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Biomarkers—A General Review UNIT 9.

Jeffrey K. Aronson1 and Robin E. Ferner2,3
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health
Sciences, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, United Kingdom
West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions, City Hospital, Birmingham, United
School of Medicine, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

A biomarker is a biological observation that substitutes for and ideally predicts

a clinically relevant endpoint or intermediate outcome that is more difficult
to observe. The use of clinical biomarkers is easier and less expensive than
direct measurement of the final clinical endpoint, and biomarkers are usually
measured over a shorter time span. They can be used in disease screening,
diagnosis, characterization, and monitoring; as prognostic indicators; for de-
veloping individualized therapeutic interventions; for predicting and treating
adverse drug reactions; for identifying cell types; and for pharmacodynamic
and dose-response studies. To understand the value of a biomarker, it is nec-
essary to know the pathophysiological relationship between the biomarker and
the relevant clinical endpoint. Good biomarkers should be measurable with
little or no variability, should have a sizeable signal to noise ratio, and should
change promptly and reliably in response to changes in the condition or its
therapy.  C 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: adverse drug reactions r biomarkers r drug discovery r drug de-

velopment r diagnosis r monitoring drug therapy r screening r surrogate
endpoints r surrogate markers

How to cite this article:

Aronson, J.K., & Ferner, R.E. (2017). Biomarkers—A general review.
Current Protocols in Pharmacology, 76, 9.23.1-9.23.17.
doi: 10.1002/cpph.19

INTRODUCTION Here we discuss the history, advantages,

Although they have been used for decades, uses, and taxonomies of biomarkers and
the term “biomarker” and its synonyms, such the pitfalls and challenges associated with
as “surrogate marker” and “surrogate end- them. We also propose a new definition of
point,” are used much more widely today. a biomarker. This paper builds upon and ex-
A search for these terms in papers indexed tends previous publications and replaces them
in PubMed shows that interest in biomark- (Aronson, 2005, 2008, 2012).
ers began to increase dramatically in 2005
(Fig. 9.23.1).
The increase in interest since 2010 has HISTORY
been particularly striking; about half of all The term “biomarker” dates from the
papers published on the topic have appeared 1970s, having been first used, as far as we
since 2014. Recent examples include system- can discover, in an article title in 1973 (Rho
atic reviews of procalcitonin as a biomarker et al.). In that instance the term was used to
for medullary thyroid cancer (Karagian- indicate the presence of material of biological
nis, Girio-Fragkoulakis, and Nakouti, 2016), origin. It continues to be used in this way in
KRAS mutations as prognostic biomarkers the geological and ecological literature. The
in pancreatic cancer (Li, T. et al., 2016), earliest clinical use dates from 1977 in a pub-
and serum microRNA-21 as a diagnostic lication titled “Tumor biomarkers of value in
biomarker in breast cancer (Li, S. et al., the management of gynecologic malignancy
2016). Drug Discovery
will also be correlated with clinical course” Technologies

Current Protocols in Pharmacology 9.23.1–9.23.17, March 2017 9.23.1

Published online March 2017 in Wiley Online Library (
doi: 10.1002/cpph.19
Copyright C 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Supplement 76
Figure 9.23.1 Numbers of publications indexed under the terms “biomarker(s),” “surrogate
marker(s),” and “surrogate endpoint(s)” in PubMed. Top panel: Absolute numbers of reports;
bottom panel: Numbers of reports as percentages of the total numbers of publications appearing
that year.

