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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Preparatoria Alfonso Calderón Moreno


The advantages and

disadvantages of a job

Zarate Hernández Daniel

3° IV

Ciclo Escolar 2019-2020

The advantages and disadvantages of working as a
telecommunications engineer

The most people think all engineerings are a lot of difficult because is
necessary to know and dominate all topic
related with mathematics, physics, and
sometimes some of chemistry; and althought
really there are disadvantages when
somebody study a career of engineering there
are also many more advantages when a
engineer performs his work as what he is. The telecomunications engineer is
little known but also is vey interesting.
The arguments in favor of working as
a telecomunications enginering are: The
telecomunications engineer knows topics
related with signal transmission. This can be
of great help to fix problems with the TV,
radio, internet and calls by celphone. Also
it’s a job very interesting because the
engineer manipulates all type of electronic tools that ordinary people don't
know. In addition it is a fascinating job because the engineer can works in any
important organization related with the telecommunications and electronic.
However there are also some disadvantages
to being a telecommunications engineer. Firstly, it
is a job very danger because the engineer works
with high voltage antennas and fatal accidents can
happen. Secondly it’s a job that requires a lot of
knowledge that the engineer must carry with him
all time, for example voltage types, resistance
calculations and use of tools.
To conclude we can say that telecommnunications engineering is a job that
requires a lot of wisdom and also very care, but that at the same time gives the
satisfaction of communicating to millions of people around the world.

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