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It looks like your calorie intake is very low and insufficient, therefore you are not getting the

energy you need for the study activities you do every day. You also lack protein,
carbohydrates and fiber. Actually this is a natural thing because you are busy with daily
activities. Unhealthy eating patterns are a problem that sometimes occurs in busy people.

Sepertinya asupan kalori Anda sangat rendah dan tidak mencukupi, oleh karena itu Anda
tidak mendapatkan energi yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan belajar yang Anda lakukan setiap
hari. Anda juga kekurangan protein, karbohidrat dan serat. Sebenarnya hal tersebut
merupakan hal yang wajar karena Anda disibukkan dengan aktivitas sehari-hari. Pola makan
yang tidak sehat menjadi masalah yang terkadang terjadi pada orang sibuk.

It looks like your calorie intake is very low and insufficient, therefore you are not getting the energy
you need for the study activities you do every day. You also lack protein, carbohydrates and fiber.
Actually, this is a natural thing because you are busy with your daily activities. Unhealthy eating
patterns are a problem that sometimes occurs in busy people.
From now on, eat less noodles and potato chips, then tofu and fried chicken can be fried in vegetable
oil, for the sake of maintaining health, so having breakfast regularly can help you concentrate on
learning. You can also eat more vegetables, fruit, foods that contain vitamins and foods that contain
balanced nutrition

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