take care of the pets, and also a written set of rules with cute images on
how to pamper the pets.
I had a really great time there, enjoying the drinks and playing along with the cute cats. I
brought an assignment to work on the second time I visited this place, and the cats were so
nice: they didn’t bother me, some of them just lay or sat beside me or climbed into my lap and
slept there, didn’t even move an inch.
I would recommend this place for any animal lovers, especially cat people. I will definitely
go to Meow Coffee again if I have time.

 Easily recognize [phrase]- to be able to know someone or something easily because
you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before.
e.g. Doctors can now easily recognize the symptoms of different diseases.
 Pamper [verb] (nuông chiều) to give someone/animal special treatment, making
him/her/it as comfortable as possible and giving them whatever they want
e.g. She pampered her dogs with the finest steak and salmon.
 Cat person [noun] (người yêu mèo) a person who adores cats
e.g. Anne is a cat person; she yells happily whenever she sees a cat and immediately starts
petting it.
 Feel like they/he / she are /is in love [phrase] - to feel attracted to someone
and begin to love them:
e.g. When they met they felt like they were in love for the first time in their lives.
 Grumpy [adjective] (cáu kỉnh) bad-tempered and sulky
e.g. He’s grumpy because he hasn’t heard from you for, like, ages.
 Pet [verb] (vuốt ve) touch animal gently and kindly with hands
e.g. Our dogs love to be petted and tickled behind the ears.
 Cozy [adjective] (ấm cúng) giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation
e.g. They cater to people who want a safe and cozy place to relax after work.
 Recommend sth - to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable
for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done:
e.g. I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious.

2. Describe a plan you made in your life (except work or study)

When I was in second year at university, my friends and I had some free time on our hands
so we decided to do something special besides studying. And so we came up with a
fundraising plan.
Our plan was to run a nonprofit campaign. We were supposed to grow some little trees
together, and then give one of those trees to each person who donated money, books or
clothes for our campaign. Then we would give those donations to children and the poor in
need. The purpose was to help poor people and to raise people’s awareness of the need for
trees and environmental protection as well.
We were a group of four. At first, I was in two minds about whether or not to invite a girl
called Ann to join us. She is a creative person, she always thinks outside the box, but she is
also a bit capricious. She will never apply herself like we do, and will give up as soon as
something unpleasant happens. But my friends insisted on inviting her, so I had to agree with
them. Not unexpectedly, when we ran into some trouble, she was the first one to give up.
More than that, she told other people in my class that we took donated money, books and
other stuff for ourselves. She upset my plan with her false stories. I haven’t considered her as
a friend since then. And I’ve carried out all of my plans on my own, and never trusted any
other person anymore.
1. Time on our hands [idiom]: to have spare time when you have not planned or
arranged to do anything
Eg: The class was cancelled so, as we had some time on our hands, we decided to take a
walk in the park.
2. Fundraising [noun]: the act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose,
especially for a charity
Eg: The dinner is a fundraising event for the museum.
3. In two minds [idiom]: If you are in two minds about something, you have difficulty
deciding what to do
Eg: I'm in two minds about whether or not to accept the offer.
4. Think outside the box [idiom]: think differently, unconventionally, or from a new
Eg: You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box.
5. Capricious [adjective]: it describes a kind of person who becomes passionate to do
something in the first place, but soon gets bored or lazy about it
Eg: She seems to have a new hobby each week and she is too capricious to remain interested
in one thing for too long.
6. Apply one’s self [idiom]: to work hard and diligently at something
Eg: She applied herself to her work and the time passed very rapidly.
7. Run into [phrasal verb]: to experience an unexpected problem
Eg: During the exam, I ran into difficulties and I failed to answer all the questions.
8. Upset one’s plan [idiom]: to ruin someone’s plan
Eg: I hope it doesn't upset your plans if I'm late for the meeting.

Part 3:
1. Do you think people should have plans or just do whatever they like
I reckon that people should plan matters ahead for a wide range of reasons. First of all, to
assess risks and opportunities. Taking risks is necessary for growth, expanding your comfort
zone, and achieving success. Planning ahead gives us confidence to take the risks that others
may not take. Second, to become proactive. By becoming proactive, you will be able to take
the right action in the face of challenge and adversity. As a result, you welcome change
because you are ready for any type of challenge.

2. Do most people accomplish their plans? Why?

In fact, most people fail to stick to their plans. The first reason is that we often magnify our
fears more than we do our abilities. Fear robs us of our self-confidence and allows us to come
up with reasons why we can’t do things or make them happen. The second reason is that we
don’t have enough determination to press ahead with our plans. When we establish plans for
the wrong reasons and chase after things we don’t really need or desire; we aren’t driven to
pursue them, and end up wasting a great deal of time, energy and money that could have been
spent pursuing things that resonate with us.

3. What are the factors that young people will consider when choosing jobs?
In the past, people used to think that the salary is of paramount importance when choosing a
job. But in modern life, the young tend to consider things like their passion, work
environment, training and educational opportunities, so on so forth. For example, young
people often take some stock of what they’re passionate about before choosing a job. They
believe that what gets them fired up will ensure their longevity and make them apply
themselves to the job.

4. What are the impacts of families on people choosing jobs?

The effect of parents on a person’s choice of career includes parents’ careers, activities a
family often engage in, parents’ encouragement and expectations, and the parent-child
relationship. For example, in terms of encouragement, when parents make it clear they have
no specific expectations for their child’s career, she often feels free to explore a greater
variety of professions, choosing one based on her own preferences instead of those of her

5. What is the impact of salary on doing work?

Well, salary plays a distinctive role in how well employees perform. Incentivized pay, based
on the quantity of work delivered rather than on the time spent on the job, is particularly
beneficial for increasing worker productivity. In fact, the feeling of not being paid fairly in
relation to workload demotivates employees. But salary is not everything. Some employees
might be prepared to trade off lower salary against certain benefits, such as a higher
retirement payout, an enjoyable job or feeling less controlled at the workplace.

1. comfort zone [noun] a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your
ability and determination are not being tested
Eg: Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.
2. proactive [adj] taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when
it happens
Eg: Companies are going to have to be more proactive about environmental management
3. stick to sth [phrasal verb] to do something that you promised or decided you would
do, or that you believe you should do
Eg: We said we’d give her the cash, and we must stick to our agreement
4. press ahead with [phrasal verb] to continue to do something although there is
opposition to it
Eg: The company pressed ahead with plans to build the skyscraper.
5. Resonate [verb] to continue to have a powerful effect or value:
Eg: The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries.
6. take stock of sth [idiom] to examine a situation carefully
Eg: After two days of record snowfalls, millions of Americans began digging out and taking
stock of storm damage.
7. fire someone up [phrasal verb] to motivate someone; to make someone enthusiastic.
Eg: See if you can fire John up and get him to rake the leaves
8. longevity [noun] long existence or service.
Eg: "her longevity at work now appeared as a handicap to her career"
9. apply yourself - if you apply yourself to something, you work hard at it, directing
your abilities and efforts in a determined way so that you succeed:
Eg: You can solve any problem if you apply yourself.
10. preference [noun] - the fact that you like something or someone more than another
thing or person
Eg: Her preference is for part-time work at the moment. It suits her new role as a mother.
11. distinctive [adj] something that is distinctive is easy to recognize because it is different
from other things:
Eg: a distinctive smell/taste; she's got a very distinctive voice.
12. incentive [noun] something that encourages a person to do something:
Eg: Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more
of their income.

3. Describe a shop opened in your hometown

You should say
where the shop is
what items it sells
how often you go there
why you go there

Well, I’m not a shopaholic, so there´s no particular shop that has made a special impression
on me. There’s only one exception – that’s a shop called Vinmart +, which was opened in my
hometown 2 months ago.
The shop is located at one of the prime spots for retailing. It is located right beside my
previous primary school, which is only 1km away from my house. I have to say that this shop
makes its mission to satisfy all customer needs anytime, anywhere. As well as meeting the
customers’ demand for necessary daily goods like other shops, it also supplies fresh
vegetables, fruit and meat of a high quality at reasonable prices. These products have clearly-
marked sources of origin and are strictly controlled under the general process of the entire
This shop is in a chain of retail shops under Vingroup, which is recognized as one of the most
dynamic and successful companies in Vietnam, well-positioned for international integration
and comparable to the best regional and global competitors. Therefore, I suppose there’s no
doubt about its quality. Actually, quality assurance is the most important benefit of shopping
here. And the quality of service is excellent as well. To the best of my recollection, 2 weeks
ago, when I came to buy some snacks, I met a middle-aged woman with her son at Vinmart.
She said to the staff that she only went window shopping to pamper her son, who always
liked visiting supermarkets and shops to see things. The staff were very welcoming and gave
her son a candy as a gift. I could see that her son was over the moon. That left me with a
lasting and positive impression about Vinmart.

1. Shopaholic [noun]: a person who enjoys shopping very much and does it a lot
Eg: A self-confessed shopaholic, Diane loved looking for new clothes with her two
2. Prime [adj]: main or most important
Eg: Though I'd like to know more about Spanish culture, this was not my prime motivation
for doing the course.
1. Retailing [noun]: the business of selling goods to the public
Eg: There are good career opportunities in retailing if you enjoy dealing with customers.
2. Integration [noun]: the process of combining two or more things into one
Eg: One of the company's weaknesses is poor integration of business processes with
information systems.
3. Competitor [noun]: an organization that competes against another, especially in
Eg: The business is successful because it sells better-quality goods than its competitors.
4. Window shopping [expression]: the activity of spending time looking at the goods on
sale in shop windows without intending to buy any of them
Eg: The office workers go window-shopping in their lunch hour, looking for things to buy
when they get paid.
5. Pamper [verb]: to give someone special treatment, making that person as comfortable
as possible and giving them whatever they want
Eg: Why not pamper yourself after a hard day with a hot bath scented with oils?
6. Welcoming [adjective]: friendly to someone who is visiting or arriving
Eg: The hotel has a good reputation for being very welcoming to guests.
7. Over the moon [idiom]: extremely happy
Eg: Sarah was over the moon when she found out she'd got the job.
8. Lasting [adjective]: continuing to exist or have an effect for a long time.
Eg: I formed many lasting friendships at university and I often visit many of these old

Part 3:
1. Do people living in small cities know more about their neighbors than people
living in big cities?
Well… yes, maybe they really do. The chance of meeting someone familiar to you in a small
city is definitely higher than that in a bigger city, plus the fact that most people who live in a
metropolis tend to be too busy to actually pay attention to anyone that lives next door.

2. What are the benefits of having kind neighbors?

Having friendly and nice neighbors can bring about some certain benefits. First, a kind
neighbor can definitely offer help whenever you’re suddenly in immediate need of something,
for example when you lose your keys and cannot go to a friend’s house because it’s late.
Second, I think you can always make friends with whoever is living next door and isn’t it
even better if that person turns out to be so nice? They can exert a positive influence on you
and maybe help you with your problems, like giving advice on your social life for instance.

3. Why do neighbors seldom talk to each other nowadays?

The first reason, I think, is because people are getting busier and busier. They can hardly take
care of themselves and their own family, let alone spare some time for their neighbors.
Another reason is that people, especially those living in big cities, tend to live in an apartment,
which is a very closed space and this hinders direct interaction among neighbors. The
flourishing of social networks, which poses a threat to face-to-face communication, can also
be one factor leading to the lack of interaction between someone and his/her neighbor.

4. How to improve the relationship among neighbors?

I think in order to strengthen the relationship among neighbors, people need to manage their
time better. As I said, they can hardly find the time to talk to their neighbors as they are too
busy, so time management is definitely something people need to work on. Another thing is
that they need to pluck up their courage to come and talk to their neighbors. If you want to
make a change to a relationship, I believe you have to be the one to make the first move –
talk to them first and they will talk to you back, and the relationship can naturally be

 Metropolis [noun] (đô thị) a very large city, often the most important city in a large
area or country
e.g. Soon afterwards he left the countryside to begin his career in the metropolis.

