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Collection of
essays written
by our students

Most of us have had at every step of our lives

someone who has been by our side, who has
made a difference and who has moved us to go
further. Particularly at such an important stage
of life as adolescence, we reflect on those who
have shared their lives with us and inspired us
to move forward.

Lily is simply an amazing person. Despite having known her for just one year,
she has become an inspiration to me. She is a dancer, specializing in twek,
heels and kpop and has been dancing since she was five years old.

At the age of twelve, she suffered a serious injury that kept her from dancing
for two years and that led her to concentrate on her studies.

When she was abe to dance again, she started competing in kpop
competitions. She is a stubborn and determined person and although the
doctor told her not to overdo, Lyly ignored him. As a result, she is now
undergoing physiothepary.

Just six months ago, she got a grant to go to One Million, one of the best
dance studios in the world. located in South Korea.

Currently she is working on what she likes most: dancing, and as soon as she
can, she wants to go back to One Million to continue learning.

Despite being only 23, she has managed to achieve most of her goals, living on
what she loves and the fact that she wants to outdo herself inspires me to do
the same.


My grandfather Miguel is an amazing person. 

He is always willing to help people in need and he is  kind, humble and hard-working.

Miguel had a rough childhood, as he was born when the Spanish Civil War started. At
that time, there was a lot of poverty and as a result my grandfather had to start
working in his early teenage years. At work, he always did his best and tired to help his
workmates as much as he could.

When he got married, he started working in a chemical factory. There, he saved a co-
worker's life. There was a leak of liquid nitrogen and it froze his workmate's leg. My
grandfather, being very sensible and courageous, got him out of the factory and saved
his life. Howeve, nothing could be done to save the frozen leg and it had to be

I admire my grandfather because he always sees the best in people and helps them
move forward when they go through a rough patch in their lives.

From my point of view, he is inspiring and kind. I always try to follow his example and
become a better. person. As many people would agree, he is unique and we should all
try to help others, as Miguel has been doing all his life.
My father's name is Nacho. He is of average height and he is a

plump man. His hair is short and white, and his eyes are dark,

but you can see in them a very special spark in specific

situations. He wears glasses. He is usually shaved, but

sometines I can appreciate a short beard when he hasn't

shaved for days. You can see him happy very often, because

he is a very cheerful man.

But even if he is a humorous and happy person, he know when

he must be serious. I think that  is one of his greatest qualities:

he knows perfectly well how he must react in every situation

and how to analyse information. That gives me a lot of security

because, in my opinion, a person that knows how to handle

difficult situations can take care of his family and his loved

ones. There is a thing that I like even more than his conviction,

and that is his sense of hard work. Anyone who is hard-working

and humble is, in my point of view, a successful person.

That is a quality that I have always tried to copy and make it a

part of me, but it is something I can't control completely.

I am glad that a person like my dad is part of my life and even

with our differences and with his flaws, I would not change him

for anything.

Henny is like my third grandmother. We have known each other since
the first time she held me in her arms when I was born. We soon
bonded really well together and that's the reason why she is so
important and why she is like a third grandmother for me.

Henny, who is in her early seventies, is of medium height and average

build. She has got short grey hair and a lovely pair of light-blue eyes.
and a charming smile, in spite of her fake teeth.She wears the latest

She is a very strong person that has been through a lot and she is also
very wise because she thinks twice before making decisions. She has
an extraordinary sense of humour and she always brings the best of
me. But what I really admire about Henny is her generous and caring
personality that makes you feel loved.

In her free time, she loves reading and riding her bike, specially on
sunny days. Henny also enjoys cooking and I have to admit she makes
the best meatballs.

Henny is the most caring person I have ever

met, she has helped me with many things
and thanks to her I have a much better
relationship with my mother.
Unfortunately, this amazing person
passed away days ago and left a space
in my heart. There is no one like her and
she will always be remembered for the
caring person she was.

By Sara Trujillo
I remember everything as if it had happened
yesterday, with all kind of details. It all began when I
arrived at the Moscow airport, Russia. It was at that
exact moment that my nightmare started.

My idea was to enjoy a fantastic holiday week in

Russia, but I didn't know what was about to happen. It
was all going as expected,  I left the plane and I was
taking my luggages when suddenly two policemen
stopped me. They asked me for my passport and, after
some verifications, they took me to a small room close
to the gate. I don't know if I looked suspicious because
of my caasual outfit or maybe becaused I looked too
tired after six hours travelling, but the thing is that
they arrested me and they didn't stop asking me a lot
of questions in a very poor English. I didn't know what
to answer because I couldn't even speak, they were
just making questions and talking in Russian. At that
moment, I started thinking about the Cold War films
that I had seen the week before and a small smiles was
reflected on my face. The policemen noticed my smile
and thought I was laughing at them and then, the got
even angrier .... It was at that moment when I saw one
of them making aphone call. i had trouble articulating
words, everything happend so fast. After the call, the
two policemen left the room. I stayed alone in that
tiny room for two hours approximately. Suddenly
another policeman entered, I thought he was going to
apologise, but he arrested me.

