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Your approach to writing the 4 most common

landing pages—fast!
Brought to you by COPY HACKERS and LEADPAGES

As an entrepreneur, you have a blackbelt in DIY. On the average day “at the office,” you
wear half a dozen hats: from business owner and saleswoman to marketer and accountant.

And because you already know that your business relies on landing pages to convert clicks into
customers, you know the importance of delivering just the right message at just the right time.

But….what do you do when you find yourself thinking: ‘I’m just not a writer’?

What do you do when you spend 9 hours pounding your keyboard and you’re still not thrilled with
the result?

You turn to the pro’s—to adopt proven strategies and repeat a recipe for success, which is exactly what
this book brings to the table.

We’re dishing up no-nonsense, fill-in-the-blank templates that will take you from ‘I need a landing
page’ to 30, 40, 50% conversion rates (without breaking a sweat).

This ebook is designed to unlock business-building, sanity-saving copywriting strategies, without

attempting to teach you absolutely everything there is to know about writing a high-converting landing

Ready to dig in? We can’t wait to see what you create!


Madeline Blasberg

Manager, Digital Marketing



Leadpages Copy Hackers

Leadpages is the digital lead generation Founded in 2011, Copy Hackers is one of
platform that enables entrepreneurs the world’s most trusted resources
and marketers to easily publish web for learning how to transform words into
pages, confidently generate leads, and money and trust.
consistently transform clicks into
Get free copywriting video tutorials,
customers. From landing pages to
conversion articles, ebooks, courses and
Facebook ads, Leadpages helps you get in
more at
business and stay in business online.

Combining conversion marketing expertise from two industry leaders.

5 Meet the Authors: The Copy Hacker Team

6 Introduction

7 Before You Write A Landing Page

So, Where Do I Start?

Building Audience Trust

Your Reader

“One Reader” Examples

How To Use Templates

20 Landing Page Fill-in-the-Blanks Templates

The Fill-in-the-Blanks Webinar Page

The Fill-in-the-Blanks Free Downloadable Guide and/or Report

The Fill-in-the-Blanks Thank You Page

The Fill-in-the-Blanks Checkout Page

How to Transfer Your New Copy into Leadpages

43 Now Let’s Step Up Your Game

Techniques For Making Your Copy Better

When You’re Ready to Optimize

Bonus: Fill-in-the-Blanks Webinar Confirmation Email


Joanna Wiebe

The original conversion copywriter, Joanna is the creator of Copy Hackers, one of the world’s
most trusted resources for learning how to transform words into engagement, money and trust.

Her popular copywriting ebook series has been downloaded more than 100,000 times, and
thousands of students depend on her copy courses. She’s optimized copy for businesses like
Canva, MetaLab, Nectar, Shopify and Sprout Social. And she teaches conversion copywriting
on stages internationally.

Patti Haus Angela Cho Amy Posner

Patti Haus is a B2B conversion copywriter who Angela Cho is the founder of H5 Marketing, Amy Posner is a professional business
helps businesses increase leads, drive sales, a performance-based agency in New York City. writer and marketing strategist with 25 years’
and make record setting profits. Her clients experience helping businesses make more
Angela is passionate about building a positive,
love her excellent communication and ability to money. She specializes in launch campaigns and
limitless culture where changemakers can thrive
get results. She specializes in email marketing sales funnels that generate leads and convert
and never stop learning.
strategy for product and course launches. prospects into buyers.
Say hi to Angela on LinkedIn or learn more
You can find her at Find her at
about H5’s work.


You’re writing. But are you doing it right? Let’s test it!

How do advanced marketers know what works and what doesn’t? They test—all. The. Time.

• What makes one headline a high-converter when another is a total clunker?

• Which benefits resonate with your audience the most?

• Does a clever call-to-action win a click or does it confuse people?

As you work to create your fill-in-the-blank landing pages, don’t blindly ‘trust your gut’ (or our formula)
—instead, publish, test, pay attention, and fine-tune your approach as you go. Your leads will lead the
way and it will become outrageously obvious when one technique works better than another.

With Leadpages’ Pro Plan, you can quickly and easily build landing pages and launch marketing
campaigns and run unlimited A/B tests so that you can do more of what works and ditch what doesn’t.

Did you know? Businesses that publish more than 10 lead pages are able to grow their list
twice as fast?

That’s why we recommend that every campaign you launch has a targeted landing page that’s unique to
a single audience, purpose, and call to action. Use Leadpages to:

• Create, customize, and publish unlimited landing pages (in our easy drag and drop builder)

• Capture unlimited leads and send them straight to your favorite marketing tools

• Drive traffic from Facebook and Instagram ads, right inside Leadpages

• Easily experiment & optimize

Try Leadpages Free for 14 Days

Before You Write
A Landing Page

Your landing page has one job and one experience with you. It can turn interested leads
job only. into paying customers, referring customers—
happy customers.
It’s to zero in on your visitor, moving him or her
deliberately toward a single action. What kind of You know you should use landing pages. You
action? Things like: know—or you’ve at least got a hunch—that your
marketing will work better when you start using
• Downloading an ebook
landing pages more strategically.
• Registering for a webinar

• Booking a consultation or appointment But writing your landing page feels... hard.

