Test 2

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Task 1: (160 words)

The bar chart shows export earnings in five types of good in 2015 and 2016.
Besides, the table shows the proportional movement of those goods between 2015
and 2016.

Petroleum products had the highest revenue in both 2015 and 2016, especially in
2016, it increased by 3% over the previous year to nearly 62 billions. After that
was Engineered goods with 61 billions export earning, increased 8.5% compared
to 2015.

On another hand, although gems and jewellery still brought a high revenue from
exports, it decreased about 5.18% in 2016 to only 40.5 billions. At last, agricultural
products and Textiles were the two types of items with the lowest profits. When
agricultural products seem to be stable, only increased 0.82%, Textiles had a
spectacular growth with 15.24% increase of revenue in 2016.

In sum, the highest export earning was from petroleum products and except for
gems and jewellery, all of categories experienced an increase of revenue from 2015
to 2016.

Task 2: (266 words)

Opinions differ as to whether the disappearance of many plants and animals is the
most serious issue to our environment or there still have more important problems
than that. Personally, I am in agreement with the latter view, even though the other
one also show some positive aspects.

It is certainly true that the loss of particular species in ecosystem is a very urgent
issue for some reasons. First of all, species are now extinct at a speed faster than
the speed of species formation, the fastest ever and not following any rules. Every
20 minutes, a certain species of animal or plant goes extinct. Secondly, the
disappearance of them will reduce biodiversity and have negative impact on
human as many people now depend on animals and plants for their livelihoods. In
sum, the extinction of many species is a serious problem, needed to pay attention

However, I believe that there still has problems that are more important and urgent
than that. In particular, current major enviromental issues include climate change,
pollution, enviromental degradation and the depletion of natural resources. Each of
them is serious and is getting worse day by day . Especiall pollution, which
impacts directly on people’s daily lives while other problems, including the
extinction of species, just impact indirectly. Overall, there are many matters related
to the environment today that are very attentive, not just one.

In conclusion, while the loss of species of animals and plants is very serious, it
seems to me that there still have more pressing issues as pollution, climate change,
enviromental degradtion,ect worth paying more attention.

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