I was in jail for three days in a tiny room shared with

four other people. Finally, The Spanish Embassy got
me out and I came back to Spain. I will never go back
to Russia.

By Mario España
I haven't slept for several nights, a lot of things don't let me sleep, but
now I will tell the story of what happened to me. Several weeks ago, I
went to visit an Egyptian museum with my friends and we entered a
forbidden area. Here I saw a briefcase with a sticker saying: Do not
touch! I pickd it up and suddenly a security guard appeared and we
ran out, but the briefcase fell and it opened up. Inside there was a
strange book and I touched it, but I felt as if my hands were burning
and I dropped the book and ran.

That same night I searched for information about Egyptian books and
found the museum book that I had picked up. According to the
legend, that book was cursed by Anubis and whoever touched it
would be cursed forever. In spite of the information from the internet,
I decided to ignore it and go to sleep, but my hair on my head started
to fall, my skin was red and on my back I had two big dragon wings.
When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't do anything, I was a monster.

I should have done something, but however I left my room and I flew
for many days until I reached an island in the north of Iceland.

Currently I live here, waiting for a future outside of this island.

Miguel Oliva

I couldnt' see anything.  Suddenly, I started feeling dizzy

and just before I passed out, I heard a faint scream calling
me. I opened my eyes; it was just a nightmare. I looked at
the clock: it was six o'clock, so I decided to get out of bed.
It had already been a year since I last saw her. Everyone
thought she was gone forever and even I had started to
lose hope. Experts say the anniversay of traumatic events
can affect people in an unexpected way, but I was fine. It
was just another monotonous day in my life.

I decided to go for a walk. I had my head in the clouds and

before I could realize it, I was heading towards the river. It
was the place where I first met her; underneath the willow
trees. This place had always been full of life, but today, it
seemed as if it was dead. There was no trace of the
squirrels that lived happily on the trees, nor of the birds
that always sang their soothing melody.

I sat underneath my favourite tree and soon fell asleep.

After a while, I opened my eyes without even noticing.
Strangely, I felt an itch through my whole body. I looked
at my arms; they were turning brown. I rubbed my eyes
thinking I might be still dreaming, but it didn't work. Roots
started growing from my feet, branches came out of my
arms and body. This could not be real; I was turning into a

I gasped and shouted as loud as I could, asking for help,

but no one seemed to notice me. I tried closing my eyes
and breathing slowly, thinking I may calm down. However,
it was useless. It was as if my lungs had disappeared. Air
just didn't want to get into my body. Then I felt a huge
pain: my spine was breaking and twisting. Suddenly
everything stopped: the transformation had come to an
end. And there I was: turned into a willow tree next to the
river shore, regretting my inability to keep what I most
Primer día de instituto, nuevo año, nueva clase, nuevos
Virginia Martínez

