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Howdy Mikel!!

Yesterday my uncle told me that you are trying to increase the productivity in your company
and I’ve found an article about productivity and music.

This study says that the silence is the best option for being concentrate and focused in your
hard work, but sometimes, silence can’t be possible. You have to try to make a connection
between your workers and the music that they are listening to while they are working and of
course, try to link this to the product that you are selling. If you finally find this union, you’ll
see how your sales grow.

Every kind of music can attach the problem of lethargy (at work, driving…), just try to find
some lively music and your workers will wake up!!

Finally, keep in your mind that the coolest music option to try to expand your business it’s
classic rock and pop!!!

Test it and you’ll see the changes!!!

Waiting for good news,

Sergio 😉

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