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We call celebrity to that people that work hard to get the attention of the public. When that
person becomes famous, they try to avoid the focus from them. Being a star it’s not easy. They
are constantly being recorded and followed by a lot of public so they don’t have any personal
space. Maybe being in the spot light is not as good as we think.

Being well known has a positive face. The money. Celebrities make a lot of money if we
compare them with “usual people”. As we know, nowadays anyone can become a celebrity.
You don’t need degrees or studies to become a film star or a well known cooker. You just have
to work hard and trust in what you are trying to transmit to your followers. If they like it’s
possible that you grow up as a famous person.

But everything has a negative reality. First of all, if you are well known, you won’t have privacy
in any sense. Also, there are many cases of stars that receive letters from their fans but
sometimes, admirers don’t only write pretty letters, there are many cases of notorious people
that receive threats or just sometimes if they have done something that someone didn’t like,
they may find their house or car wrecked.

I believe that being famous could be positive in the sense of making money carrying out things
you love or showing other people how to do it but nevertheless is not easy to deal with
everybody that follow you.

Sergio Blanco


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