• Requesting more information (especially for What should your landing page actually say?
How do you make people want to sign up for that
• Buying a product webinar you’re toiling over?

How do you get them rushing to download the

The list goes on. But here’s what’s important:
ebook you wrote, edited, designed, gated and
You can create landing pages for each
stage of your funnel and each milestone In this ebook, you’re going to find the answers
in the customer journey. to questions like those—without having to learn
every possible thing there is to know about
Your landing page can warm up cold traffic.
writing high-converting landing page copy. You’re
It can give your prospects access to the right
going to leapfrog all the hard stuff we spent
content for them at the right moment in their

Fill-in-the-Blank Landing Pages
Y O U R F I L L - I N - T H E - B L A N K S A P P R O A C H T O W R I T I N G T H E 4 M O S T C O M M O N L A N D I N G PA G E S FA S T

years learning—as copywriters—to arrive at So before you dive into the fill-in-the-
landing page copy that more quickly does what blanks templates in this ebook, know this:
it’s made to do: convert visitors.
Your copy is not supposed to sell your visitor on
downloading your free guide or on buying your
But let’s start with this little eye-opener.
product. Your copy is supposed to sell your visitor
Most marketing messages are (mistakenly) all on himself or herself—on the better version of
about the product or the company that makes themselves.
Unlike a standard web page, a landing
the product or offers the service.
Your copy has to be about your prospect.
page is laser-focused on a single point
These messages say things like, “Our million
Not about you. of conversion.
years of combined experience puts us in a unique
position to…” A landing page:
Let’s say you’re a dentist…
You just lost me. Why? • Exists to convert (download, sign-up, etc.)
You’re the best dentist in Orlando. I search
• Stands alone
Because that copy is all about the company. And “dentists Orlando no pain” and hit your landing
• Has a single call to action
I’m way more interested in me than I am in you. page. There I read that you’ve got good education.
• Speaks directly to a single person
And credentials and certifications. And
Nothing personal, it’s how humans are wired.
procedures my family and I need or may need.
A web page:
We care about ourselves first. We care about
I see photos of big toothy grins. I see your logo.
businesses only insofar as they can help us get • Exists to educate, inform, entertain
I see the headline, “Trust the Best Family Dentist
happier, get richer, save more time, make people • Works in tandem with other web pages
in Orlando.”
love us, enjoy a better life or otherwise become • Offers visitors a variety of options
Do I see myself in that copy?
the ideal version of ourselves. • Caters to a broader target audience

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

Do I see who I am today… and who I want to be? So how do you know what message your Consider that people make decisions for
audience is ready for? emotional reasons, but justify them with
It doesn’t take more than a little research—or
logic. You need—every time—to supply
just plain paying attention to the world’s fear Copywriters rely on identifying their target
them with both.
of dentists—to recognize that, in order for me audience’s stage of awareness, identified as:
to see myself in your copy, I don’t need to see It stands to reason that the readers who
• Very Aware: Knows about your company
your brilliance but rather the hell I fear and the know less—and are lower on the “awareness
and your offerings
heaven you offer. scale” —need more information to make a
• Product Aware: Knows solutions exist
decision. Just think of it as catching them up
What if I arrive on your landing page and see
and they know your product is one of
to knowing as much as the Product Aware
the headline, “Trust the Best Family Dentist
those solutions
and Most Aware folks.
in Orlando for People Who Are Terrified of the
• Solution Aware: Knows solutions to
Dentist’s Chair.”
their problem exist How will you know what stage your reader
Boom. Connect. I’m in the right place.
is in?
• Pain Aware: Know they have a problem
The brilliance of the landing page is its laser
but aren’t aware of solutions Start by looking at what drove a person to your
focus. It has one job to do. Unlike other pages on
landing page.
• Unaware: Little sense of pain
your site that need to work together, the landing
and no idea of solution Was it a Google ad for a branded keyword
page stands alone.
phrase? The reader is probably Product Aware
The length of your landing page will largely be
When that landing page focuses on the right
or Most Aware.
determined by the reader’s state of awareness.
message and is directed to the right audience—
Was it an email for a new subscriber? The reader
conversions happen. Generally, the less aware the prospect, the
is probably not Product Aware or Most Aware.
more copy you write and vice versa.

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

Was it a Facebook ad promising a webinar

to solve a problem? The reader is probably
Problem Aware or in the earliest stage of
being Solution Aware.
With our fill-in-the-blanks templates, you can craft effective landing pages by gathering a
Market sophistication is important too. bit of information about your reader and filling in the blanks. You’ll be able to create landing
pages written without all the sweat and second-guessing.
While you’re thinking of your reader’s stage of
awareness, also keep in mind how sophisticated
your market is.