 Exert [verb] (sử dụng/áp dụng ảnh hưởng) to use something such as power,
authority, influence, etc. in order to make something happen
e.g. If you want to exert your influence they might change their decision.

 Let alone do something [expression] (huống hồ/chưa kể đến) and to an even greater
degree do something
e.g. Brian would never read a newspaper, let alone a book.

 Spare [verb] (dành (thời gian)) to give time, money, or space to someone, especially
when it is difficult for you
e.g. I’d love to come, but I can’t spare the time.

 Hinder [verb] (cản trở) to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit
the development of something
e.g. Her progress certainly hasn’t been hindered by her lack of experience.

 Work on something [phrasal verb] (luyện tập/thay đổi) to spend time repairing or
improving something
e.g. His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina.

 Pluck up your courage/Pluck up (the) courage to do smth [expression] (lấy hết

can đảm làm gì) to force yourself to be brave to do something, although you are frightened or
worried about it
e.g. He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him.

 Make the first move [expression] (hành động trước) to be the first to take action
e.g. Neither sides seemed prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace

4. Describe a talk or a speech

Three months ago, I attended a seminar organized by my university. The purpose of

the seminar was to present and discuss the job opportunities for undergraduate students in
Vietnam. At first, I hadn’t planned on attending the seminar but on second thoughts, I
decided to go with a friend of mine since I believed that the talk would offer me some
constructive advice on my future career plan. The keynote speaker was a representative of
an educational agency which places strong emphasis on helping students accumulate real
working experience after university graduation. Before delivering the speech, the speaker
forged the bonds between the students in the auditorium by organizing some warm-up
games, which I consider a good approach to capture the attention of the audience and lighten
the atmosphere. He then analyzed a great number of qualities an employer expects from
applicants and he went on to demonstrate the ways to impress employers in an interview, thus
enabling us to have a thorough preparation for our careers later on. Besides, he also
presented some information about long-term career opportunities in Vietnam and discussed
the highly skilled jobs for which there is a shortage of workers. Throughout the speech, what
most impressed me was his endless patience and dedication to delivering the information and
helping the audience understand every single matter clearly. He was always willing to answer
any question asked by the students no matter how minor the problems might be. This is one
of the most significant qualities of a speaker that he clearly possesses. In brief, I found the
speech very informative and useful as it answered a great number of questions I had at the
back of my mind.

1. Seminar [noun]: an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to
study and discuss something (buổi hội thảo, chuyên đề)
Eg: When I was a student, I used to attend a lot of seminars.
2. Plan on [phrasal verb]: intend or expect to do something
Eg: We are planning on driving to the coast on Sunday.
3. On second thoughts [expression]: used to say that you have changed your opinion (suy
đi nghĩ lại)
Eg: I am planning on staying at home tonight. Actually, on second thoughts, I will go out
with you.
4. Constructive [adjective]: helpful (có ích, mang tính xây dựng)
Eg: My father usually gives me a lot of constructive advice.
5. Representative [noun]: someone who does something on behalf of a group of people
(người đại diện)
Eg: She is the representative of the company.
6. Place emphasis on [expression]: special importance that is given to something/ to put
stress on (nhấn mạnh)
Eg: My English teacher places emphasis on grammar and word choices.
7. Accumulate [verb]: to get more and more of something over a period of time (tích lũy)
Eg: By working assiduously, she accumulated a fortune.
8. Forge the bond [expression]: to connect people together (gắn kết mọi người)
Eg: The cultural exchange agreement has forged the bonds between Vietnam and Canada.
9. Auditorium [noun]: a large room where meetings are held (khán phòng)
Eg: Smoking is prohibited in the auditorium.
10. Lighten [verb]: to reduce worry or tension (làm sôi nổi)
Eg: His great sense of humor lightened the atmosphere.
11. Thorough [adjective]: careful (tỉ mỉ, kĩ lưỡng)
Eg: A lot of thorough preparation has been done for the meeting.
12. Shortage [noun]: lack of something (sự thiếu hụt)
Eg: There is a shortage of water in the area.
13. Dedication [noun]: the state of giving a lot of time and energy to something because it
is important (sự cống hiến, tận tụy)
Eg: Success in teaching lies in the power of hard work and dedication to students.
14. Minor [adjective]: not important or serious (nhỏ nhặt)
Eg: Some minor changes have been made to the schedule.
15. Significant [adjective]: very large or important (đáng kể/ vô cùng quan trọng)
Eg: There has been a significant increase in the number of immigrants in recent years.
16. Informative [adjective]: providing a lot of useful information (cung cấp nhiều thông
tin hữu ích)
Eg: The talk was both entertaining and informative.
17. At the back of one’s mind [expression]: having an idea in your mind but not thinking
about it frequently (tồn động trong tâm trí)
Eg: The thought that he might leave was always at the back of her mind.

5. Describe an interesting neighbor you have/had

Who he/she is
And explain why he or she is interesting

Today I’m going to tell you about about my lovely neighbor, whom I really adore and
respect. I live in a beautiful and peaceful street and most of my neighbors are kind,
benevolent and well-mannered. Among them, I would pick Mrs. Cam Nhung as the
loveliest neighbor I have ever met. She is a retired English teacher and she has
acquired a reputation as a very profound and dedicated teacher. Despite her
advanced years, she looks really young and is always full of energy.
She lives with her family next to our house. She moved into our neighborhood 5-6
years ago and since then she has endeared herself to everybody living in the
community. What I find most appealing about her is her great personality. Although
she is not very wealthy, she always shows compassion for others, especially the poor
and the underprivileged. She has opened a free English class for orphans in the hope
of giving them more opportunities to follow academic education.
Another of her lovely traits is definitely her positivity. She always looks on the bright
side of the problem even when it comes to her own misfortunes. Therefore, whenever
I feel discouraged, I go to her house and seek her advice. She usually greets me with
an irresistible home-baked cake or an encouraging piano song, from which I derive a
great deal of pleasure. I have learnt many useful things from her, not only in everyday
things, but also in attitudes to life.
To me, she is not just a normal neighbor, but a person for whom I feel a sense of
empathy, despite the gap between our ages. Being with her gives me a sense of
security and I really owe a lot of gratitude to this person.

1. (to) RESPECT [verb]: to have a good opinion of sth/sb, to admire sb/sth.
Eg: She has always been honest with me, and I respect her for that.
2. PEACEFUL [adjective]: not involving a war, violence or argument.
Eg: They hope for a peaceful settlement (sự dàn xếp) of the dispute (cuộc cãi vả)
3. BENEVOLENT [adjective]: kind, helpful and generous
Eg: Nhien has a benevolent attitude, which is her most distinct trait.
4. WELL-MANNERED [adjective]: having good manners, courteous
Eg: Minh was educated carefully, which is the reason why he is always well-
5. REPUTATION [noun]: the opinion people have about sth
Eg: Hoa soon established a reputation as a first-class (đẳng cấp) cook.
6. PROFOUND [adjective]: showing great knowledge or understanding
Eg: This profound book is worth reading – you will learn a lot from it.
7. DEDICATED [adjective]: working hard at sth because it is very important to you.
Eg: Ngoc is one of the most dedicated employees in this company.
8. (to) ENDEAR [verb]: sb/yourself TO sb else: make sb/yourself loved.
Eg: Their policies (chính sách) on taxation did not endear themselves to voters.
9. WEALTHY [adjective]: having a lot of money, possessions ( tài s ải), etc.
Eg: Most top footballers in the world are fabulously wealthy.
10. THE UNDERPRIVILEGED [noun]: people having less money and fewer
opportunities than most people in society.
Eg: The underprivileged in most nations are subject to suffer great inequality (s ự bất
bình đẳng).
11. ORPHAN [noun]: a child whose parents are dead.
Eg: Mike was an orphan and lived with his uncle
12. MISFORTUNE [noun]: bad luck
Eg: Misfortunes in life are unavoidable, and each of us has to confront (đối mặt với)
them in order to be more mature (trưởng thành)
13. DISCOURAGED [adjective]: feeling less confident of less enthusiastic (nhi ệt tình)
about sth
Eg: Don’t be discouraged by the first failure – try, try and try again!
14. (to) SEEK ONE’S ADVICE [verb]: ask sb for an opinion or suggestion about what sb
should do
Eg: We were told to seek legal advice from a well-known lawyer.
15. IRRESISTIBLE [adjective]: so strong that it cannot be stopped or resisted
Eg: On such a hot day, the chance to swim in the sea is irresistible.
16. (to) DERIVE [verb]: sth FROM sth: get sth from sth
Eg: Huy derives great satisfaction (sự thỏa mãn) from painting.
17. ATTITUDE [noun]: the way you feel and think about sth.
Eg: Happiness depends largely on one’s attitude to life, so always be positive.
18. EMPATHY [noun]: the ability to understand the emotions or situations of other people
Eg: Motivated by their feelings of empathy, many people donated money to the earthquake
19. A SENSE OF SECURITY [noun]: the state of feeling certain, safe.
Eg: The presence of surveillance cameras in the shopping mall gives me a sense of security.
20. (to) OWE GRATITUDE TO SB [v]: feel grateful( biết ơn) and want to express your
thanks to sb
Eg: First and foremost, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my parents and teachers for my
success in the exams.

Part 3:
1. Do people living in small cities know more about their neighbors than people
living in big cities?
Well… yes, maybe they really do. The chance of meeting someone familiar to you in a small
city is definitely higher than that in a bigger city, plus the fact that most people who live in a
metropolis tend to be too busy to actually pay attention to anyone that lives next door.

2. What are the benefits of having kind neighbors?

Having friendly and nice neighbors can bring about some certain benefits. First, a kind
neighbor can definitely offer help whenever you’re suddenly in immediate need of something,
for example when you lose your keys and cannot go to a friend’s house because it’s late.
Second, I think you can always make friends with whoever is living next door and isn’t it
even better if that person turns out to be so nice? They can exert a positive influence on you
and maybe help you with your problems, like giving advice on your social life for instance.

3. Why do neighbors seldom talk to each other nowadays?

The first reason, I think, is because people are getting busier and busier. They can hardly take
care of themselves and their own family, let alone spare some time for their neighbors.
Another reason is that people, especially those living in big cities, tend to live in an apartment,
which is a very closed space and this hinders direct interaction among neighbors. The
flourishing of social networks, which poses a threat to face-to-face communication, can also
be one factor leading to the lack of interaction between someone and his/her neighbor.

4. How to improve the relationship among neighbors?

I think in order to strengthen the relationship among neighbors, people need to manage their
time better. As I said, they can hardly find the time to talk to their neighbors as they are too
busy, so time management is definitely something people need to work on. Another thing is
that they need to pluck up their courage to come and talk to their neighbors. If you want to
make a change to a relationship, I believe you have to be the one to make the first move –
talk to them first and they will talk to you back, and the relationship can naturally be


 Metropolis [noun] (đô thị) a very large city, often the most important city in a large
area or country
e.g. Soon afterwards he left the countryside to begin his career in the metropolis.

 Exert [verb] (sử dụng/áp dụng ảnh hưởng) to use something such as power,
authority, influence, etc. in order to make something happen
e.g. If you want to exert your influence they might change their decision.

 Let alone do something [expression] (huống hồ/chưa kể đến) and to an even greater
degree do something
e.g. Brian would never read a newspaper, let alone a book.

 Spare [verb] (dành (thời gian)) to give time, money, or space to someone, especially
when it is difficult for you
e.g. I’d love to come, but I can’t spare the time.
 Hinder [verb] (cản trở) to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit
the development of something
e.g. Her progress certainly hasn’t been hindered by her lack of experience.