(Order et al., 1977). However, the concept it- criterion which enables the planners to view
self is much older, as evidenced by references what they have been doing up to that point
to “biochemical markers” in 1949 (Mundkur) in time and to be able to state whether or not
and to “biological ‘markers’” in 1957 (Porter). their long-term strategic plan met their criteria
The word surrogate comes from the Latin of success.” The term was used in 1989 to refer
surrogare (sub + rogare; supine surrogatus), to clinical trials and was defined as “one that
literally meaning ‘asked in place of.’ It is de- we elect to measure as a substitute for some
fined as “a person or thing that acts for or other variable” (Wittes, Lakatos, and Probst-
takes the place of another” (Oxford English field, 1989). The earliest use of “surrogate
Dictionary online, 2016). Its use as a syn- marker” in a biomedical sense was in 1985.
onym for a biomarker dates from the early The term appeared in the English language
1980s. The earliest example of “surrogate end- abstract of a report written in German stating
point” of which we are aware dates from that “Since AIDS-specific laboratory tests are
1983, but in the context of competitive strategy not yet commercially available, laboratory di-
(Shubik, 1983). In that case the author stated agnoses of AIDS or of the AIDS-related com-
that “...this means that at any point of time ... it plex (ARC) are based on ‘surrogate markers.’”
Biomarkers—A is necessary and desirable that a surrogate end- (Joller-Jemelka, Vogt, and Joller, 1985). The
General Review point be assigned together with a measurement expression “surrogate response variable” was

Supplement 76 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
used in the same year in a textbook on clin- Definitions Working Group, 2001). While
ical trials, where it was noted that a change this implies that all surrogate endpoints are
in tumor size could be used as a surrogate for biomarkers, not all biomarkers are surrogate
mortality (Friedman, Furberg, and De Mets, endpoints, because they can substitute for non-
1985). clinical intermediate outcomes or endpoints
(for example, breath alcohol concentration and
impaired driving or a risk of crashing). We
DEFINITIONS see no advantage in this distinction. Indeed,
The biomarker field is populated by a con- an analysis of the use of these terms in re-
fusion of terms, such as biological mark- ports indexed in PubMed shows the dominance
ers, surrogate markers, surrogate endpoints, of the term “biomarker(s)” over “surrogate
surrogate response variables, intermediate marker(s)”: “biomarker(s)” but not “surrogate
endpoints, intermediate markers, biomarker marker(s)” appears in 799,915 (98.8%) of
endpoints, and even intermediate marker end- 809,419 hits; only 6328 (0.78%) used “surro-
points. We suggest that the term “biomarker” gate marker(s)” and not “biomarker(s)”; only
should replace all other terms. 3176 (0.39%) used both.
In 2000 the U.S. National Institutes of We therefore suggest that the preferred term
Health (NIH) convened a Biomarkers Def- for all such markers should be “biomarker,”
initions Working Group (NIH Definitions for which we propose a new definition
Working Group, 2000; Biomarkers Defini- below.
tions Working Group, 2001) that defined a
biomarker as “a characteristic that is objec-
tively measured and evaluated as an indica- ADVANTAGES OF BIOMARKERS
tion of normal biologic processes, pathogenic Clinical biomarkers have the advantages of
processes, or pharmacologic responses to a being simpler and less expensive to measure
therapeutic intervention.” There are two prob- than final clinical endpoints and they can be
lems with this definition. First, evaluation of analyzed repeatedly and over a shorter period
a biomarker is not always completely ob- of time. For example, it is easier to measure
jective (for example, histological and radio- a patient’s blood pressure than to use echo-
logical observations). Secondly, attempting to cardiography to measure left ventricular func-
