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united states of america

moorishe national republic federal governmente

 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
moorishe divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem + southwest amexem + central amexem + adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
the true and de jure natural peoples + heirs of the land
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

affidavit of credit
in gold and silver to the moorishe american treasury
document number macr 999 999 999 010105905
value of credit: $100,000,000 in gold and silver
to be tendered in lawful coinage to each ab original indigenous moorishe american national as stated herein
credit number: macr 999 999 999 04192019
date of this document: 19 April 2019
date of disbursement of gold and silver to the moorishe american treasury: 19 April 2019
date of tender to the moorishe national republic federal governmente from the moorishe american treasury:
May 27,2019
creditor: the ab original indigenous sovereigns who are the moorishe national republic federal governmente beneficiaries: the
recorded ab original indigenous sovereigne moorishe american nationals of the moorishe national republic federal governmente
and this moorishe american consulate.
for credit to: the moorish american treasury
for further credit to: the abovementioned beneficiaries.
jurisdiction: aa222141 al truth - the sovereign ancient ancestral jurisdiction of our inherited estate.
held in the national trust with the full faith and credit of the moorishe american people: yes

we, the sovereigne, ab original, indigenous, natural, divine moorishe american people who are the de jure moorishe national
republic federal governmente, are in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in propio heredes at all times. we are the law
and we are the governmente. we are always in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate and no other jurisdiction exists at
this time or at any points in time. we remain in our said jurisdiction which is the highest jurisdiction in heaven and on earth. we
are the descendants of the pharaohs of kemet and of the ancient moabitcs and canaanites. we are the ministers, creditors,
executors, claimants, trustees, beneficiaries, and heirs of our own vast estate. all proclamations made in our lawfully recorded
religious corporation affidavit of organization and that of the divine prophet noble drew ali stand as supreme law of the land.

this affidavit of credit in gold and silver to the moorishe american treasury from the people whn are the de jure moorishe national
republic federal governmente is in the amount of $100,000,000.00 in gold and silver for each recorded moorishe american
national in accordance with the trust performance by the trustees for distribution to the beneficiaries of the national trust of the
said moorishe national republic federal governmente and the trust of the prophet noble drew ali. we, the de jure true ab original,
indigenous divine natural ancient moorishe american heirs do hereby claim, declare, and proclaim our rightful inheritance as
stated in this document. this beneflt is hereby available to each moorishe american national beneficiary upon recording of their
proclamation of status correction with this moorishe american consulate who are the creators of this document. this benefit is
available to and for each moorishe american national at north america, south america, central america, and the adjoining atlantis
and americana islands upon recording by this moorishe american consulate of the moorishe national republic federal
governmente. distribution shall be made of coinage with symbols that are of ancient moorishe heritage. minting of the coinage
and dollarium shall commence immediately at the national mint in phildladelphus territory, pennsylvania republlc. this affidavit
of credit is valid until the moorishe national republic federal governmente judiciory of those whose signature this document bears
determines by majority vote not to renew this document. the full faith and credit of the moorishe american people is vested
completely within ourselves and no one else. we are the beings by which the nations of the earth shall be blessed. further
governance of said distribution to the moorishe americans from our vast estate is under the authority and jurisdiction of the said
de jure moorishe national republic federal governmente, nothing in this document nor the governance that follows it is to be
construed or interpreted as consent to any other jurisdiction than in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate.

methods of delivery of coinage and dollarium shall take the forms of actual gold and/or silver coinage and paper money,

1 macn-r00130720_affidavit of credit
ab original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem + northwest africa+ north america
~ 'the moroccan emplre" + continental united states; 'temple of the moon and sun': non-domenic, non-resident, non-subject
~ being the rightful heirs and inheriitors or the land.
united states of america
moorishe national republic federal governmente
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
moorishe divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem + southwest amexem + central amexem + adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
the true and de jure natural peoples + heirs of the land
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

plastic gold and silver backed universal currency cards, and gold and silver backed electronic exchanges.

wherever gold and silver are stated in this document, other precious metals are also included.

whereas this lawful affidavit of credit is also antiquitous adverse claim to all other claims to our land to include
all land claims and all mining claims as pursuant to the fraudulent MINING LAW OF 1872, THE
MlNING ACT OF 1872, all affidavits of citizenship generated as a result of the said act or any other
colorable ACTS, CODES, STA TUT ES, LEGISLATION or LAWS claiming rights of any kind
to any land to which the moorishe american nationals are the heirs.

whereas this lawful affidavit of credit is also adverse claim to any and all possessory titles, deeds, land
patents, trusts and claims of enjoyment that are not that of the moorishe american nationals of the de jure
moorishe national republic federal governmente and this moorishe american consulate.

