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In my opinion, young people generally don’t pay enough

attention to their health and fitness.

First things first, this young generation of people tend not to do
so many physical exercises in order to live a healthy lifestyle. Most of
these children stay inside their home, in their couch with the remote
control in their hand. What I am trying to say is that they don’t know
that much about the importance of phisycal exercise in their daily life
and this needs to change.
Second of all, a big factor that affects their lifestyle is the
temptations draws them away from a healthy one. For example, most
kids are overstaying on their phones and, especially, computers.
Last but not least, people from this young generation don’t
actually know when to eat and when to eat. For examples, most of my
friends tend to eat their breakfast at lunch, or worse they don’t
actually eat at all, because they “don’t have time”. Other people eat
fast food as their daily meal which affects greatly their health.
In conclusion, young people generally don’t pay enough
attention to their health and fitness because of several reasons such as
lack of physical exercise, the temptations that draw them away and
the bad diet that they have.

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