Basically, if you’re selling shoes, chances are

good your market is generally sophisticated. If
Now you’ll know if your copy should be Longer copy works for unsophisticated markets
you’re selling invisible hover shoes, your market
short or long. and readers who are Unaware, Pain Aware or
will not be as sophisticated.
Solution Aware.
People love to say that nobody reads online.
An unsophisticated market needs lots of
Final note: short or long copy—nobody reads
But your market is filled with people who are
education. That means longer landing pages and
any copy that doesn’t pull them in. So avoid
looking for solutions like yours. And without
more education-focused inbound marketing.
being boring. And avoid making the page all
copy to help them, they’ll never choose you.
A sophisticated market gets everything about about you.
Here’s a good rule of thumb:
what you do—and needs you to focus more
swiftly on what’s different about you. That Short copy works for sophisticated markets and
generally means shorter landing pages. readers who are Product Aware or Most Aware.


Start bringing your customers’ lingo onto your audience to tell you: what was going on in
your landing pages. your life that brought you to try or join or buy X?

Using your audience’s own words and reflecting

Start a ‘swipe file’ of things you overhear
their speech patterns back to them is an
your customers say/write.
excellent way to create a relationship with your
reader and illustrate your ability to empathize How do they describe their problems—and
with their situation. your solution? What specific language do they
use? Do you notice any patterns?
As Donald Miller explains in his book Building
a StoryBrand: “When a customer realizes they
Sleuth the internet for new sources.
have a lot in common with a brand, they fill in all
the unknown nuances with trust.” Look at your online reviews, blog comments,
social media sites, even third-party forums and
In order to start writing how your customers
begin taking note of common language.
speak, you first have to pay attention and
gather evidence.
Conduct interviews and surveys.
Here’s what we recommend:
There’s no substitute for real, honest empathy
with your customers. Take every chance you
Include a single-question survey after all
get to relate to them and connect to them.
your landing page opt-ins.
Listen carefully and take notes. Simple phrases,
Identify a thank you page on your site and
specific adjectives—it’s all excellent raw
publish a single long-form question field, asking
material to bring back to your marketing.


You might know this as your target audience, It focuses you on writing to one real person a time. Create multiple landing pages for
target market, ideal customer or customer
who has real hopes, problems, and desires. multiple readers. Leadpages makes it extremely
easy to duplicate and modify a page.
This is really important.
As copywriters, we call it something more
specific: your one reader. Also, writing for one reader doesn’t mean you’ll
Don’t imagine 2, 3, or 4 different people when
repel other readers. It just means you’ll attract
Here’s why. writing your copy. Don’t hope to create raw
the ones you want, and you’ll likely also convert
desire for your product in “everyone.” That’s
people who see themselves in your points.
what amateurs do—and it leads to vague
bland-vertising that doesn’t convert anyone. Reader: It’s so easy to believe that no one
actually reads online so there’s no point in
With one person in mind, you can go deep and
writing copy. That’s a problem. If you want
dimensionalize them. This makes influencing
people to read your copy, you have to give them
them a lot easier and more straightforward for
something worth reading. If you think no one’s
you. You’ll write copy that’s clear, that’s specific
going to read your copy, you’ll be less likely to try
and that connects with them on a personal level.
to write stellar copy.
So they see themselves on the page. And trust
you. And take action. Make every word matter! Don’t make the
mistake of assuming your prospects don’t read
No one is compelled to buy something made
and just skim over a blurry blob of words, look at
for everyone. They want something that’s made
the pretty pictures and magically get convinced
specially for them.
to buy from you.
Remember: You can have different market
This is not how marketing works. They need to
segments in your business, but when you’re
read about what they’ll get from you in order to
copywriting, you’re speaking to one reader at

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

buy from you. And if they’re your best customer,

they’re especially going to care about what you
have to say. So they will be reading.
Look back onto surveys, interviews, poll data, and forums to find your customer’s exact
Don’t make the mistake of thinking people won’t
words—verbatim—to use in your copy. Say things how they say it, not how you do.
read, however long your copy is. They’ll read as
long as they’re interested. And, now you know
what interests them most: Themselves!

If something was all about you, wouldn’t you

Your one reader is likely the person you built • The happiest customer that’s easy for you to
read every word?
your on-page offering for. If you’re writing a convert and/or retain
lead-gen page with a checklist for choosing an
Find Your “One Reader” Think about who your one reader could be.
accounting software solution, your one reader
You’re writing a page for your best customer— Now think about a real person you know who
for the page may be this:
the one you want more—the customer who actually fits this profile.
A small business owner who’s just starting out
makes business a whole lot easier for you.
What pains are they feeling? What do they want
and has no existing accounting software but is
This could be the 20% of your visitors who make most? What concerns them about products and
comfortable enough with technology that she or
up 80% of your revenue. services like yours? How would they likely hear
he would be a good fit for software.
about you?
Or perhaps the landing page you’re writing today
Your one reader for a page may be:
is for a strange new segment you’re starting to
• Your customer segment with the highest LTV
explore—a smaller group that could be a great
opportunity for your business. • A new market segment you’re going after


