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Это экзаменационный билет (письменная часть) 2009 года (

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Успехов и позитива!!!!!!

IESKAITE ANGĻU VALODĀ 9. KLASEI 2009. gada 4. jūnijā



Task 1 Your personality You want to become a member of a teenagers’ club.

Write an e-mail describing yourself in about 80 words:

 your interests and future plans,

 why you want to join the club,

 other information

Good afternoon!
My name is Maxim, I'm 15 years old, and I would like to join your teenage club. I
have a lot of interests: I like to watch movies, play computer games, and listen to
music. In the future I plan go to university, and the specialty, most likely, I will get
related to music .I would like to join your club, because I am interested in
communicating with peers and sharing opinions. I would love to be a member of
your club.
Thanks in advance!

Maksims Miftahovs 9.a

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