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COE UME = Se!) TOM (CONT'D) (calling out to her) Where are you running to? Why are you running? ALICE (calling back, but still running) I don't know. cur To: WE'RE RETOQNED TO THE PERSPECTIVE OF EDGAR gMoM INSIDE THE It's more se énces, diminishing sunlight (loo ernoon sky (John walking him thr¥ What follows is a two: unbroken shot of John, carrying Edgar and the safe in king backpack, upward again, ~ against another ascending{city hill. It's an odyssey of pay forWohn as he pushes himself to the gmething like Philip Glass’ “Opening” - a hgffy minimalist pieMg, in contrast to the dull is trying to work up in 3 8 & g 5 6 8 g 8 é e 3 Wie JOHN ++-Our bracketed plate caps and splay-flexed plate columns vent dampers to plate depths of 1/2 meter plate to plate. paskal ru "s getting harder and harder for John; he’s ret low... He Starts to hum a little song, little mel& a iB » e > a a 5 a JOHN (CONT'D) (singing) ++-why aren't there taxi cabs in Luxembourg. wef. 40 INT. THE KING GERALD HOTEL, LUXEMBOURG - SAME (DAY) 40 Meanwhile, struggling musician Rob Saperstein stands at the front desk of the opulent King Gerald. Here he is, guitar case, kayak paddle, showing the clerk the cover photo of his EP Circles of Resonance - showing him, specifically, John. pat patriot #104 “pestuwk SeY. > ROB SAPERSTEIN He used his computer here. Six days ago. A Mr. John Timmons? He fights with a little kid on a website we like. About Willie Nelson. He did that from here. Last week. John Timmons. I checked the I.8.P. DESK CLERK (checking his computer) We had no Timmons... The clerk looks at John’s photo on the EP for a time. DESK CLERK (CONT’D) Mr. John Lakeman. He resembles Mr. John Lakeman. Who was here last week. ROB SAPERSTEIN Mr. John Lakeman. DESK CLERK Mr. John Lakeman. Rob tries to square that - doesn’t make sense. DESK CLERK (CONT’D) He's due back. ROB SAPERSTEIN Mr. John Lakeman? DESK CLERK Yes. Today. ROB SAPERSTEIN (pointing at the photo) This guy? DESK CLERK Mr. John Lakeman. Yes. Rob is really pleased to hear this. The clerk hands the cd back. ROB SAPERSTEIN You can keep that... DESK CLERK You're sure? ROB SAPERSTEIN 6. PASKAL DWE. omer DCE -6lOy"e se! > DESK CLERK Sure. ROB SAPERSTEIN Cool, then you'll like that. Keep — md it, guy. while, Dennis McClaren sits at a sidewalk cafe. He's ched by a 19-year-old Japanese girl. She’s in a seems to have been asking to borrow Denni: DENNIS, (wants to be helpful, but I don't unders: stolen? Purse. Phy call my fe. Please. ther. DENNIS anding her his cell phone) Of. Please don’t call long fistance. I’m on roaming, that’ be... my wife does the bills an boy that would be a big one there She hfs begun dialing a number on Dennis’s phXne. 19-YEAR-OLD JAPANESE GIRL Thank you. DENNIS It's ok. Hey. One world. Right? Dennis has taken notice, peripherally, and maybe ju of John, way down the block, carting his backpack ac\ distant intersection. JOHN Maybe his passport is. If we can keep that, we can keep him stuck here. Get it open. John heatgut of the room, walking pa Edgar Barros who, though out 0! ke backpack, remai: duct-taped in the fetal position, in the John just leaves ty there. ‘room. Dennis Wg Edward and Edgar remain DENNIS put it on his schedule. EDWARD <++What do you do? At the Milwaukee. ..? DENNIS. Normal piper. ’ 46 INT. LOBBY, THE KING GERALD HOTEL - MOMENTS LATER (DAY) Pascal runnace John hurries past the front desk, on his way to reach Agathe. Stat, se ce Mr. John Lakeman? A police detective left this for you. = end John looks at the desk. On it are four manila envelopes in an orderly row. Written on them one by one we read: Lawrence La Croix Leslie Claret Peter Icabod John Lakeman John has quickly taken his up and opened it as he hustles through the lobby.

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