 Work on something [phrasal verb] (luyện tập/thay đổi) to spend time repairing or
improving something
e.g. His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina.

 Pluck up your courage/Pluck up (the) courage to do smth [expression] (lấy hết

can đảm làm gì) to force yourself to be brave to do something, although you are frightened or
worried about it
e.g. He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him.

 Make the first move [expression] (hành động trước) to be the first to take action
e.g. Neither sides seemed prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace

6. Describe an experience that when you spent time with a child.

- When it happened
- Where it happened
- What you did
And explain how you felt about it.

I would like to tell you about my nephew, who is 8 years old. I have been spending a lot of
time with him since he was born, and I love him to death.
My little nephew has a good sense of humor and he is always full of energy. Last Saturday,
when I had a day off, I planned to come to my sisters’ house to play and have fun with him.
While I was sitting in front of the television and playing the pop song “Worth it” by Fifth
Harmony, he suddenly walked up, sang and danced around the room. His childish voice,
together with the way he shook his hips was so funny that everyone in the room burst out
laughing. He sang the song so fluently, which totally blew my mind. He also tried to imitate
the sexy facial expressions of the five girls in the video. He was so adorable and at that time I
couldn’t take my eyes off him. I couldn’t be happier watching him grow healthier and
smarter every day. That was probably one of the most memorable moments that will stay
with me for a long time.

Word English meaning Vietnamese Example
Love somebody To feel extremely strong Yêu ai nhiều, yêu Ex: She gets along with all
to death affection for someone chế t đi đươ ̣c her colleagues, and
(expression) everyone in the office loves
her to death.
A good sense of Be humorous, make people Có khiế u hài hước Ex: I love him because he
humor laugh. has a good sense of
(expression) humor.

Full of energy Completely mentally and Tràn đầ y năng Ex: Sometimes, I’m tired
(expression) physically active lươ ̣ng of taking care of my baby
brother because he is
always full of energy and
leaves a mess around the
Childish Connected with or typical of a Trẻ con Ex: Her handwriting is so
(adjective) child childish.
Burst out Explode suddenly, loudly, Bâ ̣t (cười) Ex: The comedy was so
(phrasal verb) with a strong feeling. funny that everyone burst
out laughing.
Blow To overwhelm somebody, Làm ai phát cuồ ng Ex: The view here is
somebody’s make somebody excited breathtaking, and it
mind absolutely blows my mind.
Facial expression the look on Biể u hiê ̣n của nét Ex: John always has a
(noun) someone's face, showing what mă ̣t miserable facial
they feel or think: expression.
Take (my) eyes To stop looking at somebody Không rời mắ t đươ ̣c Ex: Mary is so gorgeous in
off somebody khỏi ai her pink dress and I can’t
(expression) take my eyes off her.
Memorable Special or unusual and Ex: The Harry Potter films
(adjective) therefore easy to remember are full of memorable
7. Describe an activity that makes you feel excited
- What the activity is
- An explain why it makes you feel excited

Today I’m going to talk about one of the most engaging activities I’ve got involved in. It’s
cooking. Every day after school, I would hurry home to make a simple but tasty meal for my
parents, who enjoy my food so much that there’s always nothing left on the plates.
To some people my age, cooking can be such a nightmare, but my mom has been teaching
me how to cook since I was a little girl, so I find it just a piece of cake. I would say I’m quite
a good cook and I’m proud of this. At times I even think of applying to Masterchef. I’m best
at cooking such Vietnamese traditional food as beef noodles and spring rolls but I also try
making exotic dishes in my free time.
When I cook, both my mind and my body are so absorbed in it that I forget the
surroundings. One thing with cooking is that there are thousands and thousands of recipes to
try. You may think you know all the ways of making a certain meal, but different recipes can
prove you wrong. The excitement and nervousness when trying out a new recipe make
cooking never seem dull to me. And I feel over the moon when I see the end result.

1. engaging [a]: interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention (thú vị, cuốn hút)
Eg: It was always engaging to hear his funny stories.
2. to be/ become/ get involved in: take part in something (tham gia)
Eg: She first became involved in politics in 1998.
3. tasty [a]: having a strong and pleasant flavor (thơm ngon)
Eg: Beef noodles is a really tasty dish for your family
4. nightmare [n]: a dream that is very frightening or unpleasant; an experience that is very
frightening and unpleasant, or very difficult to deal with (cơn ác mộng)
Eg: Failing an exam is a nightmare for all students.
5. a piece of cake: a thing that is very easy to do (việc dễ làm)
Eg: Henry finds getting 10/10 in Maths just a piece of cake.
6. at times: sometimes (thỉnh thoảng)
Eg: The rain will become heavy at times in the afternoon.
7. exotic [a]: from or in another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and
unusual because it is connected with foreign countries (từ nước ngoài, kỳ lạ)
Eg: She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.
8. absorbed in something/somebody [a]: very interested in something/somebody so that you
are not paying attention to anything else (chú tâm, thích thú làm gì)
Eg: She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
9. surroundings [n]: everything that is around or near somebody/something (mọi thứ xung
Eg: I like to work in pleasant surroundings.
10. recipe [n]: a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the ingredients (=
items of food) you need for it (công thức nấu ăn)
Eg: I enjoy trying out new recipes.
11. prove [v]: to use facts, evidence, etc. to show that something is true (chứng minh)
Eg: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.
12. try something out [phrase]: to use something to discover if it works or if you like it.
Eg: I like to try out creating new dishes when my friends come round to eat.
13. dull [a]: not interesting or exciting (nhàm chán, tẻ nhạt)
Eg: Life in a small town could be deadly dull.
14. over the moon: extremely happy and excited (cực kỳ hạnh phúc)
Eg: They’re over the moon about their trip to Japan.
15. End result [phrase]: a result of a series of events or a long process.
Eg: The cooking of those ingredients gave an excellent end result.

8. Describe a holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked.

Today I’m going to talk about an unforgettable email that was sent to me a month ago. It was
from my dear sister, who was attending a prestigious university in Porto, Portugal. She sent
me this email while she was enjoying a trip around Europe during her mid-term break.
In her email, she said that each country she had visited gave her a lasting impression. While
Portugal never failed to deliver a sense of tranquility, Holland amazed her with breath-
taking scenes and its varieties of tulip flowers and wind turbines. Additionally, she was
charmed by Paris’s glory and romanticism, and she was so excited because her dream to see
the Eiffel Tower was finally accomplished. The weather there was also very nice, and the
exquisite cuisines of Western countries completely satisfied her appetite. With the assistance
of numerous images her description was more vivid, which gave me further insight into
foreign nations.

I derived a lot of pleasure from this email, because this is the first time I got the chance to
know more about her life in another country since she left our home. For one thing, it is a real
relief to know that she could integrate well into an exotic environment and still achieve a
high level of academic performance. This would benefit her personal development and career
advancement in the future. For another, by going to many popular countries, she has partly
fulfilled her burning ambition to travel around the world. This email will act as an incentive to
make me study with more diligence to be as successful as her.

1. unforgettable [adj]: you cannot forget it: không thể quên được
Eg: The cham pionshi p will be an unforget t abl e event in his career.
2. give a lasting impression [expression]: give sb an unforgettable feeling of sth/sb :
gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ, sâu sắc
Eg: Her perfect performance gave the judges a lasting impression.
3. tranquillity [n]: the state of peacefulness : sự yên bình
Eg: The countryside is always full of tranquillity.
4. breath-taking [adj]: very exciting or impressive : vô cùng đẹp mắt
Eg: From here you can see the breath-taking view of the mountains.
5. glory [n]: great beauty : sự hoa lê
Eg: The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory.
6. (to) accomplish [v]: to succeed in doing or completing sth : hoàn thành
Eg: The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.
7. cuisine [n]: a style of cooking in a certain place : nền ẩm thực
Eg: This country is noted for its excellent and diverse cuisine
8. appetite [n]: physical desire for food : khẩu vị
Eg: He suffered from a headache and a loss of appetite.
9. vivid [adj]: producing very clear memories in your mind : sống động, chân thực
Eg: He gave a vivid account of his life as a fire fighter.
10. (to) integrate [v]: into/with sth: to become or make sb accepted as a member of a
social group : hòa nhập
Eg: They have not made any effort to integrate into the local community.
11. career advancement [expression]: development in jobs : thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp
Eg: Lifelong learning is essential to career advancement.
12. diligence [n]: careful and thorough work or effort: sự cần mẫn
Eg: This shows great diligence in her schoolwork.
9. Describe a historic event in your country
- When it happened

- Where it happened

- How do you know about it

- Why do you think it is important

I am going to talk about the day Ho Chi Minh President announced The Proclamation of
Independence, which was September 2, 1945. The event was held at Ba Dinh Square, Hanoi,
in front of the public.

When I was still a little kid, I heard a lot about it from my teachers, my parents, and all the
adults around me. Not only me but every Vietnamese kid, no matter when or where they were
born all grow up with the thought of September 2, 1945 as a memorable and important event;
so important that the Government made September 2 a national holiday. It is so well-known
that actually I have never met anyone who doesn’t know about it, even my classmate who is
really bad at history. To be precise, the day forms a part of Vietnamese people’s common
It was in my high school years when I really got to learn about this day during my History and
Literature classes. It became as clear as crystal to me why September 2, 1945 and The
Proclamation of Independence was such an important event. The Proclamation was the start
of Vietnam’s independent era. I’ve learnt that Vietnam was a colony of several countries such
as China, France and Japan, and that our country had to fight a lot to be a separate country, a
country for ourselves and finally on that day in 1945, Ho Chi Minh President – who devoted
a lot of his life to our independence – announced to not only Vietnam citizens, but also to the
whole world that Vietnam was a separate country, that we wouldn’t be controlled by others
anymore, that we would have the right to speak our language, live our lifestyle like it used to
be. My grandmother who was at Ba Dinh square that time told me that she had felt like a
slave who had finally successfully rebelled and was able to live freely. I wasn’t born at that
time to directly witness it by myself but just thinking about the time Vietnam suffered under
the occupation of other countries and reading the extremely heroic proclamation make me
feel very proud.
In conclusion, this is, in my opinion, an event that we – as Vietnamese people – are not
allowed to forget. We have to know, to remember and to appreciate it because without it,
there could be a possibility that we wouldn’t be here, living as proper humans but as slaves
of others.
The Proclamation of Independence: Tuyên ngôn độc lập
A statement that states a country is now independent, no longer a colony of any other
“Ho Chi Minh President announced The Proclamation of Independence at Ba Dinh

Memorable: đáng nhớ

Likely to be remembered or worth remembering.
“The lavish production makes this musical truly memorable.”

Common knowledge: kiến thức phổ biến, một điều mọi người đều biết.

A knowledge which is known by everyone.

“The knowlege you learn during primary school is considered common knowledge.”

As clear as crystal: rõ rang (nhấn mạnh)/ trong vắt, trong veo

a. Very clear, easy to understand.

“The explanation is as clear as crystal.”

a. Very clear, transparent, easy to see through.

“The stream’s water is as clear as crystal.”

A colony: thuộc địa

A country, an area controlled politically by a more powerful country.

“Vietnam was a colony of China.”

To devote: cống hiến

To give all of one’s self to somebody/ something

“Ho Chi Minh President devoted his life to the country.”

To rebel: nổi dậy

To fight against the rule, refuse to obey the rule.

“He was the kind of student who rebels against the rules of the school.”
To suffer under something/somebody: chịu đựng khổ cực vì cái gì, vì ai

To endure something bad.

“The citizens suffered badly under the rules of the cruel king.”

To appreciate: Hiểu rõ giá trị, cảm kích, trân trọng

To realize/ to regconize the value of something/someone and to value it.