profesores. Es un día lleno de alegría y de esperanza, antes de

que toda la realidad de una agobiante vida estudiantil se te eche
encima para arruinar toda la diversión.
A mí me gusta el primer día por otra razón. Tengo una especie de
poder. Cuando miro a las personas puedo ver cómo el color de
sus ojos cambia, tienen otro brillo por así decirlo, eso siempre
depende de las emociones que sientan en ese instante.
Este poder que tengo va vinculado a otro que consiste en que
encima de sus cabezas puedo ver un número, éste me indica el
tiempo de vida que le queda a cada uno: si es de dos dígitos,
como 24, son años, si lleva ceros delante, como 0045, son
minutos u horas. La mayoría de la gente con la que me cruzo
tiene una cifra de dos dígitos.
Siempre llego antes a clase por eso mismo, para contemplar cada
sentimiento y esperanza de vida de mis compañeros. El primer
chico que ha entrado a clase, uno de mis mejores amigos, hoy
tenía unos ojos radiantes de amarillo, está de buen humor. Por
otra parte, el número de su cabeza rezaba: 0039. Me estremecí
tanto que del salto que pegué el chico se preocupó.
-¿Estás bien, Diego?- preguntó. Ese soy yo, Diego Moreno, el
español de la clase, por aquí por California no es que haya
muchos, así que se me puede considerar una edición limitada.
-¿Diego?, me pregunta con un brillo anaranjado-preocupación en
los ojos.
-Eh... sí, estoy bien, sólo son mis pensamientos.
- Me estaba preocupando.
- No me pasa nada, tranquilo.
Mis compañeros se fueron sentando en sus respectivos sitios a la
espera de que el profesor diese comienzo la clase, presentación o
lo que sea que se hace el primer día.
Yo no estaba prestando especial atención a nadie, estaba
inmerso en mi cuaderno, en el que estaba dibujando por
aburrimiento. En un momento me dió por mirar hacia arriba y no
pude más que arrepentirme, no sabía qué hacer: todos tenían
0010 en sus cabezas en un rojo intenso. Era la primera vez que
veía esos números de un color distinto al negro. Busqué en
internet el significado. PELIGRO. SANGRE.
Quedaban cinco minutos de clase y diez para que todos
Decidí salir de clase con la excusa de un dolor de cabeza y buscar por
el instituto algún indicio de asesinato o algo sospechoso, cualquier
cosa.  Mientras me acercaba a mi taquilla escuché un ruido, algo así
como un golpe en seco, y sólo se me ocurrió esconderme tras la pared
más cercana.  A unos diez metros divisé a un hombre vestido
completamente normal acercarse a la puerta del instituto, saliendo de
la clase más cercana a ésta. Pude ver cómo guardaba un objeto en
una bolsa negra para después salir del edificio.
Entré en el aula de donde había salido el misterioso hombre, el
laboratorio de Biología, la clase más cercana a la mía. En la pared
había pegado un aparato extraño con muchos cables. Tengo dieciséis
años y vivo en una ciudad tranquila, pero sé perfectamente el aspecto
de una bomba.
Corrí a mi clase y sin el más mínimo pudor grité avisando del
explosivo de la clase junto a la nuestra. La mayoría de los números
cambiaron a la normalidad. Salieron corriendo despavoridos de un
lado a otro, el profesor se molestó conmigo, así que le invité a entrar
en la clase de al lado y al verlo con sus propios ojos, pulsó
desesperadamente el botón de la alarma de incendios, creando así un
caos descomunal.
Ya éramos bastantes fuera del edificio. Iban saliendo poco a poco por
las ventanas y las puertas. Yo me encontraba observando los
acontecimientos y presentía que no todos iban a llegar. Me estaba
entrando el pánico al ver tantos ojos morados de miedo. Me percaté
de que mi amigo, el que me habló aquella mañana, estaba justo
saliendo por una de las ventanas de la planta baja. No sólo eso, su
número había cambiado nada más que a unos minutos y era de un
color gris bastante evidente. No tenía ni idea de su significado.
Me sentía desesperado por evitar la muerte de todas esas personas
inocentes, de mi amigo. Mientras intentaba enfocar mi vista en un
color diferente al morado intenso, veo delante de mí estallar el
instituto. Me caigo y escucho un pitido. No hago nada, me quedo
quieto mirando a un punto fijo, sin percatarme del caos a mi
alrededor. Ojalá tuviese el poder de parar el tiempo y dejar de ver esa
masacre ante mis ojos.
Cuando volví a la realidad, me dediqué a buscar a mi amigo, Liam,
entre toda aquella sangre y desesperación. A lo lejos vi, entre varios,
un cuerpo tirado en el suelo, inexpresivo, indiferente a la destrucción
a su alrededor. 
-¡Liam, Liam, Liam!- Me tiré encima suya. - ¡Despierta Liam! - grité aún
más fuerte.
Necesitaba procesar toda la información, asimilar que de un
momento a otro medio instituto estaba muerto o herido, me culpaba
por no haberles salvado la vida aún sabiendo que iban a quedarse sin
ella. Para mí era preciso parar el tiempo.
Los Reyes
Magos se

Melchor, Gaspar y yo
estábamos, como todos los
años, repartiendo regalos.
Aunque no lo crean, nosotros
siempre vamos con miedo a las
 Gaspar se puso un poco
casas. Ya que si alguien nos ve,
agresivo y les quitó
romperíamos la primera regla
bruscamente el móvil de las
e iríamos a la cárcel. De
momento esta noche todo iba
bien, nos quedaban pocos
El padre cogió otro teléfono
sitios a los que ir.
y llamó a la policía, así que
Cuando estábamos por Málaga
nos fuimos corriendo. Pero
saltó una alarma que tenemos
la policía consiguió dar con
para avisarnos si hay alguien
nosotros y tuvimos que ir al
despierto. No sabíamos qué
juzgado a testificar. El juez
hacer, pues teníamos dos
nos condenó a cuarenta
opciones: no pasar por esa casa
años de prisión por
o arriesgarnos a entrar.
incumplimiento de la
Hicimos una votación y ganó
primera norma.
entrar en la casa. Cuando ya
nos íbamos, entró un niño y
Así que los padres tuvieron
nos vió. Se puso a gritar hasta
que decir a los niños que los
que los padres se levantaron.
Reyes Magos se habían
Cogieron el móvil e hicieron
jubilado para no acabar
vídeos y fotos. 
con sus ilusiones.
Jessica Milone



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