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6. {IPE MODEL PAPER - 10} SECTION - B Read the folowing passage carefully and answer the questions He asked pathetically, “Can't you change the story, sir?! ‘There was a big lamp directly in fon Of him, scorching his face. Beyond that was a region of shadow in which a group of persons were assembled, watching him-cxecutives, technicians, and light-shifters. ‘The ditector was aghast at his suggestion, ‘What do you mean? You just do what you are told 1) Who made the request that the story should be changed ? ii) Who was asked to change the story ? ili) Who were watching them ? iv) What was there directly in front of him ? v) How did the director react to the suggestion ? vi) Pick the word in the passage which means ‘shocked’. Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. Kaloji Narayan Rao (1914-2002) is a poet, freedom fighter, anti- fascist and political activist of Telangana. Kaloji is acclaimed as ‘Prajakavi’, Kaloji was the first modern Telugu poet to write free verse. His popular Na Godava provides profound insights into the myriad issues and contradictions of his time and his autobiographical writing Idee Na Godava is historical and reflective, Kaloji’s fierce individualism and his refusal to submit to imposed disciplines kept him out of the membership cal parties. Yet he was deeply political and was in the vanguard of many a protest and of pol struggl reader, an ardent cricket fan and a forceful storyteller. Vibhushan the second highest civilian honour in the country. fe. He consistently fought for democratic and responsible governments. Kaloji was a voracioes Kaloji was awarded the Padma He was also awarded an honorary doctorate by the Kakatiya University, Warangal in 1992. The ‘Telangana government celebrates his birth anniversary, the 9® September, as Telangana Dialect Day. Scanned with CamScanner answer the LOHOWIN questions, —_ i) How is Kaloji described (as 4 poor) 2 ji) What is Kaloji’s poetry marked for 9 iii) Why did Kaloji keep himself out of potitics ? iv) What did Kaloji fight for 2 v) How was Kaloji honoured by the Telangana government ? vi) Name Kaloji's autobiographical writing. SECTION - C 8, Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. i) In (1). other fields largely ignored, Saina Nehwal has carved (2)....... niche for herself. country where cricket players are deified and achievements of sportspersons in ii) Itis, perhaps, (3).......irony that Saina Nehwal, (4).......... Wonder girl who brought laurels to her country, was born in Hisar, Haryana, (5)....... state which has (6)........ Worst male-femaie ratio of 1000:879. (esses. honest man is always respected. iv) Raghu wore (8)......... uniform which was crumpled. ¥) Tomotoes cost Rs. 20/- (9)urssenne kilo. vi) Birds of (10). ... feather flock together. 9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1) The train started exactly (1)..---++-6 ‘O" clock 2) We open locks (2)...+---+ Keys: 3) My friend lives (3).....+ Delhi. 4) India got Independence (4)-.--+--» 1947 5) Ihave been reading this book (5).-.----- 2014 Scanned with CamScanner 10. ll. 12. 6) The meeting began (6).......... the evening. 7) Rajesh left (7)........... Australia, 8) The issue is (8).......... you and me. 9) There is a beautiful painting (9)... the wall. 10) He jumped (10). the well Fill in the blanks with st ble verbs given 1) Rohit (1)... «. (bat) for two hours when rain interrupted the match. ese (start) by 10.00 am. tomorrow. 2) The meeting (2)... 3) Usually, my father (3).. (take) rice for our lunch, But now, he (4)... (take) chapathis. 4) Telugu (5) .....sean (Speak) in two states now. 5) Mary (6) (eat) her supper by 7.00 p.m. Rewrite the sentences as directed. i) Many students sacrificed their precious lives for Telangana. (change into passive voice) ii) “How is your health?” said Dr. Kishore to a patient. (change into indirect speech) iii) Very few T.V. channels are as popular as ETV. (change into superlative degree) iv) Health is more important than wealth. (change into positive degree) vy) Don’t blame others for everything, __? (add a question tag) vi) I am very happy now,___? (add a question tag) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors. i) When he was trying to explain the problem, his friend disturbs him. ii) ‘They are staying in the same flat for the last many years Scanned with CamScanner ow long are you wai 13 rs 16, iii) 1 here? iy) He is interested f0 do a job 4) They have moved fo the new house last week, yi) He is having many imported clothes, supply the missing letters following words. iy) n -- ther ii) br iii) sh == 1d ivyer--d vi) fr--nd vii) th--£ viii) gr-- ix) 1-- sure Identify the silent consonants in the following words. 1) cupboard 2) answer 3) brought 4) dodge 5) right 6) straight 7) calm 8) talk 9) judge 10) mortgage Identify the parts of speech in the following underlined words. 