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Thank you so much for ordering a reading from me. I am going to do the best of my ability to bring
clarity to your situation. I will be looking at the general energy surrounding your connection, what
your person thinks about you, whether your person is seeing/talking to someone else.

When I asked about why your crush is avoiding you right now I got the Page of Pentacles and the
Two of Swords. As with all cards in the suit of Pentacles, the Page of Pentacles represents earthly
desires related to money, career, investments, businesses, education, and physical health. So your
person probably too busy with something related to these topics. If she is in school, she might be
studying hard or if she is working she might be busy with projects and assignments. Since the Suit of
Pentacles represents earthly desires, this Page symbolizes a growing awareness of the value of
material possessions, career, and physical health and how to increase these material blessings. She
is building a life and a career for herself starting from this year.

The Two of Swords tarot card appears in a reading when an obstacle has presented itself in your life.
It takes a great deal of effort on her part to eliminate this issue. She might be feeling stuck or unsure
of which way to turn. She is going to find peace once she gets over whatever this issue is. When the
Two of Swords tarot card falls upright, it represents an internal or external battle. It might also mean
being stuck at a crossroads. If she has two things to choose from, she might be stuck in the planning
phase. She needs to take some time off of thins to clear her head before she can make a decision
and move forward.

As for how she sees this connection, we have the Knight of Wands and the Two of Cups. When you
think of a knight from Medieval times, what do you envision? Perhaps you picture a chivalrous man
in shining armor sweeping a damsel off of her feet. Or maybe you think of a brave and daring fighter
riding off into battle. Both of these descriptions fit the Knight of Wands, one of the most courageous
men of the Tarot. However, this Knight might be both a warning and a blessing depending on your

In the traditional position, the Upright Knight of Wands tells you to brace yourself for the good times
ahead. Although most of what is coming your way is positive, it’s going to be a wild ride. This minor
court card is all about action, and he encourages you to take the same stance. Although you
shouldn’t rush through this time in your life, don’t be a ‘sitting duck’ either. Prepare to make moves
and shake things up so that your next twelve months are more exciting and rewarding than your
last. So, if you or your partner have been alone/not in a relationship for a while, things will be
changing this year. Not only that, but also your person has a lot on her plate right now and her
responsibilities are piling up.

The Two of Cups card shows that you guys definitely have a connection and that your person enjoys
your company. You might also come off as a playboy to your person so make sure to let her know
that you are not (or maybe you are, I don’t know.) There might have been another person in her life
prior but it is coupled with the Death card. The Death card indicates a definite ending to things. So
whatever her relationship was with this person has ended for good. This person was likely older
than you with paler skin and long-ish dark brown hair.

I pulled an advice card for you to determine how you should handle this situation and you got the
Strength card. As its name suggests, it literally calls you to be strong. In the past, Strength was
termed fortitude, and it’s meaning is quite clear in both illustration and title. Having a gallant spirit,
maintaining composure while under pressure, and working with others while forgiving imperfection
is all a part of strength. When this card shows up in your reading, it is certainly a message that
having stamina and patience is required for some challenges in your love life, career, or

The card also tells you that you have the capacity to stay positive and calm and think logically in
stressful situations that test your patience and strength. The Strength tarot card indicates that you
are a very persevering person and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You’re
confident and do not have problems being yourself and speaking up. You are committed to what
you need to do, and you go about it in a very balanced and mature way. Keep behaving this way and
you will be successful in anything you want to accomplish. If this does not define you right now, this
is the energy you need to embody.

The Strength tarot card in a love context often appears when you’re having relationship trouble,
either with family, a friend, or your lover. This isn’t a bad thing, though. This card represents your
ability to accept others as they are, practice patience, and demonstrate the strength of love.

What can you do to be more open and loving? Are there hurts from the past you need to forgive?
Avoid the tendency to shut down when faced with hurt. Find ways to open your heart even more
during these times for your own sake. Meditation, volunteer work, and spending time doing things
you love are all great options. Do things to make yourself happy and live your best life. People will
be drawn to you then.

Good luck!

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