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HM: Hello! My name is Aslan. I'm the HR manager of our company.

JS: Hello! I'm Daniil .
HM: I will ask you a couple of questions, and you will try to answer them. OK?
JS: Okey.
HM: Are you ready?
JS: Yes, I'm ready.

HM: 1) Tell me about yourself.

JS: Well, I’d describe myself as a goal-oriented and hardworking person with good organizational
skills and strategic thinking.
I know how to get along with people and I am sure that I can get along with the team. I worked hard
on myself and developed
such qualities as purposefulness and multitasking. I am sure that these qualities will help me in this

HM: 2) Do you have any hobbies?

JS: Yes, I read books on psychology in my spare time. I believe that such books develop qualities
that help to understand people better.

HM: 3) Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

JS: I was able to complete three major projects on my own when I worked for a previous company.
These projects helped the company to reach a new level.

HM: 4) What are your greatest professional strengths?

JS: My strengths are excellent written and verbal communication skills. I can usually win people over
to my point of view. I’m very flexible and adaptable to new situations.
Regardless of the situation I have the ability to adapt and work under any circumstances. These
skills seem to be directly related to the job.

HM: 5)What are your weaknesses?

JS: I admit being a bit of a perfectionist. Sometimes when I’m working on a big project, I focus too
much on the details.
But I’ve learned that it’s not always possible or even practical to try to perfect your work.

HM: 6) Do you have any questions?

JS: Will I work independently or in a team?

HM: We hope that you will work in a team, as we believe that working in a team increases productivity
and efficiency. Well,If you have no further questions, we're done.
We will contact you as soon as possible to tell you what day you will go to work.
JS: Okay, thanks, I'll be waiting.

HM: Hello! My name is Dmitry. I'm the HR manager of our company.
JS: Nice to meet you! My name is Kirill!
HM: I will ask you some questions about your previous job, experience and other. OK?
JS: Okey.
HM: Are you ready?
JS: Oh, sorry. I need to answer the call.
Yes? Vanya? Soup is in the fridge, as I said! I’m busy, don’t deflect me, please!
Sorry. (максимально сухо)

HM: Ok 1) Tell me about yourself.

JS: There is nothing special I can tell about myself. I’m like a normal worker in your company. I like to
watch TV, walk with my friends.

HM: 2) Do you have any hobbies?

JS: No, I don’t have free time when I come home, but ten years ago, I think, I played football with my
friends in my neighborhood.

HM: 3) Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

JS: I have made a console calculator on Python. This is my biggest project. I can present it to you, I
downloaded my project on a CD disc.

HM: 4) What are your greatest professional strengths?

JS: I am kinda easy going person. I don’t like hard work, I like to drink a
cup of coffee in break. That is what I really like! блять ну и хуйня пхаххахп

HM: 5) What is your favorite colour?

JS: Orange is my favorite
HM: Oh, that means you are lazy person.
JS: Green! am…. I meant green colour.
HM: Doesn’t matter.

HM: 6) How do you see yourself in 10 years?

JS: I think in the boss’s chair.

HM: 6) Do you have any questions? you - ударение

JS: No. I don't have any questions.

HM: Ok, we will call you back. I hope you’ll get the job of your dream.
JS: Okay, thanks, I'll be waiting.

просто васян-еблан из деревни нахуй

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