“I really appreciate all of you for coming here despite being busy.”

Proper: thích hợp, thích đáng, phù hợp

Satisfactory, suitable, correct.

“It’s been a while since I last had a proper meal.”

Part 3:
1. Do you like history?
Actually, I am an avid fan of history. When I was a little girl, I used to spend my time at the
library and engross myself in some historical books. I think I am able to memorize historic
events and numbers quite well. I’d like to explore the ancient history of Vietnamese because
it helps me to have a clearer insight into who I am and where I am from.

2. Do your parents think learning history is important?

Of course, we can learn a great deal from history. Firstly, understanding the past can
develop a sense of pride and patriotism and make people feel grateful for what they have at
the present. In addition, individuals can learn from mistakes made by previous figures of
authority or leaders, and therefore they can avoid disastrous consequences. A good example
is many economists are returning to “the great depression period” which occurred 80 years
ago to understand the tremendous effects of the financial crisis and look for practical
solutions to this problem.

3. What are the benefits of museums?

There are numerous benefits that museums bring to our modern life. The first benefit is that
they are a great educational resource, which helps expand individuals’ horizons about what
occurred in the past. For example, if they go to Museum of Ethnology, they will have the
opportunity to gain practical knowledge about fifty ethnic groups in Vietnam and their various
traditional customs. Furthermore, museums have a particularly important place where they
preserve traditional values and pass them on to the next generation.
4. Are museums in your country free of charge?
No, you must purchase entry tickets if you want to enter into museums in my country. A
small entrance fee will help museums to cover their costs and stay running. The admission
charge varies according to which museums you’re going to visit, but I guess it ranges
approximately from 2 to 6 dollars, which is quite reasonable and affordable for everyone.

5. Which way is better for learning history? Through reading books or visiting
Honestly, I believe it would be more interesting to visit museums and acquire historical
knowledge instead of immersing yourself in history books. The reason behind this is when
you see authentic objects displayed in museums, you will have a better grasp of their
historical significance rather than merely focusing on theoretical knowledge. Another reason
worth mentioning is that many museums, for instance, the Ho Chi Minh museum in Ha Noi,
also employ professional tour guides to escort and explain the information clearly to visitors.

6. Do major cities in your country all have museums?

Yes, numerous museums are located throughout many big cities in Vietnam like Ha Noi or
Ho Chi Minh cities. Historical and ethnic museums are the most popular types attracting the
largest number of tourists as Vietnam is well-known for its diverse culture and glorious
history. Apart from these, there are also art museums and other kinds but just a few people
want to pay a visit to these places.

7. Will current things be exhibited in future museums?

Yes, definitely. The museums in the future will become more modernized and attractive. Not
only will they display traditional work but they will also exhibit contemporary work. People
going there are likely to get fed up with the same old things. Consequently, the museums
need to be newly renovated to endure and attract more visitors.

8. Can individuals build museums?

Yes, people play integral part in the construction of museums because the government mainly
allocates state budgets to build and provide modern equipment for museums. Besides,
museums usually have a donation box, and the wealthy can invest their money to fund the
erection of museums.
9. How to show life two thousand years ago in the museums?
Well, that’s such a difficult question. In my opinion, to depict ancient life in the museums
successfully, it takes a lot of commitment and patience. The scientists have to travel to many
further places to explore and collect artifacts which were buried two thousand years ago. This
is really exhausting and can be discouraging because artifacts are extremely difficult to find.
Then, they return back to the laboratory and spend hours doing extensive research to
understand the core of the phenomenon and know how to show ancient life accurately.

1. an avid fan of something ( expression): a very enthusiastic fan of something.
(mô ̣t người hâm mô ̣ rấ t hào hứng về điề u gi)̀
Ex: He misses not having enough books because he's an avid reader.
2. engross somebody in something (expression) to occupy someone’s time or thinking with
( chiế m thời gian hoă ̣c ý nghi ̃ của ai với cái gì)
Ex: Don’t engross me in your issue.
3. memorize (v) to learn something so that you will remember it exactly
( nhớ cái gi)̀
Ex: When I was at school, we had to memorize a poem every week.
4. ancient (adj) of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time.
(xưa,cổ )
Ex: People have lived in this valley since ancient times.
5. learn a great deal (expression): learn a lot
( ho ̣c đươ ̣c nhiều)
Ex: I have learned a great deal from my father about bravery and honesty.
6. sense(n) feeling.
( cảm giác)
Ex: I have a sense of insecurity today.
7. patriotism (n) devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.
(lòng yêu nước)
Ex: Learning history is a great way to create a sense of patriotism.
8. disastrous consequence (n) extremely bad or unsuccessful result.
( hâ ̣u quả thảm khố c)
Ex: The storm can cause disastrous consequences.
9. tremendous effect (n) great effect.
(ảnh hưởng ghê gớm)
Ex: Pollution can have tremendous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.
10. expand somebody’s horizon about something ( expression)
( mở rộng tầ m nhiǹ của ai về cái gi)̀
Ex: It is hoped that the course will expand new horizons for students.
11. cover cost (expression) pay for something
( trả tiề n cho cái gi)̀
Ex: He will cover the cost of the meal, so just feel free to eat anything you like.
12. stay running (expression): continue working and operating
( tiế p tu ̣c hoa ̣t đô ̣ng)
Ex: Thank to state money, museums stay running.
13. admission charge (n) the fees charged for admission.
( phí vào cửa)
Ex: The admission charge is not expensive and you can totally afford it.
14. affordable (adj) not expensive.
( không đắ t)
Ex: These are nice clothes at affordable prices
15. immerse (yourself) in something: to become completely involved in something:
( hoàn toàn chú tâm vào viê ̣c gì)
Ex: She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.
16. authentic (adj) if something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is
(có thâ ̣t)
Ex: He was there and saw what happened, so his is the only authentic account.
17. have a grasp of something: understand something firmly.
( hiể u cái gì đó hoàn toàn)
Ex: Read this cook book and you will have grasp of how to make a birthday cake.
18. be well-known for something: known or recognized by many people.
( đươ ̣c nhiều người biết đế n)
Ex: Her views on the subject are already well-known.
19. be fed up with ( adj) bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you
have experienced for too long:
( chán nản, bực mình hay thấ t vọng, đă ̣c biê ̣t vì thứ gì ba ̣n trải nghiê ̣m quá nhiề u)
Ex: I'm fed up with my job.
20. donation box (n) box in which people donate their money.
( thùng quyên góp)
Ex: There is a donation box on the corner of the room.
21. depict (v) to represent or show something in a picture or story
( mô tả)
Ex: Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.

10.Describe a quiet place.

To me, quiet places mean libraries. But I’m not going to describe the library at my
university as I still haven’t visited it yet. The one I’m going to describe is the library at my
high school in Haiduong City.
My school is very large and it consists of four big blocks named A, B, C, and D. The library
occupies a small space on the highest floor in block D, and it’s perhaps just about three or
nearly four times as large as a normal classroom. There’s a room used to store books and
another for students to read books and self-study.
I spent most of my time in the library when I was in grade 10. The next two years were filled
completely with competitions and extracurricular activities so I couldn’t go to the library as
often as before. I had my own favorite spot in the self-study section; it was the cubicle on the
outermost row that is near the window, and whenever I visited the library to study or to read
some borrowed books, I would choose that spot without hesitation. I even wrote some words
or symbols that I liked on the table; don’t know whether they’re still there now though.
I specifically chose this library to describe because it’s really quiet, compared with some
other libraries in Haiduong City that I’ve been to. It was really suitable for studying, and some
even went there to sleep! I had a great time self-studying in this library back then, I seriously
would re-visit it if I ever had a chance.
 Cubicle [noun] (buồng làm việc kín nhỏ, cách các buồng khác bằng vách ngăn) a
partially enclosed workspace in an office which is separated from neighboring workspaces by
e.g. He was in a cubicle of his own, and he could see at least a hundred more cubicles in this
room alone.
 Outermost [adjective] (ngoài cùng, cách xa trung tâm nhất) at the greatest distance
from the center
e.g. The city centre is Zone 1 and the outermost suburbs are Zone 6.
 Occupy [verb] (chiếm) fill or take up (a space or time)
e.g. Every parking space was occupied here; you would have to park somewhere else.
 Without hesitation [phrase] -If you say that someone does something without
hesitation , you are emphasizing that they do it immediately and willingly.
e.g. The great majority of strikers would return to work without hesitation if they were offered
a better deal.
 Specifically [adverb] (đặc biệt) for a particular purpose
e.g. These picture books were created specifically for children.

Part 3
1. What are the places that are free of noise?
With such a frantic pace of life in this day and age, noises are omnipresent. However, there
are still places that are free of noise. They are locations related to religion, like churches,
pagodas or shrines, where noise is strictly prohibited. People who are in need of absolute
silence and intense concentration can also go to the library or bookstore. Additionally, there
are certain restrictions on noise in hospitals and clinics. Besides, rural areas are places to
escape from the noise of traffic and crowds, which gives residents a sense of tranquility.

1. What are the causes of noises?

Factors of noise are manifold, many of which originate from humans and objects. Numerous
places are associated with noise, such as busy streets and construction sites. Places of
entertainment say, cafes, bars, and amusement parks, also use noise to attract people. The
more people want to interact and communicate, the more substantial the amount of noise
generated. Therefore, some people regard noise as an effective way to alleviate our stresses
and strains in life.

2. What are the impacts of noise on people?

Whether caused unintentionally or deliberately, excessive levels of noise invariably exert
adverse influences on those exposed to it. Firstly, those affected by noise caused by others
may be unable to relax and take a proper rest. Secondly, noise could greatly diminish our
concentration and memory. Last but not least, long-term noise is said to pose serious health
hazards. For example, constant exposure to high pitched noise can result in auditory
problems, and in the worst scenario, hearing loss. As we all know, hearing-impaired
individuals are very likely to experience difficulty in life.

1. frantic [adjective]: done quickly and with a lot of activity, but not well
organized: cuồng loạn
Eg: The hot el m ade f ran ti c preparati ons for t he unexpect ed arri v al of the
P resi dent .
2. omnipresent [adjective]: everywhere: có mặt khắp mọi nơi
Eg: Mobile phones are omnipresent in this day and age.
3. (to) prohibit [verb]: to stop sb/sth from doing sth: to stop sth from being done or used
by law : nghiêm cấm
Eg: The policy prohibits students from smoking in schools.
4. intense [adjective]: very great, very strong : mãnh liệt, hết mức
Eg: The President is under intense pressure to resign.
5. Restriction [noun]: a rule or law that limits what you can do : giới hạn
Eg: The government has agreed to ease restrictions on press freedom.
6. tranquility [noun]: the state of being quiet and peaceful: sự yên bình
Eg: I dream of the tranquility of lying on a deserted beach.
7. manifold [adjective]: many, of many different types: rất nhiều, đa dạng
Eg: The possibilities of genetic engineering are manifold.
8. (to) originate [verb]: start from : xuất phát từ:
Eg: The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics.
9. characteristic [adjective]: of sth: very typical of sth: đặc trưng của
Eg: The characteristic street markets of Vietnam are popular with tourists .
10. associate [verb]: if one thing is associated with another, they are connected because
they happen together ……………
Eg: Heart disease is associated with the dangers of smoking.
11. substantial [adjective]: large in amount, value or importance: đáng kể
Eg: There have been substantial changes since his arrival.
12. (to) generate [verb]: to produce or create sth: sản sinh ra, tạo ra
Eg: The proposal has gen erated a l ot of i nt erest .
13. effective [adjective]: producing successful results: hiệu quả
Eg: Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment.
14. (to) alleviate [verb]: to make sth less severe: làm dịu đi
Eg: A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem of drought.
15. stresses and strains [expression]: difficulties and problems : sự căng thẳng
Eg: You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life.
16. deliberately [adverb]: done in a way that was planned : một cách cố ý
Eg: She has been deliberately ignoring him all day.
17. excessive [adjective]: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate: quá độ
Eg: They complained about the excessive noise coming from the flat above.
18. invariably [adverb]: always (in a negative way): luôn luôn
Eg: It invariably rains these days, which is really frustrating.
19. adverse [adjective]: negative or unpleasant: tiêu cự
Eg: Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research program.
20. expose [verb]: to put sb/sth in a situation where they are not protected from something
harmful or unpleasant ………….
Eg: Small babies should not be exposed to strong sunlight – it will harm them.
21. (to) diminish [verb]: make sth weaker, smaller: làm giảm
Eg: I don’t want to diminish the importance of their contribution.
22. hazard [noun]: a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage : sự nguy hiểm
Eg: Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking.
23. Exposure [noun]: the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection
from sth unpleasant or harmful: sự hứng chịu
Eg: Exposure to too much sunlight is not good for our health.
24. hearing-impaired [adjective]: having problems or implications of hearing : thính giác
bị suy giảm
Eg: Hearing-impaired people can have special audio devices on their TVs and