Once you’ve accepted you can’t —and shouldn’t A common questions is, “How specific do • Where are they standing, sitting or laying
—be all things to all readers, it’s time to choose
I need to get with my one reader?” when reading your page? What does that say
who you do want to speak to.
about them?
The answer is: as specific as your market needs
to be so you know how to influence them. As a rule of thumb when describing your
one reader:
I know, not very specific. Here are some things
to think about: A detail only matters if it matters. Don’t get
bogged down in unnecessary details.
• What job are they trying to do that you can
help them do with your landing page offer? The factors that make up a good one reader need
to be relevant to the decision-making process of
• How much do they know about your brand?
your one reader in your funnel.
• What problem drove them to your page?
For example, if I’m selling something like the
• How deeply do they feel the problem?
best ice cream in town, I’m not going to target
• Have they tried solving the problem already? people by their profession as much as I’ll target
How? Why weren’t they successful then? families with children under the age of 15. So
adding a “profession” to my one reader isn’t
• Are they filled with confidence or lacking
required in this case because it’s not obviously
confidence right now?
relevant to what influences the buying decision.
• Who’s impacted by solving the problem?
On the other hand, the profession of your one
• What happens if they don’t solve
reader could be relevant if your best customers
that problem right now? What are the
have a pattern of being teachers. In that case,
consequences they’ll want to avoid facing?
throw profession into your understanding of your

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

one reader and write to what teachers Interestingly, these families have been using the But your new one reader is not going to respond
most want in their experience with your app very differently from your intended market to messaging about “quarterly tracking”, “payroll
brand or product. of small businesses. And up until now, all your taxes” and “marketing budgets.”
messaging has been for a small business.
You should always write your copy in These families are most interested in “making
the second person. That means, you should see You identified a new customer, so you now have this month’s paycheck work for immediate
the word “you” all over the page. another “one reader” to talk to! needs and future plans.” They’re looking at
college and thinking about next year’s vacation.
Not “we” or “I” or “they.” This is the perfect opportunity to dig a little
more and learn about this new customer stream. Obviously, the same message won’t work for
Here’s a common scenario:
Then find more of those customers with new both groups.
Let’s say your company offers a SaaS app.
marketing—which means a copy optimization
That’s why we have different one readers we can
You created it for small businesses to track
opportunity! It can go something like this:
laser-target so we can actually connect to their
expenses and make informed decisions.
1. You interview a few of these new users and unique desires.
Your app:
quickly learn how they use your app and why.
Your business probably targets multiple
• Helps people create budgets and stick
Also, how did they hear about you? What
“one readers.” But each landing page you write
to them
benefits did it bring to their lives that made
should focus on only one.
• Adapts to different kinds of users them stick around?
Now that you understand one readers, you can
completing different types of tasks
2. You realize their reasons for using your
use Leadpages and our fill-in-the-blanks copy
Your team tells you that lots of support calls app are very different from your business
templates to build separate landing pages for
have been coming in, but unexpectedly, from customers. Cool. You now have more people
each reader you have, with a specific message
young families. to sell to.
and offer relevant to them.

Fill-in-the-Blank Landing Pages
Y O U R F I L L - I N - T H E - B L A N K S A P P R O A C H T O W R I T I N G T H E 4 M O S T C O M M O N L A N D I N G PA G E S FA S T

You won’t have to rely on writing messaging that

tries to reach both audiences—that’s the kind of
diluted, unspecific messaging that reaches
no one. We see people attempting this all the
time and it’s the kiss of marketing death.


Leadpages makes it easy to duplicate and quickly customize your landing pages.

Whether you’re tweaking a campaign to target different audiences or to support

different Facebook ads, duplicating your landing page is simple and is a serious time

Start by writing a page for “One Reader A,” duplicate it and edit the new page for
“One Reader B.” Duplicating a page will give you a carbon copy of the original,
including all your content, style settings, widgets, and integrations (other than
Zapier.) It’s a great way to cater to your unique audiences and to set up an A/B test!

Want other time-saving landing page tricks?

Here are 10 branding hacks that will have you building better-looking landing pages in a

fraction of the time.


Alright, enough learning. Let’s write! When you imagine a real person as your page’s
one reader, it keeps your writing grounded.
You’re here to fill in and create quick landing
It prevents you from getting too carried away
pages—so you can get back to running your
and helps you keep your copy specific!
business. So let’s dive in.

Now you know your:

These templates are designed to be
• One reader ridiculously easy to use.

• Their stage of awareness Let’s do the first one together so you get the
hang of it. Follow along with our go-to formula
Next step? Picture this person as you’re filling
(and feel free to put together some ideas for
in the templates. Imagine someone like your
your own brand or product along the way!):
one reader, someone you know—someone who
would use this product or service. How to what your reader most wants in
an appealing timeframe without having to
Picture and write to that person.
something your reader doesn’t want to give up in
Think about what they would respond to.
the process.
Be specific. What are their challenges? Their
Got it? Great! Now pretend you’re writing a
needs? What keeps them awake worrying at
landing page to sell Leadpages’ conversion tools.
night? What gets them excited?
Okay. Your one reader who lands on your page is
Not sure what to write? Run surveys, get
Solution Aware. That is, she feels pain around
interviews transcribed or otherwise research
trying to grow her list; she did some research
your customer. And use their words in your copy.

