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-During the 19th century, the Filipinos Reference:

Gerald Estoconing. (n.d.). Philippines in the

were subjected to a feudalistic and Nineteenth Century. Scribd. Retrieved
September 19, 2021, from
master slave relationship with the
Spaniards. Their socioeconomic
structure is divided into three

categories: upper middle class, middle

class, and lower middle class.
- Use of the Spanish language on a -Baptism and confirmations,

regular basis. circumcisions, and marriage -

- Adapting to Spanish cultural values. Religious holidays are observed

- They demanded polo y servicio, or - Malong, a colorful woven tube of

forced labor, from the Filipinos in fabric that men and women in Muslim

exchange for various types of taxes communities in Mindanao can wear in

and tributes. a number of ways

- Spanish Doctrine on Blood Purity - Free food during festivals

-There were social conflicts between - Anito Carvings - American culture

and among classes. introduction

Social Cultural
Rizal in the context

of 19th century


Political Economic
-At the end of the 18th century, the
- The Spanish colonization system's
country was opened to foreign
abusive slaving system. In the
commerce, resulting in the fast
nineteenth century, the Filipinos were
development of foreign businesses in
governed by Spaniards. The Filipinos
Manila. Sugar, rice, hemp, and tobacco
were slave by the Spaniards. The
production and export were all
Spaniards collected their taxes and
boosted as a result of this.
worked under the Spaniards'
- The Rise of the Philippine Middle
Class and the Opening of the
- During this period, the middle class
Philippines to International Trade.
began to express dissatisfaction with
- A wave of European liberalism is
the way the upper class ran the
sweeping the continent.
- On November 17, 1869, the Suez
- Philippine independence and
Canal was opened.
- GomBurZa was an advocate of
- Propaganda movement raise.
liberalism and humanitarianism who

campaigned for the Filipinazion of


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