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Thank you so much for ordering a reading from me. As always, I am going to do the best of my
ability to bring clarity to your situation. I will be looking at what Kamila feels about you, the general
energy surrounding this connection and the possible outcome of this connection in the near future.

When I asked about your person’s feelings for you I got the Wheel of Fortune and the High Priestess
cards. The Wheel of Fortune card sometimes reveals psychic abilities so your person might have a
strong intuition, gut feeling or have abilities of this sort. She clearly did not foresee how this
connection was going to be for the both of you and when she met you she did not anticipate your
relationship changing into something more than a one time conversation or transaction.

It is interesting to get the Wheel of Fortune because for singles, it means meeting someone by
chance. Even though one might subscribe to dating apps and dating websites, meeting your person
happens completely randomly, which might cause hesitation in the first place. So, your person might
have caught on with your feelings and might even feel something more herself, however, since she
is already involved with someone else she is repressing things. This might be the case especially
because your relationship came out of nowhere (in her perspective) at a time she did not expect.

In a relationship context, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card is also known as the wheel of karma. This
is a great reminder that ‘you reap what you sow’. Eventually, everyone will be facing the
consequences of their actions. This could be the case for the relationship she is in.

The High Priestess card is powerful yet intriguing, and represents sexuality, mystery, and general
higher power. Whereas many tarot cards involve taking action or making a move, the High Priestess
is a card of nonaction, which explains her withdrawal.

It suggests instead of trying to control the narrative, look for potential and possibilities. In a reading,
the High Priestess often suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation at hand and
trust your inner instincts to guide you through it.

The High Priestess is a ‘self’ card more than anything else, so she usually shows up in love or
social/friendship readings when you need to focus more on having your own desires and needs met.
If the High Priestess tarot card represents you in a reading, you might be feeling dissatisfied with
many areas of your life, including love. If she represents your partner or friend, you’re probably
feeling like you can’t achieve intimacy no matter how hard you try. I believe the first part (feeling
dissatisfied) can very well be the case for the current relationship your person is in. The
second/latter part is for you.

You just need to stop trying and let things take its course. Take a step back from this connection but
do let out your truth if bottling things up bother you. Connect with your own intuitive side and
figure out what is the right course of action for you. If you do not want to reply to her message, then
do not and try to move on. If you want to let her know about your situation and then cut off contact,
do so. Do what is going to give you closure.
The general energy surrounding this connection is described with the Eight of Swords and the Five of
Cups cards. The Eight of Swords represents feeling stuck in a rut or repeating a cycle. The obstacles
ahead of you may seem insurmountable, but there is always a way out. The Eight of Swords tells us
that this exit path may not be easy, but it is still available. When you are feeling stagnant in your life,
this card tells you that you can and will find a way to move forward and on from this. However, you
are the only person who can rescue yourself from this situation. You must remember that true
happiness and self-love comes from within. There is no one else that can fulfill you if you don’t
realize that you have the power to do so yourself. No knight in shining armor is coming to rescue
you. Put yourself first, and you will attract the person who is your equal.

The Five of Cups tarot card denotes feelings of misery, loss, or grief. These emotions come as a
result of the loss of something important to you. You may feel hesitant to bring this connection to
an end. The overall mood of the card is negative, but there are indications of hope, as well. It may
seem that all is lost, but the truth is, you are just failing to see the positive. Once you figure things
out with your person, you can move on and not worry about this aspect of your life.

Possible outcome of your relationship/connection is depicted with the Seven of Pentacles and the
Moon cards. The Seven of Pentacles card says that if you want to continue this connection as if
nothing has happened and ignore your feelings further, you are going to be in this same cycle over
and over. This connection needs a lot of effort, nurturing and energy from your end to
survive/thrive. Only you can decide whether it is worth it or not.

Also, use this time/experience to get a better sense of what you really want in a future relationship.
Now is a great time to do this as the Seven of Pentacles indicates that you are capable of
manifesting what you want. It also tells you to be patient. What you want will come into your life if
you just keep doing what you’re doing. Good things come to those who wait, this is especially true in
your case. You guys do seem to be compatible however, your relationship cannot blossom as long as
a third-party is involved.

When the Moon tarot card turns up in your reading, it can mean confusion, anxiety, and fear. Even
so, this card does not indicate sinister forces. Rather, the negative emotions we feel are triggered by
our misunderstanding of the events in our present. The Moon tarot card tells you that you need to
face your anxieties and fears head-on. Have you been avoiding the negativity in your life rather than
dealing with them? Now is the time to get constructive and banish these emotions once and for all.
So stop avoiding this situation, the message, etc. and face this head on.

In relationships, the Moon tarot card usually signifies miscommunication but sometimes it indicates
there is something hidden from you. It could mean that your person (or her partner) is not who they
seem or how they portray themselves on the outside.

Good luck!

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