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ACIA IN ACIA.......... (XII, 16)..........Columns in the column.

ADIUTA...DEUS.......... (XII, 16; XII, 24)..........Lord.... help us

AD CONTO, CLINA.......... (XII, 16)............Front right.

AD DECARCHAS.......... (III, 5)............Behind Decarchi.

AD FULCON.......... (XII, 16; XII, 24)............Form the Fulkon.

AD LATUS STRINGE......... (III, 3; III, 5)..........Close the ranks.

AD OCTO.......... (XII, 16)............For eight in a row.

AD PENTARCHAS.......... (III, 5)............Behind the Pentarchi.

AD SCUTO CLINA.......... (XII, 6)............Front left.

AMI FULCO........... (XII, 24)............Proceed in Fulkon.

BANDO SEQUUTE........... (XII, 14)............Follow the banner.

BANDUM CAPTA........... (III,5).............Observe the banner.

CEDE ........... (III, 5)...........Re-enter. (back)

CUM ORDINE SEQUE ..........(III, 5)............Follow in good order.

CURSU MINA! ..........(III, 5)..............Gallop! Charge!

DEPONE (AU) DEXTRA ..........(III, 5; XII, 16)............Right turn.

DEPONE (AU) SENESTRA ..........(III, 5; XII, 16)............Left turn.

DIRIGE FRONTEM ..........(XII, 16; XII, 24)...........Adjust the front.

EQUALITER AMBULA ..........(III, 5)............Move (Advance) uniformly.

EXI ..........(III, 14; XII, 16; XII, 24)............Out (from the column).

INTRA ...........(XII, 16; XII, XII, 24)............Enter.

IPSO SEQUE CUM BANDO MILIX ..........(III, 5)...........Soldier, follow the banner with the rest of your

IPSUM SERVE ET TU BANDIFER ...........(III, 5)...........You too, standard bearer, keep your position.

JUNGE ...........(III, 4; III, 5; XII, 16; XII, 24)............Close ranks.

JUNGE FULCO ...........(XII, 24)..........Meet in fulkon. (Close in fulkon or together in fulkon)

LARGIA AD AMBAS PARTES ..........(XII, 16; XII, 24)...........Expand on both sides.

LARGIA AD DEXTRAM ...........(XII, 24)...........Expand to the right.

LARGITER AMBULA ...........(III, 2)............Forward (Advance) in open order.

MANDATA CAPTATE ...........(XII, 14)............Hear the orders

MEDII PARTITIS AD DIFALANGIAM ..........((XII, 16)............Divide in half. Duble phalanx.

MOVE ..........(III, 5; XII, 16; XII, 24)............Forward.

MUTA LOCUM ..........(XII, 16)............Change position.

NEMO ANTECEDAT BANDUM ..........(III,5)...........Nobody advance in front (precede) of the banner.

NEMO DEMITTAT ...........(III, 5)............Not backward

NEMO DEMITTAT BANDUM ET INIMICOS SEQUE ..........(XII, 4).............Nobody leave the banner or
follow the enemy.

NON VOS TURBATIS ..........(XII, 14)............Not create disorder. (very useful for Forum moderators!)

ORDINEM SERVATE ..........(XII, 14)..............Maintain the deployment (the formation).

PARATI ...........(XII, 16)..............Get ready.

PERCUTE! ...........(III, 5)..............Charge!.

PRIMI FERMI, SECUNDI AD DIFALANGIAM EXITE .........(XII, 16)...........Firsts (line) stop. Seconds (line)
out in duble phalanx

REDI ...........(XII, 16; XII, 24)............Aboutface.

REVERTE ............(XII, 16)............Re-enter.

SERVA MILIX ORDINEM POSITUM ...........(III, 5)............Soldier, keep the position assigned.

SI VERO BANDUM DEMITTES EO MODO NON VERO VICES ..........(III, 5)............If you leave the banner,
you'll not ever win.

SIC VENIAS VERO AEQUALIS FACIES ..........(III, 5)............Advance aligned with the other in your row.

SILENTIUM ..........(III, 5; XII,14)............Silence!

TU SUUM ORDINEM ...........(III, 5)..............wheter you fight, wheter you chase the enemy, wheter
you keep the row (line), do not charge impetuosly not to break the formation.

STA ..........(III, 5)............Halt.

SUSCIPE ..........(III, 5)............Receive.

TALIS EST COMODUM MILES BARBATI ..........(III, 5)............So acts a brave soldier.

TORNA MINA ............(III, 5)............Turn and charge.

TRANSFORMA ..........(III, 5; XII, 16; XII, 24)............Reversing the front.

TRANSMUTA ...........(III, 5; III, 15)..........Change position.

UNDIQUE SERVATE ..........(XII, 16)..........Front towards any side.

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