11. Describe a success you would like to achieve (in the near future).

Well, my foremost goal at the moment is to be granted a full scholarship at a Western

university. Studying abroad has always been one of my biggest ambitions and if I can
achieve this, I will be able to get access to a more advanced education, which is a golden
opportunity for personal development. Of course, acquiring a foreign scholarship presents
both challenges and difficulties. Applying to a foreign university is a lengthy procedure,
which not only requires an excellent level of academic performance, but also active
participation in extracurricular activities. Besides, a high level of competition is unavoidable,
as there are numerous potential and competent applicants. Firstly, I will have to try my best
in terms of scholastic achievement. I also need to enhance my English skills by reading more
in English . My time will also be partly dedicated to community work, because this plays an
essential part in satisfying the application form. If I could succeed in achieving this goal, I
would be extremely happy and proud of myself. This would not only prove my own abilities
but also my determination and perseverance. To my thinking, the experience of pursuing
higher education is usually demanding, but in the end, very rewarding.

13. foremost [adj]: the most important or famous : quan trọng nhất
Eg: The questi on has been forem ost in hi s mi nd recentl y
14. ambition [n]: sth you want to do or achieve very much : tham vọng
Eg: His burning ambition was to study medicine.
15. (to) get access to [expression]: to get the opportunity or right to use or see sb : tiếp
cận với
Eg: You need a password to get access to the computer system.
16. a golden opportunity [expression]: a special, wonderful opportunity : cơ hội vàng, cơ
hội tuyệt vời
Eg: Businesses have a golden opportunity to expand into new markets.
17. level of competition [n]: the extent, degree of a competition between people : sức cạnh
Eg: The level of competition in this class is getting more intense.
18. competent [adj]: having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well : có năng lực, trình
Eg: Nam is regarded as the most competent employee.
19. scholastic achievement [n]: successes connected with schools and education :
thành tích học tập
Eg: Her scholastic achievement is always impressive
20. play an essential part IN sth [expression]: have an important role in sth : đóng vai
trò thiết yếu
Eg: Minh plays an essential part in this project
21. determination [n]: the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth : quyết tâm
Eg: He fought the illness with courage and determination.
22. perseverance[n]: the effort to overcome difficulties and obstacles : sự kiên trì,bền bỉ
Eg: They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulties
23. rewarding [adj]: worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or
important : xứng đáng
Eg: Teaching is not very rewarding in terms of the finance received.

12. Describe an experience that you are waiting for something

You should say:
What you waited for
When and how long you waited for that thing
And explain why you waited for that thing

Waiting is an inevitable aspect of everyone’s life. We all have to be patient enough to get
the thing that we want. To some people, waiting is an awful experience, but to my mind,
waiting is the perfect way to train our patience. One of my most vivid experiences of waiting
was when I was expecting the arrival of my university entrance examination scores. To be
honest, I would say that this experience was stressful and somehow a bit scary because my
scores were the determinant factor of which university I would attend in the next 4 years. I
felt stressed because I had put all of my effort into these final examinations before being able
to graduate from high school. Moreover, to me, it was a reflection on my 12 years of going to
school, and my parents’ expectations of me. So I had to excel at them to not let them as well
as myself down. I had waited for about a month before my scores were confirmed . It was
quite a scary experience when days passed without receiving the results. During that time, the
only thing on my mind was the scores. I thought I would feel stress-free when the exams were
over but it seemed the opposite. Waiting for the scores was even worse than sitting an exam.
However, I’ve learned from that experience that waiting is an essential part of everyone’s life,
and there is nothing we can do about it except for being patient. I was finally aware of my
scores after a month of waiting patiently, and they were good scores, they were not the
highest ones, but just enough for me to get into the university I always dreamed of.

15. Inevitable (ADJ): (không thể tránh khỏi) certain to happen and unable to avoid.
Eg: It’s inevitable that doctors will make an occational mistake
16. Patient (ADJ): (kiên nhẫn) able to wait calmly
Eg: Louise was very patient with me
17. Awful (ADJ): (kinh khủng, đáng sợ) very bad or unpleasant.
Eg: the weather was awful
18. Stressful (ADJ): (căng thẳng) a situation that makes you worry a lot
Eg: Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.
19. Somehow (ADJ): (bằng cách nào đó) in some way
Eg: Don’t worry, we’ll get the money back somehow
20. Determinant (N): (xác định, phương thức) something that strongly influences what
you do or how you behave.
Eg: Social class is mahor determinant of consumer spending pattern.
21. Reflection (N): (sự phản chiếu) something that shows what something else is like
Eg: His speech was a reflection of the public mood.
22. Expectations (N): (sự kì vọng) what you think or hope will happen
Eg: She could never measure up to her mother's expectations.
23. Excel (V): (giỏi ở một lĩnh vực nào đó) to do something very well
Eg: Rick has always excelled at foreign languages.
24. Let someone down [idiom]: (làm ai đó thất vọng) to make someone feel disappointed
Eg: Please don’t let me down, I know you can do it.
25. To sit an exam [expression]: (tham gia một cuộc thi) to take an exam
Eg: I have to sit a math exam tomorrow morning.
26. Except for [conjunction]: (ngoại trừ) to make an exception for something
Eg: She felt fine except for being a little tired.
27. Be aware of [expression]: (biết) realize something
Eg: The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs.

Part 3
1. What are the things that people wait for everyday?
Day in day out, people have to wait for many things. The moment they step out of their home
to commute to work, they are made to wait for a bus, or hindered by the traffic lights and
congestion. When ordering something, they have to stand in a queue, sometimes for hours on
end. Waiting stems from little things in life and we all have to put up with it sometimes. For
example, a high-school student is anxious while waiting for her exam results, a mother longs
for a reply from her far-away son, a businessman is indignant at the delay to his flight, etc. I
think waiting sometimes gives us a sense of achievement, because it tests our patience, but it
can also be a nuisance in our life.

2. Are Vietnamese people accustomed to waiting?

Based on personal experience, I think the answer is no. Life in Vietnam is increasingly
turbulent, which necessitates efficiency and adaptability. Vietnamese people, particularly
those living in hectic cities, seem to be always on the move and very reluctant to wait for
anything. Drivers readily jump the lights only to gain a few seconds, without concern for
themselves or others. Queuing frequently discomforts people, therefore some even go to
great lengths to jump the queue .
3. Are people more patient than they used to be?
Well, I think they are less patient. As I have said, the frantic pace of life incessantly burdens
us with work and responsibility, so these days we seem more impatient with things. It is
strange that many youngsters can surf the Internet for hours on end, but feel exhausted when
waiting for their mother for merely 5 minutes. Most people are easily infuriated about any
delay and want to perform multi-tasking. Only a few can remain calm and unhurried to
enjoy the wonders of life.

4. Have people become more impatient because of the conveniences of modern life?
Yes, I think they do lose patience more than they used to. It seems that the unprecedented
advances of the 21st century have made our life more leisurely and convenient but, in fact,
people are becoming busier. Time is too precious to be wasted. Whenever faced with
challenging questions and problems, many people usually resort to the Internet to save time,
instead of thinking of solutions by themselves. Alluring as they may be, technological
devices and modern equipment are actually eating away at our patience and self-reliance


1. day in, day out [expression]: everyday, when something is tedious: ngày qua
Eg: Day in d ay ou t , I have t o do t he sam e bori ng j ob.
2. (to) hinder [verb]: to make it difficult for sb to do sth : cản trở
Eg: Some teachers feel hindered by a lack of resources.
3. congestion [noun]: the state of being crowded and full of traffic : sự tắc nghẽn giao
Eg: Congestion and pollution are Ho Chi Minh City’s biggest problems.
4. (to) put up with [phrasal verb]: to accept somebody or something that is unpleasant,
without complaining
Eg: We have to put up with our noisy neighbours, because we don’t want to move to another
5. indignant [adjective]: at/about sth: feeling or showing anger : tức tối, phẫn nộ
Eg: Lan was very indignant at the rude way she was treated yesterday.
6. nuisance [noun]: a situation that is annoying or causes troubles or problems : sự phiền
Eg: It’s a nuisance to be stuck in a traffic jam for hours on end.
7. turbulent [adjective]: in which there is a lot of sudden change : xô bồ, nhiều biến
Eg: He experienced a short and turbulent career in politics.
8. (to) necessitate [verb]: to make sth necessary: làm cho cần thiết
Eg: Recent scandals have necessitated changes in our policies.
9. adaptability [noun]: the state of being able to change with new situ ations: tính
thích nghi
Eg: Minh’s employer said that adaptability is essential in his job in order to deal
with new and unexpected challenges.
10. reluctant [adjective]: hesitating before doing sth because you do not want to do it: do
dự, chần chừ
Eg: She was reluctant to admit that she was wrong, but she finally apologised.
11. jump the lights [expression]: run through the traffic lights when they are still red :
vượt đèn đỏ
Eg: Last week, Tuan was fined for jumping the traffic lights and almost causing an accident.
12. (to) discomfort [verb]:to make sb feel anxious and uneasy: gây bất tiện
Eg: The presence of my boss during my presentation discomforted me and everyone could
see that I was really nervous.
13. go to great lengths [expression]: + to do sth: to put lot of effort to do sth (usually in
a negative way): làm với bất cứ giá nào
Eg: This famous singer goes to great lengths to keep her life private.
14. jump the queue [expression]: to take the place ahead of other people in front of you
in a queue
Eg: When the bus arrived, he tried to jump the queue, but an old lady in front of him used
her umbrella to hit him !
15. frantic [adjective]: done quickly and with a lot of activity, but not well
organised: cuồng loạn
Eg: Fran ti c preparat ions were m ade for t he sudden arri val o f the Queen.
16. incessantly [adverb]: never stopping : liên tục
Eg: Phuong talked incessantly during the journey, which really annoyed me.
17. for hours on end [expression]: for many hours ………….
Eg: She waited for hours on end to receive treatment at the hospital.
18. infuriated [adjective]: be extremely angry : at sth: : cực kì tức giận
Eg: The police were infuriated at the murderer’s silence.
19. multi-tasking [noun]: the ability to do several things at the same time : làm nhiều việc
cùng một lúc
Eg: Multi-tasking is necessary in this job – you often have to deal with visitors and take
phone calls at the same time.
20. unhurried [adjective]: relaxed and not rushing for time: thong thả, ung dung
Eg: Sometimes I admire the unhurried lifestyle of Buddhist monks.
21. (to) lose patience [expression]: to become impatient
Eg: You must do your homework or your teacher will lose patience with you.
22. unprecedented [adjective]: that has never happended: chưa từng có
Eg: This current rate of global warming is unprecented in history.
23. (to) be faced with [expression]: to have to confront and deal with a difficult situation
Eg: We were faced with a difficult choice, to buy or to rent the house.
24. (to) resort to [verb]: to make use of sth, when there is no other solution : nhờ cậy đến
(usually in a negative way)
Eg: They felt an urge to resort to violence when peaceful protest failed.
25. alluring [adjective]: attractive and exciting in a mysterious way
Eg: The smile of the face of the ‘Mona Lisa’ is often described as alluring.
26. (to) eat away at [phrasal verb]: to reduce or destroy something slowly
Eg: Her failure in the exam has eaten away at her confidence.
27. self-reliance [noun]: the ability to do or decide things by yourself: sự tự lực cánh sinh
Eg: Self-reliance is often a special trait of rural people.
28. Appreciably [adverb]: considerably : đáng kể
Eg: The risk of infection is appreciably higher among children.