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

on how she might solve it; and she discovered

she needs landing pages. Her goal is to increase
conversions, where “conversion” means leads
generated (not paid sales). She’s on a budget
and needs something fast to help her get new You know what they say: published is good, but popular is better. So, let’s give
leads. She may have heard of Leadpages at you a boost with on-page SEO!
some point, but she’s never connected the dots
Search engine optimization is what enables your page to appear in Google
between Leadpages and her pain.
searches. The Leadpages team has put together a short checklist to help you
The first thing she sees is your headline: easily polish up your page before you publish.

“How to Create a Landing Page That Generates …… Choosing Your Keyword(s)

Leads in Less Than a Day Without Having to Hire

To do predictably well in organic search, content pages should be centered around a
a Designer or Developer”
keyword (or a group of closely related keywords).

The headline determines if your one reader will

…… Page Titles, URLs, and Meta Data
keep reading. It needs to make her stop and
Search engines rely heavily on these page descriptors to signal what a page’s content is
think, “Hey, this is for me.” She sees words in the
about and where it should appear in search results.
headline that match her current reality: she is
aware of landing page software. She also sees …… Body Content

words that reflect the motivation that drove her

In order to catch Google’s attention and get your audience the info they need, you’ll need
here: she wants to generate leads fast.
to keep a few best practices in mind.

Make sense?
Download Your SEO Checklist

Landing Page

Trying to persuade people to attend your webinar?

When marketing an event, it’s tempting to try to get any and all “butts in seats.” The fear of
presenting to an empty room—even if it’s virtual—is real.

But conversion copywriters (and you) know better. The sure way of getting no one to show up for your
webinar is to say it’s for everyone.

Remember the rule of writing for one reader. You write to attract that one customer you want most
because you’ll catch their attention and convert more of them that way. (You can always write multiple
pages to send different customer segments to!)

So go ahead. Write specifically to that person who’ll benefit the most from your product or service.
The one who’ll love it so much that they’ll rave about it to all their friends, coworkers, book club
members, etc. and invite them to your next event.

Get started on your
own webinar page with
this handy template!

How to Improve Your Email Campaign’s ROI in

1-Day Without Having to Write A Single Word

Spots are now open for this free live training where you’ll see step-by-step how to maximize your
email campaign’s potential without writing any new creatives.

In just 30-minutes, you’ll get an insider’s view into:

• The simplest ways people like Jeff Bezos leverages everyday tools to avoid being overwhelmed

• Why you should always be collecting data even when you’re sleeping

• How not to decrease your list lifespan with outdated email strategies

• What you’ve been getting wrong when it comes to something as seemingly “obvious” as data analysis

• What even the pros don’t know about segmentation

• And more...

This 30-minute event happens live on August 28

{Countdown Timer}


Consumers are wired to want the inside secrets, especially if they’ve been struggling with
a specific pain.

Giving away a free guide or report can convert even the most jaded by inviting them into your inner
circle via a guide. It increases their sophistication. And makes them better prepared to choose to work
with you in a meaningful way.

With your one reader top of mind, write this page. Your guide is very likely to solve the problem your
one reader is experiencing when they arrive on this page.

Get started on your
own downloadable guide
page with this template!


The Ultimate 5- Step Guide to

Grow and Monetize Your Instagram Account (Made For Network Marketers)

You’ll discover the step-by-step method to achieve 10,000 followers in 12 weeks. We’ll reveal
exactly how you can master Instagram even if you’re not a professional photographer or model.

You’ll learn these insider (competition-crushing) secrets:

• How to produce one month of content in four hours, even if you’ve never done it before or struggle with what to

post every day.

• Why you don’t need to have the perfect body, house or car to grow a network marketing business.

• When you should leverage technology instead of doing something manually.

• The surprising monetization strategy you can put to use immediately

• What the macro 1M followers influencers don’t even know about monetizing their Instagram accounts.

{Call to Action}

If you are struggling to grow your network marketing business with Instagram, The Network
Marketer’s 5-Step Guide to Grow and Monetize your Instagram Account will show you how to
quickly grow your Instagram account with real followers and turn them into buyers.

If you are sick of nagging your family and friends and want to grow a real source of leads through
Instagram download our free guide today.


Most thank-you pages tend to be a blank white page with the words “Thank you” written on it.

This is a huge missed opportunity. Your customer just took an action with you. They just said yes to you.
So they’re in a heightened state, commonly called a seducible moment. Do not let this opportunity
pass you—or them—by.

Do not give your new lead or customer a dead-end page! At minimum, ask them something so you
can help them more later. Or guide them to something relevant to do on your site. Or offer them a next
action to take, like watching a video or registering for a webinar.

Your thank-you page does not have to stop at thanking people.

In some cases, you may start replacing your thank-you pages with webinar sign-up pages or even sales
pages for good-fit products and services.

With this template, we’re recommending you use your thank-you pages for what we use them for—very
successfully—at Copy Hackers: surveying your newest subscribers and customers.

Get started on your
own thank you page with
this handy template!

People forget that the sales page isn’t the only thing that needs to sell. You’re still selling
on a cart page.

But you’re not selling the product or service anymore.

You’re selling completion of the process.