enumerate the processes or responses that are tion, and much easier to use echocardiography
indicated by a biomarker results in omissions. than to measure morbidity and mortality from
For example, non-pharmacological interven- hypertension in the long term. Whereas blood
tions, such as surgical procedures and devices pressure can be readily measured immediately
should have been included. A more recent def- and repeatedly, it takes years to collect data on
inition characterizes a biomarker as “a func- morbidity and mortality.
tional variant or quantitative index of a bi- The use of biomarkers allows clinical
ological process that predicts or reflects the trials to be performed with fewer subjects than
evolution of or predisposition to a disease or a might otherwise be possible. For example, to
response to therapy” (Fitzgerald, 2016). This determine the effect of a drug on blood pres-
description is also problematic, in that it omits sure requires relatively few patients, say 100
both the possibility of structural, as opposed to 200, particularly in a crossover design, and
to functional, variants and qualitative, as op- the trial would be completed within a year or
posed to quantitative, indices. It also omits to two. To study the prevention of deaths from
mention the use of biomarkers in verifying the strokes would require a much larger patient
presence of a disease in addition to the evo- population, crossover is not possible, and the
lution of or predisposition to a clinical condi- study would take many years.
tion. Thus, both definitions represent incom- Biomarkers are also useful for avoiding
plete attempts to enumerate specific aspects ethical problems associated with the mea-
of biomarkers rather than elaborating general surement of clinical endpoints. For example,
features. when treating paracetamol (acetaminophen)
The Biomarkers Definitions Working overdose it is unethical to wait for evidence
Group defined a surrogate endpoint as “a of liver damage before deciding whether or
biomarker intended to substitute for a clinical not to institute therapy. Instead, the plasma
endpoint . . . expected to predict clinical bene- paracetamol concentration, a pharmacological
fit (or harm or lack of benefit or harm) based on biomarker, is used to predict whether treat-
epidemiologic, therapeutic, pathophysiologic, ment is required (Ferner, Dear, and Bateman, Drug Discovery
or other scientific evidence” (Biomarkers 2011).
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 76
USES OF BIOMARKERS fects of warfarin on coagulation that included
Biomarkers can be used to: two genetic biomarkers produced only a small
r screen for diseases improvement in therapeutic anticoagulation
r characterize diseases (e.g., trinucleotide (Pirmohamed et al., 2013).
repeats; Pearson, 2011) Biomarkers are also used at various stages
r rule out, diagnose, stage, and monitor of drug discovery and development:
diseases r as targets for screening compounds
r inform prognosis during drug discovery, e.g., mea-
r individualize therapeutic interventions by surement of cyclooxygenase activity
monitoring responses to therapies or pre- to identify potential anti-inflammatory
dicting outcomes in response to them agents
(Table 9.23.1) r as endpoints for pharmacodynamic
r predict adverse drug reactions studies, e.g., serum cholesterol as a
(Table 9.23.2) marker for the action of a drug in-
r predict and guide treatment of drug toxi- tended for prevention of cardiovascu-
city (e.g., measurement of serum concen- lar disease, and in pharmacokinetic/
trations following medication overdose) pharmacodynamic studies
r identify cell types (e.g., histological r in studying the relationship between the
markers). concentration or dose of a drug and its
The use of genetic biomarkers for individ- effect
ualizing and optimizing dosage requirements r to measure efficacy in clinical trials
of certain drugs has so far been disappoint- r to help define the adverse effects of drug
ing. For example, a complex model of the ef- candidates.