13. Describe an exciting sport that you know about.

You should say:
what the sport is
how you know about this sport
how easy it is to play this sport
and explain what it was about this sport that makes it exciting (for you).

To be honest, I’m not an athletic person, but I’m a big fan of watching sports, especially
exciting sports, which includes air racing, parachuting, skydiving, basketball, and so on and
so forth. But the one I find most thrilling is jiu jitsu, which is originated in Brazil.
Jiu jitsu is a martial art, a combat sport that was formed from Japanese judo ground fighting
fundamentals. My father was the one who introduced me to this sport. He asked me to watch
a tournament with him and said that Brazilian jiu jitsu is more than just a sport. I fell in
love with jiu jitsu the first time I watched it.
Soon I realized it’s beneficial for both your mental and physical health. In terms of
physical training, Jiu jitsu teaches you how to use your body as one unit. With an increase
in body awareness, strength and mobility will soon follow. And beyond any physical
improvements that come as a result of Brazilian jiu jitsu are the mental improvements that are
often overlooked. That jiu jitsu teaches you the value of hard work is of paramount
importance, because you actually get to see the fruits of your labor every time you spar or
compete. This lesson in jiu jitsu can be taken and applied to all areas of your life.
It’s undeniable that Jiu jitsu is a really exciting sport. A jiu jitsu tournament is a place where
amazing things happen. It’s where the weak, who cannot match the strength of their
opponents, can still triumph due to techniques and determination. I suppose this is the most
appealing feature of this sport that attracts thousands of spectators.

1. Fundamental [noun] forming the base, from which everything else develops
Eg: The school is based on the fundamental principle that all children should reach their full
2. Tournament [noun] a sports competition in which players must leave the competition
if they lose, leaving only one winner
Eg: She won the famous tennis tournament at Wimbledon three times.
3. Mobility [noun] the ability to move freely or be easily moved
Eg: Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility below the point of injury.
4. Overlook [verb] to fail to notice or consider something or someone
Eg: No one will be overlooked when we select players for the team.
5. Paramount [adjective] more important than anything else
Eg: There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount
6. The fruits of your labor [expression] the benefits of your hard work
Eg: It’s an efficient lawn mower that leaves you time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
7. Spar: [verb] to train using the movements of that combat sport
Eg: He is looking for a partner to spar with him at the gym before his big fight.
8. Undeniable [adjective] certainly true
Eg: She is a woman of undeniable brilliance
9. Triumph [verb] to be successful by defeating somebody
Eg: In most horror movies, good triumphs over evil.
10. Determination [noun] the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is
very difficult
Eg: Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession
11. Spectator [noun] a person who is watching a sports event
Eg: The stadium was full of spectators for the match between Barcelona and Real Madrid.

14. Describe an item of furniture, either modern or traditional.

You should say:
what material it is made of
what style it is (modern or traditional)
who bought it (or, who chose to buy it)
and explain (how or) why this piece of furniture was bought. (Or, explain how this piece of
furniture is used.)

I’m going to describe my night lamp, which I was given to me by one of my best friends on
my 15th birthday.
It is a medium-sized plastic lamp, maybe twice or three times the size of a teddy bear. It is
shaped like a panda, with the socket hidden at the bottom of the lamp and the switch seated
neatly on its head. And there’s a battery holder beside the socket, so you can always use the
battery if you cannot find an outside electrical socket to plug it in.
It was the very first time I’d been given a night light. I’d never used this type of lamp before,
so I felt really excited on receiving it. And grateful too, really. My friend who gave me this
told me that I had really serious dark circles under my eyes and she was so worried that she
decided to get me this lamp so, you know, I could sleep better. And you know what, it
actually worked! The lamp gives out a nice cozy yellow light, and I am able to really sleep
soundly with it on.
I’ve been sleeping with this lamp beside my bed every night since the day I received it, and
this cute little thing is one of my treasures. I plan to have it with me for a long time, so I’m
trying to keep it in the best possible condition, as it seems like they are not making them any
more; I seriously cannot find another similar model anywhere!

 night lamp = night light [noun] (đèn ngủ) a lamp kept burning during the light,
especially in a bedroom
e.g. I think buying this night lamp/light will complete our bedroom; it looks so perfect!
 shape [verb] to make something into a particular shape
Eg. The new football stadium is shaped like a dome.
 socket [noun] (ổ cắm điện) the part of a piece of equipment, especially electrical
equipment, into which another part fits
e.g. He has forgotten to plug the television into the mains socket.
 battery holder [noun] (ổ pin) one or more compartments or chambers for holding a
e.g. You can find many types of battery holders for your machine in this shop.
 dark circle [noun] (quầng thâm dưới mắt) blemishes around or under the eyes,
caused by lack of sleep, hereditary or allergy-related.
e.g. She has really serious dark circles. I even thought I had seen a panda!
 sleep soundly [expression] (ngủ ngon) sleep very well
e.g. You will sleep soundly if you get plenty of exercise during the day.

15. Describe a party you would like to arrange for your friends or family.
You should say:
who you would invite to the party
when and where you would hold the party
what you (or, your guests) would do at the party
and explain why you would hold (= have) this party.
or/ and explain what preparations you would do make for this party.

I would love to throw a birthday party for someone special in my family – my little
His best friends would be invited, of course, including some of his classmates – the more the
merrier. All the close family would want to come, of course, and as we are rarely able to get
together, I could see some of my cousins again and catch up on their news. There is a
friendly family restaurant that I know which specialises in catering for such occasions, and it
would be ideal as there is plenty of space for children’s games either indoors or outside in
their big garden.
Although I have to be careful how I allocate my budget these days, I would be happy to
splash out on food for all the guests. My sister plays the piano and she knows lots of songs
that adults and children would love to sing along to. The restaurant has a play area outside, so
there is no danger that the children will get bored or restless. I’m sure that his parents,
relatives and other adult guests would enjoy watching the children play. We don’t often have
an opportunity to all meet up for a chat, have a glass of wine together and just unwind.
There wouldn’t be too many preparations to make. The restaurant would take care of the
catering – including a big birthday cake ! I would consult my family on who to invite and
talk to my nephew about which of his friends he would want to come. Then I’d just phone,
text or e-mail everyone – it wouldn’t take long.

1. Throw a party [expression] to hold/ arrange a party
Eg: Bill threw a party for his sister before she went away to college.
2. The more the merrier [idiom] used to say an occasion will be more enjoyable if a lot
of people are there.
Eg: "Do you mind if I bring a couple of friends to your party?" "Not at all - the more the
3. Catch up on [phrasal verb] find out about things that have happened
Eg: We spent the evening catching up on all that we had done during the past year.
4. Cater for [phrasal verb] provide the things that a particular person or situation
Eg: The hotel can cater for 150 guests only due to the limited number of rooms.
5. Allocate [verb] to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use
in a particular way
Eg: It is not the job of the investigating committee to allocate blame for the disaster/to
allocate blame to individuals.
6. Splash out [phrasal verb] to spend a lot of money on something
Eg: He splashes out all his money on designer clothes.
7. Restless [adj] unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are
worried or bored
Eg: She spent a restless night (= she did not sleep well), tossing and turning.
8. Unwind [verb] to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of
work or some other activity that has made you worried
Eg: He'd been dealing with difficult customers all day over the phone, and he just wanted to
unwind when he got home.
9. Catering [noun] the work of providing food and drinks for meetings or social events
Eg. His company does the catering for the celebrities who attend the film awards ceremony.

16. Describe a person who visited your home.

Well, I would begin by saying that I have so many cousins. Some of them I’ve grown up with
, but there are others that I don’t have a chance to see very often because they live pretty far
away from where I was born. There is one older cousin who lives in the North of Vietnam and
we’ve only met for a couple of times when he and his family traveled to the South, where I
am living now, for a family reunion.
Although the time we were together was short, we did have a good time and got along with
each other pretty well. It’s been about 2 years now since the last time he and his family visited
us, because they have moved to reside in a foreign country. However, it was not until last
year that they came back to Vietnam for a family reunion with all of us and the extended
To be honest, it was the most suprising visit that I have ever had, since my cousin didn’t tell
me he was coming back. I was totally taken aback by his appearance in my house on
Christmas Eve. I was at a loss for words when he walked straight into my house and said hi. I
didn’t recognize him at first because it’s been 2 years, but somehow I remembered him even
before he reminded me. Afterwards, he stayed at my place and we hung out for a couple of
days before he had to head back to his hometown. The visit was quite unexpected, but we
could still talk to catch up with each other’s life after a long while apart. To me, although we
didn’t grow up together, we treat each other like brothers and we get along so well that we’ve
never had any arguments over anything.

 Reunion [noun]: a social meeting of people who have not met for a long time
Eg: It was great to see all my relatives again at the family reunion.
 Get along with [expression]: if you or more people get along, they have a friendly
Eg: I’ve always got along quite well with my brother because we have the same interests.
 Reside [verb]: to live in a particular place
Eg: He spent most of his time in Saigon, where his family resided.
 Extended family [noun]: a family group that consists not only parents and children but
also of grandparents, aunts etc.
Eg: There are lots of relatives at our family reunions, because all the extended family comes.
 To be honest [expression]: used when you tell someone what you really think
Eg: To be honest, I don’t like him very much
 Be taken aback [phrasal verb]: to be very surprised about something
Eg: Emma was somewhat taken aback by his sudden appearance at the house.
 Appearance [noun]: unexpected or sudden arrival of someone or something
Eg: The sudden appearance of her daughter startled her.
 Be at a loss [expression]: to be confused and uncertain about what to do or say
Eg: When her son arrived with a new girlfriend, she was completely at a loss about how to
deal with the situation.
 Somehow [adverb]: in some way, or by some means, although you do not know how
Eg: Don’t worry, we’ll get the money back somehow.
 Remind [verb]: to make someone remember something
Eg: Yes. I’ll be there. Thanks for reminding me.
 Afterwards [adverb]: after an event or time that has already been mentioned
Eg: Mary arrived first and then Charles arrived shortly afterwards.
 Hang out [phrasal verb]: to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular
Eg: I don’t really know who she hangs out with when she’s not at school.
 Head back [phrasal verb] to return
Eg: After spending the morning on the beach, we headed back to our apartment.
 Hometown [noun]: the place where you were born and spent your childhood
Eg: It’s nice to visit my hometown and see old friends from my school days.
 Unexpected [adjective]: used to describe something that is surprising because you
were not expecting it
Eg: Her death was totally unexpected, because she seemed so fit and active.
 Catch up with [phrasal verb]: to talk to someone who you have not seen for a long
time to find out what he/she has been up to.
Eg: I’ve been trying to call him just to catch up with all his news after the last time we met.
17. Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music

Well, as a matter of fact, there are many/plenty of/numerous/countless places where people
could visit in order to be entertained by listening to music. In my opinion/ In my view, the
two most popular places of all are the opera houses and the performing arts theaters/centers.
Although these two places sometimes feature the same materials, I prefer going to the opera
house to paying a visit to the performing arts theater/center because I can listen to melodic
performances of my favourite music.
I happened to have a chance to visit the Saigon Opera House in Ho Chi Minh City once
when I was younger. I went there with my parents when they were celebrating their wedding
anniversary. It was one of my most unforgettable nights because I got a chance to see many
outstanding performances by wonderful artists. As far as I recall/remember, the music that
they sang there was quite different from the other kinds of music I had heard in my life. It was
a bit too loud for me at first, until I became attuned, but then it dawned on me that I was
getting emotional as I listened to them singing more. And later on I found out that this genre
is called opera. As I noticed, not many of the audience there are around my age, most of them
are about the same age as my parents, so I guess this kind of music isn’t popular with/among
teenagers/youngsters/the youth. Moreover, I think people who came there were from all
walks of life because the ticket price wasn’t too expensive, but they tended to dress really
well, therefore, I guess they also went there to celebrate their anniversary, go on a date or
merely enjoy a relaxing night after a long, hard day.
Although the performance didn’t last for long, I could say that it was one of my most
precious memories as, first of all, the music was so beautiful and touching, and second, that
place was out of this world. It was so elegant, modern, and organized, all of which gave me
the experience of being somewhere special, like staying in a 5-star hotel.