Your cart is at the heart of a very delicate spot in the conversion process. Cart abandonment is huge
across the board. The cart is where a lot of almost-customers drop off. It’s where the buyer is closest
to pulling out their credit card and thinking, “Should I really do this?” And your job is to make sure they
quickly answer that question with “yes”... or they don’t even ask it in the first place.

This means a sea of fun optimization opportunities for you!

It’s more important than ever to be in your prospect’s head because they’re just so darn close to saying
yes. Accordingly, your page needs to scream trust and build confidence. Quickly. And believably.

With this last template, we help remove friction during the last step of a sale and remind your reader
why this purchase with you is an absolute no-brainer.

In other words, you’ll tell your one reader once more how your product or service will benefit their lives.
You’ll quickly show proof. You’ll sprinkle in some urgency and scarcity. And you’ll remind them of your
guarantee or promise—all very quickly to avoid distracting them from the key element: the order form!

Get started on your
own checkout page with
this handy template!

After you’re done writing with these templates, you’ll find it very easy to drop your copy
into a landing page on Leadpages.

The Leadpages templates are already pre-designed and mobile responsive, so you don’t need a
designer or developer.

Here’s how easy it is:

1. Go to Sign in.

2. Click on Templates on the top nav.

3. Find the landing page template you want. You can sort templates by “highest converting”
or page type.

4. Copy and paste your copy into the sections of the page. Delete unused sections. Add new ones.

5. Add your logo, update your colors and fonts, swap out imagery as needed—and do a quick
editing sweep.

6. Go live by hitting publish!

Use WordPress? Install the Leadpages plugin for WordPress, and publish any new page you write in
Leadpages on your domain. #ExtraProfesh

Now Let’s Step
Up Your Game

Ta-da! You did it. You have a landing page. You could improve it by specifying things like:

Now it’s all about making it even better. • How much weight

Not subjectively better. Not creatively better. • How fast

Not “more sophisticated” or “cooler” sounding.
• What “live on” looks like
But actually clearer, easier to read, and more
• What vegetables they don’t want to live on
appealing to your reader so it converts better.
That could give you headlines like these:
This is the fun part where we bring your copy
to life. “How to lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks without
suffering through a single Sunday brunch
You’ll paint a super-clear picture of that better
without bacon”
life your reader is about to get with your product
or service. The really fun part (where the magic “How to lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks without force-
happens) is in saying things in a way your reader feeding yourself carrot sticks and kale”
hasn’t heard before.
You want to give yourself a few minutes to sweep
So in order to do that, you’ll need to... over your page and add in specifics.

Be specific! Why?

This is a good first-draft headline, but it’s not Because when your reader lands on your page,
specific enough: you want her to immediately identify and “see
herself.” The job of your headline is to bring your
“How to lose weight fast without having to live
one reader into the page and keep her there.
on vegetables.”

Fill-in-the-Blank Landing Pages
Y O U R F I L L - I N - T H E - B L A N K S A P P R O A C H T O W R I T I N G T H E 4 M O S T C O M M O N L A N D I N G PA G E S FA S T

A great landing page with a not-so-great

headline won’t convert well because you will
lose your one reader immediately. She won’t get
pulled into the headline. She won’t care. Her
attention will wane quickly, and she’ll be more
likely to vanish.

So make sure your headlines are specific

enough to hook readers.


Features tell, benefits sell.
5x more people read the headline as read the body copy.
For the most part, your copy should focus on the
So—are your headlines as click-worthy as they could be?
benefits of your product or service rather than
its features. Advertising titan David Ogilvy said: “On the average, five times as many people
read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline,
Here’s the reality: people care about how much a
you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”
product or service is going to serve them. They’re
looking for an end result. That’s a huge deal, not only for your landing pages, but also your blog articles,
Facebook ads, and far beyond!
It’s the old adage about why someone buys a
drill: it’s not to acquire a tool but to create a Ready to craft some hard-hitting headlines?
whole in a wall. When someone signs up for
Check out 11 Powerful Tactics to Help You Write Click-Worthy Headlines.
a webinar, it’s not to watch a webinar but to

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

To go back to the example of selling a drill:

A journeyman electrician with a decade of
experience knows the benefits she’ll get from
your drill. She’s not looking to put a hole in a wall
A squeeze page is a particular kind of landing page that is singularly
so she can hang a heavy mirror (even if that’s
focused on squeeeeezing an email address (and perhaps a first name)
the job she wants to do). Nope, she knows so
out of a website visitor.
much about drills and what she wants to get
They tend to be straight to the point (gimme your email address! …pretty out of a drill that she may prefer for you to lead
please) and should be as concise as possible. This works because much with “improved rotary action” over the benefit
of the education and “pre-sale” conversations are taking place elsewhere. of improved rotary action. She may want you
to lead with exactly the feature she’s hoping to
Read on
get from your unique drill, such as a diamond-
tip drill bit (or whatever makes your product
uniquely valuable to her).