Table 9.23.1 Examples of Biomarkers Used in Individualizing Drug Therapy During Treatment

Level Biomarker Treatment/condition

Molecular Drug concentrations Aminoglycoside antibiotics,
digoxin, lithium, phenytoin
Cellular Serum electrolytes Diuretics
Thyroxine/TSH Thyroid disease
Blood glucose Diabetes mellitus
Serum lipids Hyperlipidemias
Tissue QT interval Antiarrhythmic drugs
HbA1c Diabetes mellitus
Organ International normalized ratio Warfarin
Activated partial thromboplastin Heparin
time (APTT)
Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) Reversible airway obstruction
Echocardiography Cardiac failure
Blood pressure Hypertension; pre-eclampsia
Visual tests Macular degeneration
Intraocular pressure Glaucoma
Renal function tests Renal disease
Renal biopsy Renal transplantation
Radiology Arthritis; chest infections
Visual analogue scales Symptoms (e.g., pain)
Rating scales Depression
General Review Whole body Body weight Congestive cardiac failure; obesity

Supplement 76 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Table 9.23.2 Examples of Biomarkers That Can Be Used in Predicting Risks of Adverse Drug
Reactions Before Therapy

Biomarker Drug Relevance

Pseudocholinesterase activity Suxamethonium Prolonged duration of effect
(dibucaine number) (succinylcholine) in pseudocholinesterase
Thiopurine methyl Azathioprine Increased risk of toxicity in
transferase (TPMT) activity homozygotes for reduced
enzyme activity
Glucose-6-phosphate Many antimalarial drugs Risk of hemolysis in G6PD
dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
HLA-B*5701 polymorphism Abacavir Increased risk of skin
hypersensitivity reactions
HLA-B*5801 polymorphism Allopurinol Increased risk of rashes in
Han Chinese
HLA-B*1502 polymorphism Carbamazepine Increased risk of skin
hypersensitivity reactions in
Han Chinese
SLCO1B1 polymorphism Statins Increased risk of

Four uses of biomarkers have been sug- be considered to occur because of an effect at
gested for the management of cancers (Gion the molecular level, which results, through a
and Daidone, 2004): chain of subsequent events at the cellular, tis-
r to assess the risk of cancer sue, and organ levels, in the signs and symp-
r to study tumor-host interactions toms of the disease. There may also be sec-
r to reflect tumor burden ondary pathology and complications. Each of
r to reflect cellular function, such as path- these can be analyzed analogously, as in the ex-
ways of apoptosis. ample of asthma (Fig. 9.23.3), in which each
Examples of tumor markers that have been of the mechanisms in the chain of pathophys-
categorized on the basis of pathology are iological events is matched by a biomarker or
shown in Table 9.23.3 (Gargano et al., 1990). biomarkers that could be used to monitor dis-
Another application of biomarkers in the ease progress or changes in response to thera-
treatment of cancers is the identification of peutic interventions.
tumor markers that predict responses to par-
ticular medications (Table 9.23.4).
Classification by the Mechanism of
Action of the Intervention
TAXONOMIES OF BIOMARKERS Biomarkers can be classified according to
Biomarkers can be classified in three ways. the pharmacological level at which they occur
(Fig. 9.23.4). The closer the biomarker is to
Classification by the Pathophysiology the therapeutic or adverse effect, the better it
of the Disorder or Illness is likely to be as a measure of the clinical
Biomarkers can be classified in terms of the endpoint.
chain of causative mechanisms, perhaps asso-
ciated with susceptibility factors that can trig- Classification by the Nature
ger a pathophysiological process (Fig. 9.23.2). of the Measurement
For each disorder there may be more than A biomarker can be extrinsic to the in-
one such causative mechanism, more than one dividual, for example cigarette smoking as
susceptibility factor, and more than one cor- a biomarker for lung cancer, or intrinsic
responding pathophysiological process. The (Table 9.23.5). Intrinsic biomarkers can be
disorder or illness results directly or through physical (symptoms and signs), psychologi-
additive effects or a final common pathway. cal, or based on laboratory tests. The cate- Drug Discovery
Each primary pathophysiological process can gories shown in Table 9.23.5 can be further
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 76
Table 9.23.3 Examples of Biomarkers in Clinical Oncologya

Level Biomarker Examples

Molecular DNA repair MGMT and hMLH1 promoter
pathology hypermethylation
Cell pathology Immune responses Auto-antibodies against MUC1 protein, p53
mutated protein, overexpressed erbB2/neu
Tumor burden Carcinoembryonic antigen, prostate-specific
antigen, mucin markers (CA15.3, CA19.9,
CA125), alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic
gonadotropin, cell-free DNA
Oncogene or p53, soluble HER2neu, soluble epidermal
oncosuppressor gene growth factor receptor, APC, RAR, p73, FHIT,
deregulation RASSF1A, LKB1, VHL, BRCA1 promoter
Cell-cycle regulation Cyclin D1 mRNA, p14, p15, p16 promoter
Apoptosis Survivin, M30 antigen
Extracellular matrix TIMP2, MMP, uPA, DAPK1, E-cadherin,
modification TIMP3 promoter hypermethylation
Detoxification GSTP1 promoter hypermethylation
Tissue pathology Angiogenesis Vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast
growth factor
Organ pathology Organ damage Tissue-specific enzymes (e.g., creatine kinase
MB fraction) and other components (e.g.,
troponin, myogloblin), acute-phase proteins,
markers of inflammation, hemoglobin
Susceptibility Genetic BRCA1 and BRCA2, MSH, MLH1
factors susceptibility
Environmental Steroid hormones, insulin-like growth factors
susceptibility and their binding proteins, gene polymorphisms
(lactate dehydrogenase gene)
a Adapted from Gargano et al., 1990, with additions.