1. beneficiary is defined as a declared and recorded moorishe american national by bloodline and birthright. said
recording is to be performed by the trustee body who are this moorishe american consulate of this de jure moorishe
national republic federal governmente. Revelations 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white
raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and
before his angels.
2. birthright/bloodline is defined as all of those who are branded unlawfully as "negro", "black", "colored", and
"african american" who are born of a moorishe american mother whose mother is a moorishe american.
Genesis 22:18. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
3. $100,000,000 for each moorishe american national -- Matthew 25: 15 And 10 one he gave five talents, to
another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

further minting of coinage and gold and silver dollarium to be announced as moorishe images are selected to
adorn the said coinage and dollarium.

delegation of authority
the moorishe divine and national movement of the world, the de jure ab original indigenous natural divine moorishe national republic
federal governmente, moorishe american consulates worldwide, the moorishe american article iii consular courts, and the moorishe
american people hereby declare, proclaim and file this order with Delegations of Authority by the same and additional delegations of
authority are given by the will of allah, the holy koran of the moorishe holy temple of science divinely prepared by the noble prophet
drew ali, The Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836, The Declaration of Independence 1776, and the Constitution for the
United States 1789/1791.

this lawful affidavit is authorized and signed by the ab original indigenous natural divine supreme judiciary or the moorishe national
republic federal governmente and the moorishe american consulate on this 19 April (2019) 1439 1440.

"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erw1t soluta et in caelo"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et eegoin caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram crunt soluta et in caelo"

2 macn+r000130720_affidavit of credit
ab original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem + northwest africa+ north america
~ 'the moroccan emplre" + continental united states; 'temple of the moon and sun': non-domenic, non-resident, non-subject
~ being the rightful heirs ande inheriitors or the land.
unittb �ates of amttita
mootisbe national tepublit ftbttal IJObtmmente
\;)o ~ �tieta, tepublitat ea al mauttkanos ~ \;)o

moori•be bibint attb national mobtttttnt of tbt worlb

nortbtuttt amtxtm + ioutbweit amtxtm + antral amtxtm + abjoining atlantii
anb amtdmna i1lanb1
� ~ ttmplt of tbt moon anb 5Un ~ �
tbt trut anb bt jurt natural ptoplts + btirs of tbt lanb
'f)o ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 'f)o

notia to tbt agmt ii notitt to tbt prinripal, notitt to t{Jt prindpal 11 notitt to tbt qmt
notbtng in tbis bocument is consent to be in anp jurtsbiction otber tlJan tbe jurisbtction of our ancestral inberiteb

upon mp inberiteb status, i, tf,tobort moses antoint bey, being a becenbant of tbe ancient moabites in otber
reS'pect {mown as amel"ican + al moroccan + moor, stanbing squarelp afftrmeb upon mp oatb to tbe 'fiue
points' of ligbt' Ioue, tmtb, peace, freebom anb justice being competent (in mp ohm proper person) to attest to
tbis affibauit upon wbicb i place mp autograpb; wbereas, i state, proclaim, anb bedare tbe follow to be true,
correct, not miS'leabing,
anb not tntenbeb to be presenteb for anp mtsrepresenteb, 'coloreb' or improper use or purpose.

tf)eobort moses antoine hep, en capitis bimtnutio nolo, ·p:ropria persona, sm Juris, en proprio
solo, en proprio berebes: nortbwest mnexem+nortbwest africa+nortt,, america+tbe 'nortb gate'
turtle i,�lanb + temple of tbe moon and sun:all riabts exerctseb at all times.
pbone: 337+520+0516
email: tbe.v55 l
tantum eS't umum exitu

"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erw1t soluta et in caelo"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et eegoin caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram crunt soluta et in caelo"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et eegoin caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram crunt soluta et in caelo"

"a:ll souereign original tnbigenous moorisb american autogra:pbs for tbts bornment anb a:11
sobereign moorisb national republic feberal gobernment bocuments are on tbe public rerorb at america

1e,e. fe

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page 3 of3 macn+r000130720_affidavit of credit

original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem + north africa + north america
~ 'the moroccan empire' + continental united states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non-domestic, non-resident. non-subject
~ being the rightful heirs ande inheritors of the land.

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