That said, 99% of the time your smartest move is

to lead with benefits and follow up with features.
acquire information that will help them improve If your one reader is part of a sophisticated
their lives. market has in Product Aware or Most Aware,
So how do you approach your benefits
they may be ready for more features than the
Lead with the benefit.
vs. features?
average marketer would expect. A Most Aware
That’s true for almost every single “one reader.”
one reader who’s highly sophisticated may be To maneuver the features and benefits maze,
Except one. ready for you to lead with features over benefits. here’s a trick.

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

Complete this statement to find your benefits:

Use feature so you’ll benefit.

So you’ll next-level benefit.

So you’ll next-level benefit.

That becomes:
Need a little more wiggle-room to create a longer-form landing page than our
Use this babysitter interview checklist so you’ll formulas will allow? That’s no problem!
hire the right person.
The trick is to choose content (substantive, valuable information) and a format
So you’ll stop worrying whenever you leave the that fits your audience and your intended purpose.
kids at home. So you’ll be able to enjoy the things
• Bullet points and numbered lists cater to our tendency to quickly scan info.
that keep you happy as a parent, like going on
• ‘How It Works’ sections combat people’s skepticism of vague promises.
date night or out with your friends.
• First-person video works well for making a big announcement or emotion-based pitch.
So you’ll be a happier parent all around. So you’ll
connect better with your kids when you’re home. • Comparison charts support the process of evaluation and allow you to highlight what

makes your solution better than another.

For best results, always start writing by jotting
down the features of whatever you are selling or • Testimonials are powerful social proof because your customers do the selling for you.

promoting on your landing page. And then write

Want to explore other kinds of content that you can use to convert your landing
down the benefit of each feature. (And, yes, even
page visitors into qualified leads? In this article, we identify 19 different kinds of
webinars and ebooks have features).
content and how you can put ‘em to use on your pages.
Let me give you an example.

Fill-in-the-Blank Landing Pages

Pretend you’re writing a landing page to give Feature Benefit

away a free ebook on how to start a keto diet.
• Avoid slipping into old eating habits when you’re in a rush
You might think you should focus only on the
Four week-long meal plans
• Push through the keto flu in your first week or two of getting
obvious benefits: lose weight and get more
into ketosis
energy. But there’s so much more you can say to
dimensionalize the value of your particular offer. • Eat macro-balanced meals that get you into keto more reliably

Figure out those more immediate benefits by • Have a better chance of actually getting started on keto
instead of starving with no idea what to eat
completing a table like this: Twenty recipes
• Love food on keto as much as you loved food in your old diet
Bonus: The more regularly a benefit comes up
• Take advantage of all the great fatty foods you can eat now
across your features, the more likely it is that (instead of living on a diet of cheese)

you should lead with that benefit at the product

or brand level. So if you’re not sure what your Available as a printable PDF • Have copies on hand when you’re grocery shopping

product or brand value prop is, try starting with

a features vs benefits table like the one above.

You are selling your prospects a better version

of themselves. A future they like better. And the
ease of getting there with your guidance.

Instead of focusing on the thing you are selling—

no matter how much your customers need it—
focus on what your one reader will get.

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

Ask them what they care about.

To get laser focused on what matters to your

PRO TIP: end user, you might have to ask some questions
of your ideal customers. This stage often feels
When it comes to writing sales copy, do you freeze up?
scary because:
Maybe you don’t know what to say (or what not to say) when it comes to selling your stuff.
• You don’t want to “interrupt” customers by
You see a bunch of super salesy messages all around you and you start to worry that your
emailing them a survey
marketing will be too “salesy” as well.
• You’re not sure you’ll know what questions
The quickest way to sell your stuff without sounding sleazy or using ridiculous amounts of hype
to ask or how to ask them right
is to infuse your copywriting with an element of (strategic storytelling).
• You’re intimidated by the idea of interviewing
Follow this three-part arc:
current and even past customers
1. Start where they are now.
• You’re worried you’ll waste everyone’s time
2. Detail what happens if they stay there.
So start small. Start easy. Here’s how:
3. Let them know what’s possible with your solution.
Think of your most raving customer—the person
This formula is referred to as PAS, or Problem, Agitate, Solution.
who posts in your Facebook group all the time
Interested in learning more about the PAS formula and non-sleazy sales copy? or replies to your newsletters. Can you hop on
a call with that person to conduct an interview,
It’s all here at the Leadpages blog.
knowing they’ll be forgiving if you ask the wrong
questions or don’t come off like a total pro?

Fill-in-the-Blank Landing Pages

Once you practice this a couple of times it

becomes easier. And, when the conversions
increase? It becomes easier still….
Leadpages customer, Humberto Inciarte of Venezuelan-based Mercadeo a La Carta, conducted
What you discover when you start asking
a unique copywriting split test. He created two variations of his landing page: one with a
questions might surprise you. Once you know
customer testimonial and one without.
what your one reader—or many one readers—
are truly searching for, you can tailor your In Humberto’s test, the conversion rate of the page with testimonials only came out to 8.11%.
message to them. After removing the testimonials, he more than tripled his conversions to a rate of 24.84%.