subdivided according to whether the markers levels. Likewise, an intervention that modi-
are used for diagnosis, staging, or monitor- fies such a biomarker may prove to be a use-
ing disease, or for determining the response ful therapy. Any observation short of the ac-
to a therapeutic intervention. They can also be tual outcome measure could be regarded as a
divided according to the level at which they biomarker.
occur (molecular, cellular, tissue, organ) and However, as illustrated in Figure 9.23.6,
according to whether they relate to suscepti- there are different ways in which a biomarker
bility factors, primary or secondary pathology, can be linked to the disease and its outcome.
or complications of the disease. To understand fully the value of a biomarker it
is necessary to know which type of model best
fits the disease condition.
There are many links in the chain of events Bradford Hill’s Guidelines
that leads from the pathogenesis of a disease to The Austin Bradford Hill guidelines are
its clinical manifestations (see Figures 9.23.3, useful when looking for information that can
9.23.4, and 9.23.5). A biomarker may be iden- be used to establish a causal association be-
Biomarkers—A tified at any point in the chain, at the molecu- tween a biomarker and a clinical disorder
General Review
lar, cellular, tissue, organ, or whole organism (Table 9.23.6; Howick, Glasziou, and
Supplement 76 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Table 9.23.4 Examples of Markers that Predict Tumor Responses to Medications

Markers of treatment
response Examples
Enzyme and receptor Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) mutation associated with
polymorphisms non-small cell lung cancers, responsive to drugs such as
ceritinib, crizotinib, and nilotinib
Human epidermal growth factor receptors (HER2) associated
with breast cancer, responsive to trastuzumab
CD-117 associated with gastrointestinal stromal tumors;
responsive to imatinib, sunitinib
KRAS wild-type proto-oncogene associated with colorectal
tumors; responsive to cetuximab and panitumumab
BRAF V600E or V600K mutations associated with unresectable
or metastatic melanoma; responsive to trametinib
Receptor-associated Estrogen-sensitive breast cancer
drug sensitivities Androgen-sensitive prostate carcinoma

Figure 9.23.2 A representation of the pathways whereby causative mechanisms and sus-
ceptibility factors contribute to disease (adapted from Aronson, 2008, page 52; used with

Aronson, 2009). Biomarkers that conform to tify factors that might be useful as biomark-
these guidelines are more likely to be useful ers (Fig. 9.23.3). In a study of the use of
than those that do not. biomarkers in heart failure, biomarkers that
were linked to mechanisms involved in the
IDENTIFYING BIOMARKERS etiology seemed to be best suited to predicting
The first step in identifying suitable and diagnosing the disease, selecting therapy,
biomarkers is to understand the pathophysi- or assessing progression (Jortani, Prabhu, and
ology of the disease and the factors associated Valdes, 2004).
with it. Thus, understanding the pathophys- The next step in identifying potential Drug Discovery
biomarkers is based on the mechanism Technologies
iology of asthma makes it possible to iden-
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 76
Figure 9.23.3 Biomarkers in the pathophysiology of asthma (adapted from Aronson, 2008, page
53; used with permission).

