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Today’s society is seeing a rise in the number of product which are used in short time

then throw away. This trend is caused by a number of factor, and it also bring about
various problems.
To begin with, there are two main causes of this tendency, which are worthy of mention.
Firstly, many people want to catch up the trend in the society. They will buy the lastest
version and then throw away the old things. For example, young children enjoy
discovering new thing like iphones, macbooks or cars which they think will be used
judge to thing appearance and social classes so the sense of saving is decreasing.
Secondly, people usually buy store too many goods, especially fresh produce and
vegetables. Since they are too busy with their works or the supermarket is too far away
from home, they can shop once a week. If not control the food, they can opposites food
rotten within a few days and they will have to throw it out.
With the growing tendency above, a number of impacts can be anticipated. First and
foremost is the waste of resources, and the most obvious waste of individual money. It is
a very bad habit to have financial management and be willing to request loans if needed.
People easily get into high debt when they purchase any product they interest in without
careful consideration. This social trend is contributing to the environmental problems as
increasing garbage, especially plastics and chemicals, particularly take hundreds of years
to decompose. Some types of waste will throw into the ocean or water sources, as the
result, it can destroy habitats, which can have devastating consequences and can wipe out
entire species.
In conclusion, a throw- away culture which ruins devastation on our environment and
depletes our natural resource by human consumption.

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