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Good morning, Mrs

My fullname is Nguyên Que Anh, you can call me just Que Anh
To talk about my experience and also my feelings about learning online. Well, I’ll definitely
say that it’s so convenient and quick access. Online courses can allow me to learn from
anywhere with little effort. However, there are still new sites for me to learn about, so I'll
have to adjust. Shortcomings when I study from home that  I miss the interaction with
people, making friendships, which is extremely important for me during university time.
These contacts are very valuable in college later and it is absolutely necessary. I am feeling
yeh like I become more confident but have a quite stressful and hard. I feel this way bc of how
hard is it for me to understand the assignment and having not to able to see face to face with
my teacher.
I struggle with speaking and listening to English, especially speaking, even though I am good
at pronunciation and intonation. I recognize that I can't rapidly transfer what I think from
Vietnamese to English in my thoughts, and I hope you can help me in improving.
it will look like a sky of my expectations because I desperately need to improve those skills, it
helps me to think in English, helps me to understand other people's ideas. and I can be
learned, can be worked with a humourous teacher.

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