Figure 9.23.4 Examples of biomarkers at different pharmacodynamic levels in the management

of diseases (adapted from Aronson, 2008, page 54; used with permission).

whereby the intervention affects the patho- r the biomarker should have a signif-
physiology of the condition (Fig. 9.23.5). icant cross-sectional correlation with
Finally, the putative biomarker should cor- age
relate with the process. For example, it has r there should be a significant longitudinal
been suggested that the following require- change in the same direction as the cross-
ments must be fulfilled when searching for sectional correlation
Biomarkers—A useful biomarkers of ageing (Ingram et al., r there should be significant stability of in-
General Review 2001): dividual differences over time
Supplement 76 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Table 9.23.5 Classifying Biomarkers by the Type of Measurement

Types of biomarker Examples Relevant clinical endpoints

A. Extrinsic markers Cigarette consumption Lung cancer
Daily defined dose (e.g., Antihypertensive drug
antihypertensive drugs) consumption (Callisaya et al.,
B. Intrinsic markers
1. Physical evaluation
a. Symptoms Breathlessness Heart failure
b. Signs Slow-relaxing ankle jerks Hypothyroidism
2. Psychological evaluation Likert scales/visual analog Pain
Questionnaires Self-harm
3. Laboratory evaluation
a. Physiological Blood pressure Heart attacks and strokes
b. Pharmacological
i. Exogenous Thiopurine methyltransferase Risk of neutropenia
(TPMT) phenotype
ii. Endogenous Docetaxel clearance Risk of neutropenia
c. Biochemical Blood glucose concentration Complications of diabetes
d. Hematological CD4 count HIV/AIDS
e. Immunological Autoantibodies Autoimmune diseases
f. Microbiological Clostridium difficile toxin Pseudomembranous colitis
g. Histological Jejunal biopsy Gluten-enteropathy
h. Radiographic White dots on MRI scan Multiple sclerosis
i. Genetic Hepatitis C virus genotypes Hepatitis C infection

r the rate of change in a biomarker of aging assumed to have a pathogenic role in sep-
should be predictive of lifespan. ticemia; however, it did not alter mortality or
even increased it (National Committee for the
Evaluation of Centoxin, 1994).
The final test of a biomarker is that in
real-world conditions it faithfully predicts the PITFALLS AND PROBLEMS
desired outcome. This is ideally tested in ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF
well-designed randomized controlled clini- BIOMARKERS
cal trials, and there are cases in which such A major problem encountered when us-
trials have shown that a proposed biomarker ing biomarkers is failure to understand the
is not in fact valid, such as the example of relationship between the pathophysiology of
cardiac arrhythmias mentioned above and dis- the condition and the mechanism of action
cussed below (Scenario e in Fig. 9.23.6; Fig. of the intervention. For example, smoking
9.23.7). As another example, Dr. Benjamin causes lung cancer, and a trial of the benefit
Spock hypothesized that the position of a of education in preventing lung cancer might
sleeping baby was a biomarker for the risk use smoking as a biomarker rather than the
of cot death and that the risk was increased occurrence of the cancer itself. On the other
when a baby lay on its back; this was dis- hand, if chemotherapy is used to treat lung
proved by studies that showed that the risk of cancer, smoking is of no use as an indicator of
cot death is increased by following this ad- outcome, since smoking is irrelevant to the ac-
vice, and that babies should in fact be put tion of the intervention. Other cases may be
“back to sleep” (Gilbert et al., 2005). The less obvious.
monoclonal antibody HA-1 A (Centoxin) Because ventricular arrhythmias cause sud-
binds to the lipid A domain of endotoxin, den death and antiarrhythmic drugs prevent Drug Discovery
which was regarded as a biomarker that was ventricular arrhythmias, it was assumed that Technologies

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 76
Figure 9.23.5 The chain in the pharmacodynamic process for beta-adrenoceptor agonists in the
treatment of acute severe asthma and the potential monitoring measurements that might be made
at each pharmacodynamic level (adapted from Aronson, 2008, page 56; used with permission).