 As a matter of fact [expression]: used to add more details about what you have just
Eg: I knew him when we were in college – as a matter of fact we were on the same course.
 Opera house [noun]: a theater where operas are performed
Eg: The Sydney Opera House is famous all over the world.
 To pay a visit to [idiom]: to visit someone or something
Eg: Please pay a visit to our house whenever you are in town.
 Melodic [adjective]: something that sounds melodic sounds like music or has a
pleasant tune
Eg: In general, rock music is loud and not very melodic.
 Happen to do somehthing [expression]: if you happen to do something, you do it by
Eg: I happened to see James in town, and we were very surprised to see each other.
 Outstanding [adjective]: extremely good
Eg: His performance was outstanding and everyone stood at the end to applaud him.
 Attuned [adjective]: familiar with something so that you can understand or recognize
Eg: Life at university seemed strange at first, until I became attuned to my new routine.
 To dawn on somebody [phrasal verb]: if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the
first time
Eg: It dawned on me that he had been right all along.
 Genre [noun]: a particular type of art, writing, music etc.
Eg: Hollywood is always inventing new genres of film, usually including special effects and
 All walks of life [expression]: from different backgrounds
Eg: Our volunteers include people from all walks of life, rich and poor.
 Precious [adjective]: something that is precious is valuable and important.
Eg: We cannot afford to waste precious time.
 Out of this world [idiom]: extremely good or enjoyable
Eg: The graphics and sounds in this film are out of this world.

18. Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen.

You should say:
when you saw this work of art
where you saw it
what it looked like
and explain your impression of it.

I’m going to describe a very famous painting, and I think almost everyone in the world will
know what it is at the mention of its name – Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, the Mona
I’d always looked at it on the Internet, in my books or in some newspapers, until I actually
had a chance to take a look at the original work of art, displayed at the Louvre in Paris. It was
the summer when I turned 16 and my parents decided to take me on a trip to France, seeing
that I’d been a good girl that whole school year. The trip included a visit to the Louvre, and
that was when I had an opportunity to look at the real painting.
I think you probably know what the painting looks like. It portrays a woman sitting upright
in a chair with her hands crossed and placed firmly on her lap. Also the background; the
landscape behind this woman looks great with some rocky horizon on the left and flatlands on
the right. However, what I really pay attention to whenever I see this painting is the sitter’s
eyes. Her gaze is fixed on the observer; and together with her mysterious smile, it’s as if she
could see right through you!
I couldn’t take a proper look at the Mona Lisa because, you know, there were so many other
tourists that were curious like me. But that doesn’t mean I couldn’t look at it; I could, and the
only thing I could think of was that it looked so stunning. I literally felt my breath was
taken away the moment I looked into those eyes.
I think having a chance to actually see the Mona Lisa was the best part of my trip that
summer, and I’m planning to save up so that I can return to France and, well, “reunite” with
my favorite painting.


 at the mention of its name [expression] whenever anyone mentions it

e.g. I have a great fear of spiders, and I feel scared even at the mention of their name.
 masterpiece [noun] (kiệt tác) a work of art such as a painting, film or book that is
made with great skill
e.g. Leonardo’s “Last Supper” is widely regarded as a masterpiece.
 portray [verb] (miêu tả) to represent or describe someone or something in a painting,
film, book, or other artistic work
e.g. The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.
 sitter [noun] (mẫu chân dung) someone who is having their portrait painted
e.g. The sitter in his painting was actually his long lost brother.
 upright [adverb] (thẳng) vertical and as straight as possible
e.g. The sound of the breaking glass made her sit bolt upright.
 stunning [adjective] (tuyệt đẹp) extremely beautiful or attractive
e.g. She looks stunning in that red dress.
 literally [adverb] used to emphasize a word or phrase, even if it is not actually true
e.g. When I heard the explosion, I was so afraid that I literally jumped out of my

19. Describe an adventurous person you know

You should say:
Who the person is
How you know this person
What this person does that is adventurous
And explain why you think this person likes to take risks

So I’m going to talk about the most adventurous person I've been fortunate to get to know.
His adventure actually has nothing to do with skydiving, mountain climbing or any extreme
sports, full of potential physical danger that people normally think of when they hear the word
“adventure”, but his sense of adventure is certainly not an ordinary one.
His name is Jackson and he is a friend of mine. I got to know him 3 years ago as we had the
same circle of friends.
He was born and raised in Hong Kong. Growing up in a joyful and connected family, he
treasured family time more than anything else and worked so hard to make his parents proud.
He had a strong academic record and was extremely active in extracurricular activities and a
skilled member of the school fencing club. He was even offered a full scholarship to Stanford.
But much to everyone's surprise, he turned down the offer, left everything behind and moved
to South Korea to pursue a career in music. He was 16 years old, didn’t speak a word of
Korean, and had no friends or family around. He might get some recognition for his music
now but, back then, nothing was certain. If his training in music hadn’t worked out, he would
have had thrown away his bright future for nothing. But despite not knowing what the
outcome would be, he has tried his best to follow his dream, worked his way up from the
bottom and achieved so many great things.
That, I think, is something only a courageous and adventurous person can pull off.

25. Ordinary [adjective]: with no special or distinctive features; normal.
Eg: Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and fewer
stories about the rich and famous.
2. Treasure [verb]: to have or keep something that you love and is very valuable to you.
Eg: Thank you for the watch. I will always treasure it to remind me of your friendship.
3. Much to everyone's surprise [expression]: used for saying that something happens that
is surprising or unexpected
Eg: Much to my surprise, they offered me a £4,000 scholarship.
4. To turn down [phrasal verb]: to not accept an offer or request, to reject
Eg: How could you turn down such a fantastic job?
5. To pursue [verb]: to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her, or
Eg: The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.
6. Bright [adjective]: promising
Eg: She has been promoted in her new job and her future career prospects look bright.
7. Outcome [noun]: a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.
Eg: The weather decided the outcome of the cricket match.
8.Work your way up [expression]: gradually make progress in some field and reach your
Eg: He started as an office junior and worked his way up through the company to become a
senior manager.
9.Courageous [adjective]: brave
Eg: It was very courageous of her to give everything up and pursue her dream.

20. Describe an artistic activity that you do/did (outside of normal classes) at school
or university (such as painting, woodwork or pottery)
You should say:
what the activity is/was
when & where you do/did this activity
who you do/this activity with
how you did this activity
and explain how you felt (feel) about his activity

Last Saturday, my class went on a trip to Bat Trang traditional porcelain and pottery village,
which was located in the Gia Lam district of Ha Noi city. Actually, it was one of the most
popular tourist attractions in Ha Noi, therefore, we decided to give it a go to relax and
recharge our energies after a stressful semester. During that trip, I had an opportunity to
observe the whole process of ceramics production and make pottery products with my
When we reached Bat Trang market, the pottery artist greeted us and led us to a spacious
room where pottery commodities were produced. He demonstrated clearly specific steps in
the procedure of making pottery and encouraged each of us to give it a try. At first, I was so
clumsy when I tried to use the potter’s wheel to shape flower pot ware, but he was willing to
help me out. After I finished making raw ceramic products, I put them under the kiln for
burning and then used a brush and colored pencils to ornament my pottery.
As this was the first time I had come here, I felt extremely excited. This trip was fantastic
because it broadened my knowledge about the art of producing and decorating ceramics.
Later that semester, I joined an evening class to really learn and improve.

1. Tourist attraction (noun) nơi hấ p dẫn khách du lich:
̣ a place of interest, where tourists come
to visit.
Eg: Phu Quoc Island is one of the most popular tourist attractions, so make sure that you
pay a visit.
2. Give it a go (expression) thử làm gì đó: make an attempt at something
Eg: I have never sat on a horse, but I’ll give it a go. I hope that I don’t fall!
3. Recharge (verb) na ̣p năng lượng: fill something or somebody with energy
Eg: Listening to music is a good way to recharge my energies after school.
4. Ceramics production (noun) sự sản xuấ t đồ gố m: produce objects by
shaping pieces of clay and then baking them until they are hard
Eg: The process of ceramics production takes a lot of time, so you have to be patient.
5. Commodity (noun) sản phẩ m: a substance or a product that can be traded, bought or sold.
Eg: The country’s most valuable commodities are gold and tin.
6. Give it a try (expression) cố gắ ng thử làm gì: make an attempt to do something.
Ex: “Why don’t you give it a try” he encouraged me, when I asked if I should take the exam.
7. Clumsy (adjective) vu ̣ng về : awkward in movement and manner.
Eg: My attempts to apologize were very clumsy because I felt so guilty about crashing his
8. Potter’s wheel (noun) bàn (gố m) xoay: a machine with a horizontal spinning disc on
which clay is shaped into decorative or useful objects.
Ex: Using a potter’s wheel was a bit difficult for me, but I managed to make a simple pot.
9. Kiln (noun) lò nung: a type of large oven used for making bricks and clay objects hard
after they have been shaped
Eg: The raw ceramics products are baked in a kiln at a very high temperature for a long time.
10. Ornament (verb) trang tri:́ to add decoration to something
Eg: She ornamented her letters with little drawings in the margin.
11. Fantastic (adjective) tuyê ̣t vời, tố t: extremely good
Eg: You look fantastic in that dress, it must have cost a lot of money.
12. Broaden my knowledge about something (verb) mở rô ̣ng kiến thức của tôi về cái gì: to
know more about something
Ex: Studying abroad is a good opportunity to broaden my knowledge about other cultures.

21. Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine.

