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political instability

even though, government of uganda is highly unstable, foreign companies and their operations are
highly encouraged. the main issue is that the people from higher places may become enemies of the
state in the future. to avoid this issue, company can remove the stability of tenure and certain polices
regarding any unethical activity.

language of barrier

even though the official language in uganda is english, majority of people speak native languages like
bantu or niotic. to avoid this languabe barrier, company can make a gang plank communication
here.GANG-PLANK is the term utilized in worry with the scalar chain.

Scalar chain alludes to the chain of bosses going from a definitive power to the most minimal level in the
association. here the company should make sure that the employees in middle level chain should be
able to speak both english and their native language so that if any employee from the lower class wants
to convey any message to high class chain, the middle level chain here can pass the message to higher
class chain.


nepotism is highly encourages and promoted in uganda. people in uganda are hird on word of mouth
and on local people's recommendation who have connection with people in high places. to avoid
nepotism, business can make one independent committee of employees from US only so that the hiring
can be done on the basis of merits only.

Religion diversity

uganda is a country of around 25 million people and diverse with two thirds of being Christian and a
large portion of Muslims and animistic religion, here company can arrange certain seminars for their
employees to discuss about religion diversity.

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