antiarrhythmic agents would prevent sudden blunted in patients taking amiodarone, which
death. In fact, the assumption was wrong: interferes with the peripheral conversion of
The results of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Sup- T4 to T3 without necessarily altering thy-
pression Trial (Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppres- roid function. In a patient with gastrointestinal
sion Trial Investigators, 1989) showed that the bleeding whose heart rate does not increase
Class Ic antiarrhythmic drugs encainide and because of beta-blockade, the physician may
flecainide increased sudden death significantly underestimate the seriousness of the bleeding.
in patients who developed asymptomatic ven- Likewise, corticosteroids can mask the signs
tricular arrhythmias after a myocardial in- of an infection or inflammation.
farction. The mechanism remains undefined As a general principle, if the concentration-
(Fig. 9.23.7). effect (dose-response) curves for the effects of
Another example is based on results ob- an intervention on the primary outcome and
tained with enalapril and vasodilators, such the biomarker differ, a change in the biomarker
as hydralazine and isosorbide, whose hemo- may not accurately reflect the degree of change
dynamic actions and effects on mortality in the outcome (Fig. 9.23.8). However, there
associated with heart failure are dissociated. is little information about this.
Although vasodilators improved exercise ca- Lack of reproducibility of the methods
pacity and left ventricular function to a greater used to measure biomarkers may impair
extent than enalapril, the latter reduced mor- their use. For example, there are differ-
tality to a significantly greater extent than ences between ciclosporin concentrations in
vasodilators (Cohn, 1991). So in this case serum and blood when they are measured by
hemodynamic effects are poor biomarkers. radioimmunoassay and HPLC (Reynolds and
Confounding factors, particularly the use Aronson, 1992). While the association be-
of drugs, can negate the value of biomark- tween thiopurine methyltransferase (TMPT)
ers. Thus, the serum T3 concentration is used activity and the risk of adverse reactions to
as a marker of the tissue damage caused by mercaptopurine was described some years
thyroid hormones in patients with hyperthy- ago, methods for measuring the enzyme re-
Biomarkers—A roidism. However, its utility as a biomarker is main unstandardized, optimal treatment is
General Review

Supplement 76 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Figure 9.23.6 Five scenarios relating pathophysiology, biomarkers, and clinically relevant outcomes (from Aronson, 2008,
page 56; used with permission).
Drug Discovery

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 76
Figure 9.23.6 Continued.

Table 9.23.6 Bradford Hill’s Guidelines Applied to Biomarkers

Guideline Characteristics of useful biomarkers

Strength Strong association between marker and outcome, or between
the effects of a treatment on each
Consistency The association persists in different individuals, in different
places, in different circumstances, and at different times
Specificity The marker is associated with a specific disease
Temporality The time-courses of changes in the marker and outcome occur
in parallel
Biological gradient Increasing exposure to an intervention produces increasing
(dose-responsiveness) effects on the marker and the disease
Plausibility Credible mechanisms connect the marker, the pathogenesis of
the disease, and the mode of action of the intervention
Coherence The association is consistent with the natural history of the
disease and the marker
Experimental evidence An intervention gives results consistent with the association
Analogy There is a similar result from which we can adduce a

often not achieved, and guidelines differ (Bur- those taking theophylline for a given PEFR.
nett et al., 2014). This finding raises the question about whether
It is unusual for a single biomarker to pro- the biomarker should be the objective mea-
vide all the information needed for monitor- sure of peak flow or the subjective evaluation
ing interventions. For example, patients with of how the patients feel. It is probably best to
asthma feel breathless if they have a low use both.
peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). However, in The statistical properties of biomarkers
one study different drugs produced different have been discussed (Buyse et al., 2016).
relationships between PEFR and breathless- Statistical problems can arise when biomark-
Biomarkers—A ness (Higgs and Laszlo, 1996). Patients taking ers are used as entry criteria for clinical
General Review beclomethasone did not feel as breathless as trials (Shubik, 1983). If a patient is randomized

