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1. What are the rules in determining the existence of a partnership?

2. A sold his entire business including its goodwill to B on terms providing that A
shall receive for a period of five years 30% of the net profits of the business
conducted by B. Does this constitute a partnership between A and B?
3. Distinguish partnership from co-ownership.
4. Distinguish partnership from joint stock company.
5. What must be object or purpose of a partnership?
6. In case an unlawful partnership is dissolved by judicial decree, how shall the
profits be appropriated?
7. Give at least two (2) examples of unlawful partnerships?
8. In what form shall a partnership be constituted?
9. Can a partnership acquire immovable property?
10. Define universal partnership of all present property.
11. In a universal partnership of all present property which property becomes the
common property of all the partners?
12. May the partners contribute future properties to a universal partnership of all
present property?
13. Define universal partnership of profits?
14. If a partner in a universal partnership of profits wins the first prize in the lotto
draw during the existence of the partnership, is the partner required to turn over
the winnings to the partnership?
15. To whom shall movable or immovable property which each of the partners may
possess at the time of the celebration of the contract of universal partnership of
profits pertain?
16. If such movable or immovable property shall pertain exclusively to the partner
who owns it at the time of the celebration of the contract, what then shall pass to
the partnership?
17. Will the usufruct of properties subsequently acquired by the partners in a
universal partnership of profits belong to the partnership?
18. How shall the partnership be treated in case the articles of partnership fail to
specify its nature whether it is one of “present property” or of “profits”?
19. Who are the persons prohibited from entering into a universal partnership?
20. When are donations considered void and therefore prohibited?
21. Define particular partnership.
22. Can husband and wife enter into a particular partnership?
23. What is the fundamental difference between a universal partnership and a
particular partnership?

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