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Tell me about Sacagawea.

When was the constitution adopted in the most populous country in Africa?
How many ethnic groups exist in Nigeria?

1.Tell me about Sacagawea.

Tipul de întrebare:
Information questin

Clasa răspunsului;
Factual questions

Taxonomia răspunsului
Name person

2.When was the constitution adopted in the most populous country in Africa?
Tipul de întrebare:

Clasa răspunsului:

Focusul Întrebării
The constitution adoption

Cuvintele cheie:
was, constitution, adopted, country

Structura răspunsului

In the most populous country in Africa the constitution was adopted in (Data)

3.How many ethnic groups exist in Nigeria?

Tipul de întrebare:
WH question

Clasa răspunsului:
Focusul Întrebării
Exist ethnic gropus

Cuvintele cheie:
groups, exist
Structura răspunsului
In Nigeria exist Number ethnic groups.

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