Supplement 76 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
on the basis of an abnormal value of a portant changes over time from back-
biomarker, repeat measurements are likely to ground values, such as short-term biolog-
be closer to the mean as a consequence of re- ical fluctuations and technical measure-
gression to the mean, whether or not an effec- ment errors. Such background noise can
tive treatment was used, thereby reducing the be reduced by identifying and reducing the
power of a study. There is also the likelihood of sources of biological and technical vari-
missing or censored data when biomarkers are ability to achieve standardization and by
used. Although a biomarker may allow the use using multiple clustered measurements,
of a small sample size, the study may not then with repetition if an abnormal result
be large enough to detect adverse drug effects occurs.
or adverse reactions to drug candidates. If a biomarker analysis does not fulfill all
these criteria it might be better to use several
biomarkers, such as one for monitoring the
CHOOSING THE BEST short-term response to therapy and another for
BIOMARKER TEST long-term effects, or one for monitoring bene-
The following criteria can be used for de- fits and another for adverse effects. The mea-
ciding among various biomarker tests (Irwig surement of blood glucose is useful for day-to-
and Glasziou, 2008): day monitoring of the management of diabetes
(1) Clinical validity: The test should be either mellitus, while HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin)
a measure of the clinically relevant out- is used to monitor progress over a longer pe-
come or a good predictor of the clinically riod of time. Even with these biomarkers it
relevant outcome. It should be subject to is still necessary to monitor for the long-term
little or no systematic variability. complications of the disorder, such as renal
(2) Responsiveness: The biomarker results impairment, neuropathy, and retinopathy.
should change promptly in response to
changes in therapy, improving when the
condition improves and worsening when PRACTICAL MATTERS
it deteriorates. Practicability is important when biomark-
(3) Large signal to noise ratio: The biomarker ers are used for monitoring therapy. The tests
analysis should differentiate clinically im- should be non-invasive, inexpensive, and easy

Figure 9.23.7 The model and hypothesis that drove the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial Drug Discovery
(CAST), which was based on the use of an inappropriate biomarker. Technologies

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 76
Figure 9.23.8 Theoretical concentration-effect curves displaying different sensitivities for a
biomarker and the primary outcome to a therapeutic intervention or pathology.

to execute, and the results should be rapidly usefulness; coordinated regulatory processes;
available. Ideally, the test should be suitable enhanced communication with patients and
for patient self-monitoring. providers; accreditation of laboratories and
Point-of-care testing has increased in re- good laboratory practice; continual assess-
cent years, making monitoring more practica- ment of clinical usefulness; development and
ble (Drancourt et al., 2016; Tian et al., 2016). use of biomedical informatics tools; a database
Since 1986 over 3900 publications have ap- of biomarkers; equity of access; and improved
peared with the term “point of care” in the clinical guidelines on the appropriate use of
title, and near-patient testing has been studied biomarkers.
since the 1940s (Carr, 1946; Steinitz, 1947).
A committee of the U.S. Institute of
Medicine (IOM) has concluded that the A PROPOSED DEFINITION
widespread implementation of biomarkers As defined in the Oxford English Dictio-
into routine clinical practice has been nary, a marker is an object or observation that
restrained by several interrelated factors serves to label or distinguish something; an ob-
(Graig, Phillips, and Moses, 2016): servation, in this context, is a measurement or
r lack of consensus over common standards other piece of scientific information. Having
of evidence reviewed previous definitions of a biomarker
r inefficient and inconsistent regulation (Friedman et al., 1985; Department of Health
r the lack of an effective framework of stan- and Human Services, 1992; NIH Definitions
dards for collecting patient data on tests, Working Group, 2000; Biomarkers Definitions
treatments, and outcomes Working Group, 2001), and in the light of
r poor translation of such data into new the matters covered in this review, we believe
knowledge to improve patient care and that the essential features of a biomarker that
outcomes. should be encompassed in a definition are that
To this should be added the lack of agree- it is a biological observation of any kind that
ment on terminology. is intended to substitute for some other obser-
The IOM’s committee made a range of vation that cannot be easily measured.
Biomarkers—A recommendations, including: establishment of We therefore propose that a biomarker be
General Review common standards of evidence of clinical defined as follows:

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Drug Discovery

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