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Rubric for Peer-Assessment

Name :
Date :
Project :
Student to be assessed:

Please rank your friend’s presentation based on the following criteria. Put cross (x) below the
number that best describes their work.
5 = excellent, 4 = very good , 3 = Good , 2 = Fair , 1 = Poor
No Dimensions Score
5 4 3 2 1
1 The presenter engaged the audience and held the audience’s
2 The presenter showed enthusiasm, had self-confidence, and had
a clearly focused presentation
3 The presenter showed a clear explanation by following the
logical sequence of the information
4 The presenter showed a creative teaching design
5 The presenter showed an innovative teaching design
6 The presenter had an original idea about the creation of the
designed teaching strategy
7 The presenter showed a practical teaching design
8 The presenter showed a teaching design, which gives impact on
21st century learning
9 The presenter showed a teaching design, which gives impact on
learning achievement
8 The presenter presented the designed teaching strategy within
the time allotment
9 The presenter presented the designed teaching strategy by using
effective visual aids
10 The presenter delivered the presentation by using good English
11 The presenter delivered the presentation by using effective
non-verbal language (gestures, facial expressions, posture, and
body movement)
12 The presenter had good content/product knowledge about the
designed teaching strategy

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