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1.What are your thoughts and feelings about the video?

- In watching the video, It was so sad that their son is in critical condition. In their situation, it's
so hard for them to decide because of their belief. The doctor and the nurse believe to be best for
the patient but the patient’s family won’t allow doing the blood transfusion because they have
their own belief. Nurses, sometimes our morals and values conflict with those that our patients
have this can cause some distress for the nurse. By having an understanding of some of the issues
that can arise during this kind of situation decisions, nurses can be better prepared for what to
expect and how best to handle ethical issues.

2. If you will be the student nurse doing the explaining on that particular patient what will
you do?

- If I will be the student nurse doing the explaining on that particular patient, I still do what the
nurse and doctor did in the video that I will respect the family’s decision. As a nurse, I must
support and advocate for my patient and his family’s right, including their right to make
decisions. Even though I might not agree with a family’s decision, but I must support it.  Also
establish trust with patients through communication. Because nurses are likely to have the most
direct contact with patients, effective nurse-patient communication is critical. Nurses can utilize
proven therapeutic communication techniques that promote quality care.

3. What ethical theories are you going to apply in order to do your work? Please explain
your answer.  

- The ethical theory that I’m going to apply in order to do my work is Autonomy. It is because
the client has the right to make decisions and we must respect their choices. Expressing respect
for a patient's autonomy means acknowledging that patients who have decision-making capacity
have the right to make decisions regarding their care, even when their decisions contradict their
clinicians' recommendations It is true regardless of what you feel you’re under an obligation to
respect the wishes of the client and the client’s family.

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