You should say:
what magazine or newspaper it was
when you read it
what the article was about
and explain why you remember this article

I don’t usually read magazines but I came across a memorable article in the Vietnam Travel
Magazine a few weeks ago when I was surfing the Internet. The article that I read was
particularly interesting because it featured Ha Long Bay, which is one of the most
breathtaking natural wonders in the world.
The content of this article was extremely well-prepared and informative. It included all the
tourist attractions in Ha Long City such as the Surprise Cave, Tuan Chau Island, and the
Royal Park. Each location was showcased together with vivid pictures, which absolutely
caught my eye. The most stunning beauty was probably Tuan Chau beach. The golden sand
and crystal clear water seemed to stretch endlessly to the horizon. It also listed all the
hidden charms like restaurants, stores, and coffee shops in this bustling city, and gave you
useful tips to get the most out of your trip.
The reason I remember this article is that once I read it, I was extremely impressed because all
the sections of the article were well-organized and well-written. In addition, the information
provided by this article was quite extensive, which deepened my knowledge about this
beautiful place. I will definitely go to visit Ha Long Bay with my family in the next summer
1. Come across (phrasal verb): tình cờ bắ t gặp: to find someone or something, to discover by
Ex: I came across her while I was walking down the street.
2. Surf the Internet (expression) lướt ma ̣ng: to browse the Internet or move from site to site
Ex: I spend all day staying at home and surfing the Internet to find interesting sites.
3. Feature (verb) mô tả: to include someone or something as an important part.
Ex: The movie features Rachel Green as a rich business woman.
4. Breathtaking (adjective) hấ p dẫn, ngoa ̣i mu ̣c: extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising
Ex: The beach itself is absolutely breathtaking, which explains why it is so popular.
5. Well-prepared (adjective) chuẩ n bi tố t: to make or get something or someone ready for
something that will happen in the future.
Ex: Although I was well-prepared for the interview, I still felt nervous.
6. Informative (adjective) cung cấ p nhiề u tin tức: providing a lot of useful information
Ex: The lecture was quite informative and I learned a lot of things that I did not know.
7. Tourist attraction (noun) nơi hấ p dẫn khác du lich:
̣ a place of interest, where many tourists
come to visit
Ex: There are many tourist attractions in my hometown.
8. Showcase (verb) thể hiê ̣n: exhibit, display
Ex: The photos showcasing these tourist attractions are really attractive.
9. Vivid (adjective) să ̣c sỡ, ma ̣nh me:̃ produce very clear, powerful, and detailed images in
the mind
Ex: His appearance was so wild and unusual, that I still have a vivid image of him in my
10. Catch sb’s eye (expression) làm cho ai chú ý: cause someone to notice someone or
Ex: The spelling mistakes in his letter of application caught my eye.
11. Stretch (verb) trải dài: to spread over a large area or distance:
Ex: A huge cloud of smoke stretched across the horizon
12. Endlessly (adverb) vô tâ ̣n: never stop, no ending point.
Ex: His talk went on endlessly, and eventually I fell asleep!
13. Bustling (adjective): full of people moving about in a busy way
Ex: The market is always bustling on Saturdays, when most people do their shopping.
14. Get the most out of (expression): get the most benefit from something/somebody
Ex: Before I visited Australia, I read some travel guides in order to get the most out of my
15. Well-organized (adjective) đươ ̣c bố cu ̣c tố t: to arrange and structure something well
Ex: The structure of the essay is well-organized and the student obviously made a good plan.
16. Well-written (adjective) đươ ̣c viế t tố t: written in an effective or interesting way
Ex: I love reading all books by Rachel Hanna because they are so well-written.
17. Extensive (adjective) pha ̣m vi rô ̣ng raĩ : covering a large area; having a great range
Ex: The house needed extensive alterations when we moved in.
18. Deepen knowledge about (expression) mở rô ̣ng kiế n thức về cái gì đó/ ai đó: to know
more about something/ someone.
Ex: Reading travel magazines deepens my knowledge about my country.

22. Describe an experience of good service in a shop or a restaurant.

And explain why you think it was good service.

Let me tell about this one time I experienced exceptional service at a restaurant. It was my
18th birthday and my family came up with the idea of celebrating the night by eating out. The
first thing to pop up into our minds was going to a fancy restaurant but somehow, we ended
up having our dinner at a reputable family restaurant nearby.
On entering the place, we were impressed by the restaurant’s cozy and homely decor as well
as the courteousness of the servers, who allocated us the limited window seats right away as
a privilege after hearing that it was my birthday. Additionally, the waiters were patient and
attentive, and we only had to wait for about 10 minutes to be served, even though we ordered
quite a lavish amount of food. Most importantly, the dishes were so succulent that we
couldn’t have imagined they were merely home food.
However, the real highlight of the meal would be the surprise discount offered by the
restaurant owner, which we refused in the end. Being able to enjoy delectable dishes while
spending quality time with my family really made my day, not to mention not having to pay
through the nose for the experience.

 Reputable (có danh tiếng) [adj]: generally considered to be honest, reliable, and
Example: Harvard is one of the most reputable universities in the world.
 Cozy (ấm cúng) [adj]: warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed
Example: A cozy home is the greatest comfort after a hard working day.
 Courteousness (sự lịch sự, ga-lăng) [noun]: the quality of being polite, especially in
a formal way
Example: Hotel staff must be courteous at all times to provide the customers with the best
 To allocate somebody something (phân cho ai đó cái gì, việc gì) [phrase]:
to officially give something to someone, or to decide that something can be used for
a specific purpose
Example: We allocate each student a personal tutor so that they can seek help with their
 Attentive (chăm chú, chu đáo) [adj]: behaving in a way that shows you care about
someone and are willing to help them
Example: Service at this small hotel is friendly and attentive.
 A lavish amount of something (một lượng rất lớn, rất nhiều cái gì) [phrase]: a
huge amount of something
Example: We ordered a lavish amount of food to serve a party of 20 people.
 Succulent (mọng và ngon) [adj]: full of juice and tastes good
Example: The hamburger was so succulent. It was juicy and absolutely delicious.
 Delectable (ngon lành) [adj]: very pleasant, especially to eat or drink
Example: My mom is a talented cook; her dishes are always delectable.
 To make one’s day (làm nên một ngày vui vẻ/đáng nhớ của ai đó) [expression]:
To ensure the pleasure and distinction of one's whole day
Example: Being gifted with flowers on Women’s Day really makes a girl’s day.
 To pay through the nose for something (trả rất nhiều tiền cho cái gì) [expression]:
to pay a lot of money for something
Example: He had to pay through the nose for his new sports car.

23.Describe a tourist site in your country that you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:
Where you went (= the name and location of the place)
What sort of this place it was (or, what it looked like)
What you did there
Who you went with
Explain why you enjoyed it.
Explain why you think people are attracted to that place

I have travelled to several places around the country but there is one of them that always
comes to my mind whenever I make travel plans with my family or friends. So, I am going to
talk about a place which is called Hoi An. Hoi An is a city in Quang Nam Province, it is
located in the central region of Vietnam and it is famous for its historic district. I had heard
many favorable reports about it before, but it was not until the summer of 2014 that I actually
had a chance to go there with my best friend.

At first, I was surprised at how quiet and peaceful it was. Actually I am the type of person
who prefers wandering around big cities with impressive modern buildings such as
Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo, or cities with elegant architecture like Paris and London, so I
was kind of disappointed when I first came to Hoi An. It was so quiet and it looked neither
modern nor decorative, instead of that, it brings out the vibe of those ancient Chinese streets
which we often see in Chinese movies. After searching on Google, I got to know that the
name Hoi An originally means “a peaceful place to meet” and I personally think that the
atmostphere there matches its name perfectly.

In spite of not falling in love with the city at the very first sight, I slowly grew fond of it
during my 4-day stay there. Since it was simply a city with very ancient streets, there was no
shopping mall, and no attractions with entertainment, so all we did was to walk around, taking
photos of the picturesque sights and eating amazingly delicious local delicacies. I am a food
person so I feel very intrigued when it comes to good local food, and Hoi An didn’t
disappoint me in this field. I was extremely happy during my stay because I was able to have
about 6 meals a day, since everything is so tasty and cheap. Besides, in Hoi An, there are no
cars and motorbikes going like rockets on the road, no rush hours, no polluted air, no shouting
or yelling in the streets, and those are the things that calmed me, and gave me time to let both
my mind and body wander. I felt like all my stress had disappeared and my mind was so
relaxed I forgot about all my problems that I had left behind in busy Hanoi before the trip. I
think everyone who went there also experienced that feeling, which is why people always
want to go back to Hoi An and adore it so much.


1. Several [determiner]: some, an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many
Eg: I've seen "Gone with the Wind" several times.

2. To come to one’s mind [expression]: to enter into one’s consciousness or be

Eg: The idea for my new book came to my mind when I was showering.
3. Favorable [adjective]: making people have a good opinion of something
Eg: Her new book has had favorable reviews.

4. To wander [verb]: to walk around in a relaxed way without any clear purpose
Eg: I usually wander around my hometown whenever I have time.

5. Impressive [adjective]: making you feel admiration for something or somebody

Eg: His essays are very impressive – there are almost no mistakes.

6. Elegant [adjective]: attractive and designed well

Eg: Her father bought her an elegant dress for her birthday.

7. Neither…nor [expression]: not one nor the other of two things/ people
Eg: I neither know nor care about what happened to him.

8. Decorative [adjective]: intended to look attractive

Eg: It was an elegant door, with a decorative design which caught my attention.

9. Vibe [noun]: a mood produced by a particular thing or place

Eg: As soon as I entered the dark street, I felt a strange vibe as if there were danger there.

10. To grow fond of something/someone [phrasal verb]: begin to like something that you
didn’t really like before
Eg: The truth is I have grown fond of chocolate, although I used to hate it.

11. Picturesque [adjective]: attractive – of a place or building – especially one which is

Eg: The programme about Thailand showed some picturesque scenes of beaches, temples
and mountains.

12. Sight [noun]: an interesting place, often visited by tourists

Eg: If you visit London, you must see some famous sights such as the Tower of London and
Westminster Abbey.

13. Delicacy [noun]: a type of food that is very special in a particular place
Eg: In France, snails with garlic are considered to be a delicacy.

14. Intrigued [adjective]: very interested in something and wanting to know more about it
Eg: I was intrigued to hear the story of his childhood in China.

15. Yell [verb]: to shout loudly because you are angry or excited
Eg: The crowd yelled encouragement at their team.
16. Adore [verb]: to love somebody or something very much
Eg: I adore trying the local food when I travel to a new place.

Part 3:
1. What are the places that people in your country like to visit?
In the past, beaches used to be the most popular place among Vietnamese people to visit on
holidays, but today, national parks, tropical forests and other cultural places attract hordes of
Vietnamese travelers. They want to go hiking and camping, to see the great outdoors, to
explore new places and new culture, rather than just lounge about like they used to in the

2. What are the impacts of tourists on local people?

Well, there are a wide range of negative and positive impacts of tourism on the host
community. In terms of economy, tourism creates jobs, both through direct employment
within the tourism industry and indirectly in sectors such as retail and transportation but jobs
created by tourism are often seasonal and poorly paid. Other than that, mass tourism is often
associated with negative socio-cultural and environmental effects. For example, tourism
poses a threat to a region's natural and cultural resources, such as water supply, through

3. Will international tourism improve international relationships?

I would say yes, tourism could lead to an improvement in international relations at all levels.
With international tourism, travelers can cross ethnic, racial and regional boundaries.
International tourism helps to spread knowledge and information about culture, society, and
different perspectives. From this knowledge, they will find it easier to sympathize with other
people. Therefore, international tourism makes a great contribution to building friendly
relations between nations.

1, hordes of sth [noun] a large unorganized group of individuals
Eg: hordes of tourists entered the museum.
2, the great outdoors [noun] the woods, the wilderness, the wild
Eg: He had a taste for adventure and the great outdoors.
3, lounge about [phrasal verb] to relax or idle
Eg: Several students were lounging about reading papers.
4, host community [noun] a community of people willing to take others into their homes and
help support them. In tourism, it refers to local people.
Eg: The support of the host community is important in achieving sustainable tourism.
5, seasonal [adj] relating to or happening during a particular period in the year:
Eg: Temperatures will remain below seasonal levels, especially near the Atlantic coast.
6, associate [verb] to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or
something else
Eg: Both politicians have been closely associated with the movement for some time.
7, socio-cultural [adj] related to the different groups of people in society and their habits,
traditions, and beliefs:
Eg: A good doctor has the ability to relate to the sociocultural background of his or her
8, ethnic [adj] relating to a particular race of people
Eg: The factory's workforce reflects the ethnic mix from which it draws its labour.

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