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Great Books: 1984: Viewing Questions Part II

1. Author David Brin asserts that “the most powerful form of science
fiction is not a novel . . . that accurately _____________ the future:
it’s a story that _____________ the future.”

2. In 1984, “a little-known ________________ computer network was

reorganized to create a separate civilian _____________ network
known as _____________.”

3. The “loss of _____________” is not only a central theme of 1984, but

also an aspect of Orwell’s nightmare that is with us every day.

4. Explain the obvious flaw in Orwell’s concept of the telescreen.

5. What did Dr. Philip Zimbardo’s 1971 experiment at Stanford

University reveal about human values/nature?

6. According to the film, which of Orwell’s predictions “turned out to be

all too true”?

7. What was Orwell’s first word as a child?

8. Explain why Orwell though the English language was being treated in
a beastly manner.

9. Where in the novel do we see Orwell’s disgust with the decline of

language and literature?
10.According to Kevin Warwick, Professor of Cybernetics, Reading
University, how might Orwell’s concept of Big Brother be realized in
the future?

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