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Today’s teenagers have come up with tons of new slang terms that we have trouble

understanding. Let's see what they all mean.

As technology advances and we get closer to the possibility of a Black Mirror-esque

scenario becoming real, the world enters a new chapter dominated more and more by
the internet culture. Most of our social interactions are now influenced by memes,
dynamic social media platforms and our desire to be unique, heard and belong to a
certain group of people who we perceive as “cool”. And slang words are a great way
to show everyone around us just that!
Lexico powered by Oxford defines “slang” as “a type of language consisting of
words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in
speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group
of people”. For example, the slang words and phrases we are going to talk about
today are defining for two generations known as “millennials” and “gen z” – but
mostly “gen z” because – let’s face it – today’s teenagers have come up with tons of
new slang terms that even I, as a millennial, have trouble understanding. Praised be
the mighty internet for slang dictionaries!

So whether you millennial desperately trying to stay cool – like me, a Gen X-er
striving to understand the new generations or a baby boomer who wants to be
the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) grandpa or grandma, you’ve come to the right
place. Why? ‘Cause we’re about to absolutely slay this list of popular slang words!
And not just with English 

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