In other words, for every 100 visitors, Humberto can expect to see 16 more conversions just by
Prove it to them—add in some social
getting rid of his testimonials. That’s an addition of over 200% efficiency.
proof to convert the fence-sitters.
The moral of the story? Split test—you’re guaranteed to be surprised.
Let’s face it: consumers today are savvier and
Below is a look at Humberto’s results:
more cynical than ever. The burden of proof is on
you as the seller. You need to craft a “complete
case” to prove your claims before most people
will pull out their credit card.
Conversion Percentage Probability of
Conversions Visitors
Think back to the stages of awareness. The less Rate Change Outperforming

I know, the more I need you to convince me of 8.11%

With Testimonials 6 74 - -
your value. Nothing is more reassuring than
hearing about how great the product is from Without Testimonials 38 153
206.32% 99.96%
someone else.

Fill-in-the-Blanks Landing Pages

Using proof is the easiest way to demonstrate your messaging, you’ll know what points you
your product or service is as good as you say it want to prove. You can ask current and former
is. Much better to hear it from a third-party than customers questions that give you the bits of
from you. information you need for proof.

When you survey your audience or interview For example, going back to our earlier keto
them about how and why they use your product diet. If I’m wondering whether it’s right for me
or service, you’ll hear—from their own mouths because I’m a certain age and weight. You say in
—exactly what they want answered. You’ll know your copy anyone can benefit. Yeah, but I’ve tried
exactly what your message should say. so many things before. I’m older now and the
weight has really piled on.
As you write your copy, you can use specific
testimonials that speak to the particular I finish the section and read:
objection you’re aiming to overcome. You can
“I’m 52 and was 48 pounds overweight. I wasn’t
underscore the power of a benefit, by putting it
sure this could work for me, but I was desperate.
in someone else’s words. You can use logos of
It took 3 months, but I’m down 4 sizes and feeling
well-known people and companies that you’ve
happier and healthier than I have in years!”
done business with.
Jane–Vancouver, B.C.
It’s a pretty easy leap to decide to work with you
Bingo. I didn’t believe you, but I believe Jane. The
if brands and people I already know, like and
more comments I read from people like Jane, the
trust have chosen you.
more I feel encouraged. I can do this too. Damn if
As you write your copy and fill in some of
Brad in Manchester could do it, so can I!


You’ve got a strong starting point now and That next level is where you will find higher the conversation happening already in their
you’ve conquered the blank page. Many will
conversions, more sales, and easier selling. heads, and connecting their strongest desire
stop here. And that’s cool.
directly to your product or service.
It’s also where you learn the secrets to writing
But if you are ready to take your landing
pages to the next level, there are tons more sales copy faster (so you can get working on the How to lay out a high-converting page. What
things you can do to optimize your copy.
other stuff on your to-do list). elements are most important to keep in mind
when designing your own pages. And no it’s
So instead of guessing your way to mediocre
not the button color...
sales, you can learn the secrets the most
successful copywriters use to attain record How to edit in the awesome. Everything from
breaking sales. Because, as a business owner, bullet lists to thumbnail optimization to social
that’s what matters to you. proof to how to set up your pricing tables. These
seemingly little details make a huge difference.
That means, going even deeper with things like:
And get more landing page templates, proven
The Rule of One. You know the power of writing
copywriting formulas, cheat sheets and tricks
to one reader. It’s part of “The Rule of One” in
to get you high-converting copy as quickly
copywriting where you also have one offer, one
as possible.
big idea, and one promise on a landing page.
These four things make up a strong landing page. If this fires up your inner copywriting nerd
and you want to go deep on some of these
Voice of Customer. This 5-step process shortcuts
techniques, we recommend 10x Landing Pages,
the best copywriters in the world to knowing
a training program by Copy Hackers.
what words to use on a page. You’ll know how to
nail the voice of your customer so you’re joining Check it out here.


So you got a bunch of registrants to your webinar. Don’t stop there.

We already told you getting people to show up to a webinar is hard stuff. In fact, according to Hubspot,
64% of webinar registrants end up being no-shows!

That’s because it’s easy for any of us to be “kinda sold” and take two seconds to sign up to something
that’s free, only to forget about it later. But it’s tough to get someone to really believe a free event will
be worth their time, let alone put the extra effort to remember it’s happening, and attend.

By following up with registrants via email, you can remind them of all the no-brainer reasons to
show up—and even show them mini-previews of what you’ll talk about, proving this is not-your-
average free event.

Conversion Cheat Code: Treat a webinar registrant like a lead, not a conversion. It’s not a conversion
until they have dialed into your webinar to listen to what you have to say! So your emails are still selling.

Go ahead. Fill out the template below, and keep these two goals in mind while you’re at it:

1. Sell the show-up (why should your one reader attend?)

2. Pre-frame the sale (what are you trying to get your reader to do after the webinar? Set it up early to
make it easier for you later)

Write your own
confirmation email with
this handy template!
Easily design, write, and publish landing pages and lead
generation campaigns without ever breaking a sweat.

Choose from a gallery of high-converting, mobile-responsive

templates and use our drag and drop builder to quickly customize it.
Then, let the leads roll in!

• Publish unlimited landing pages

• Drive traffic and capture unlimited leads

• Connect your marketing tools

• Easily experiment & optimize

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