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Logic is important because of its role of helping us think in a systematic way.

With the methods, rules

and principles of logic, we can determine the valid grounds of our arguments and whether our proofs
and evidences are able to justify our conclusions. As a student, logic is essential because it enables to set
criteria in making choices or decisions in our daily lives. Logic helps us predict the truth on the basis of
reason and evidence, the connections between things and the relationship of concepts and
consequences. For instance, in managing many projects or activities we should follow a framework or
structure. This framework or structure is the logical way which helps us plan, evaluate and execute the
aims or goals of a project or activity. Using logic, we can make criteria on how to execute our projects or
activities in the desire to achieve our aims and goals. As a future professional, in making important
organizational choices and decisions we should have some basis or criteria. Being an important part of
an organization or company, we should not make decisions without a base on strategy that is logical.
Wars are won on strategies. Therefore, as a professional we must execute logical solutions to problems
which requires us to use our critical thinking and employ the use of logical principles.

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