3) The room we were looking into was full of people and cigarette smoke, and our little man was in the middle of it all. He was now without his hat and coat, and he was edging his way through the crowd towards the bar. ji) The teacher wrote something slowly on the board today. Match the following words in column A with their meanings in column B. Column - A Column - B i) plummet (.) a) respected and greatly admired ii) prestigious ()_b) misrepresent iil) compromise (©) of a person who is not a member of the armed forces or the police iv) gruelling () d) asset of rules about food and exercise ¥) laurels () e) adjustment vi) elated ) honor and praise given to one on something achieved vii) civilian ( —) g) biased, distorted Vili) belie (—.) b) tiring and demanding ix) regimen (-) i) delighted x) skewed () 9) fall or decrease rapidly Scanned with CamScanner 17. 18. 19. 20. Read the following paragraph and convert it into tree di Ik an body, They are smooth, cardiac and skeleta xamples of smooth muscles There are three types of muscles in the hu muscles. Smooth muscles are controlled by involuntary responses. E3 a are muscles in the digestive tract and blood vessels, The second type of muscle “i care iscle, ltis . Muscles that cover the heart are examples of cardiac muscles. The third type of muscle is the skeletal muscle, It is controlled hy voluntary response. All the muscles attached to the bones such as iceps, deltoid are examples of skeletal muscles. Draw a tree diagram to convey this informati also an involuntary nnusck Look at the following transcriptions. Write the words in normal spellings. i) /kerws/ ii) /per/ iii) /iba(r)ti iv) /in'taitld/ v) /ena()ki/ vi) /k3:"(r)terld/ Look at the following words. the bold letters. ‘cle the word that Sounds different with regard to the sound of dread break bread tiny money rely exist exam exercise ant about apple sure salt silk read beak dear Mention the number of syllables in each of the following words, i) two ii) teacher iii) bachelor iv) education v) try vi) matter Scanned with CamScanner — — 7. SECTION - B y and answer the questions given after it. Read the following passage carefull hs ue some Usirped ou the fear was back. As [entered my house, it grew even more intense. had spent several nights alone in that house but I never fe ro e but F never felt like this before. 1 thought perhaps | T switched off the light and went to bed. ‘The window was wide open. | woke up feeling that of fiery eyes was watching me. I just had to lift somebody was standing outside the window. A p my head up and I would be able to see them. it grew even more intense.” What does the word ‘it’ refer to ? i) 2) Why did the narrator think ke wasn't well ? 3) What was the narrator's feeling as he woke up ? 4) Was the narrator able to see those eyes from his bed ? 5) The narrator was spending that night alone in that house for the first time. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’. 6) “.... I would be able to see them.” What does the word ‘them’ refer to? Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. Human activities are causing an increase in global temperature and related climate disruption. Climate change causes floods, droughts, heat .waves'and massive storms. The effects will intensify unless we reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Over the past 200 years, humans have greatly increased the level of green hous carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous atmosphere by burning fossil fuels like oil and coal. Water vapour oxide and ozone are the common green house gases. These gases (rap heat in the atmosphere. Excess emission of green house gases leads to a rise in global temperatults Other factors such as deforestation have added to the problem. Trees soak up carbon dioxide from the air, Fewer trees, that less carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. especially in the tropics, means Humans have caused this problem, and humans can fix it, We must act soon to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This means all of us-individuals, communities, businesses, and governments -must work together now. Jamities caused by climate change e gases in the i) Mention two natural cali ii) What can humans do to reduce global warming 2 Scanned with CamScanner 10. iii) Name the common greenhouse gases. iv) How does deforestation add to the problem of global warming ? Vv) Who all should work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ? SECTION - C Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. a stout old lay was watking with her basket down (2)........ middle of (3)......---++ Street in Petrograd to (4).......... great confusion of (5).....--« traffic and with no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that (6)........ pavement Was (7)........ place for foot-passengers, but she replied: ‘I'm going to walk where I like. We've got liberty now.’ Liberty is not (8)........ personal affair only, but (9)... Social cotract, It is (10)........aecommodation of interests. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. i) The dream came true (1)....... 2012 when (2)....... The London Olympics, Saina set a record (3) becoming the first Indian badminton player to win a medal (4)......the Olympics. ii) She was introduced (5). Karate (6)... a tender age but abandoned it when she was told that, as part (7)......... the training, the instructor would run a motorbike (8)....... her! iii) I congratulated her (9)........ her success. iv) Ravi is suffering (10) ........ malaria, Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs given in brackets. 1) Don’t disturb! The child (1 (sleep). 2) Let us walk fast. We must reach home before it (2)....s.e-sseessee (get) dark, 3) If1@). .. (be) a bird, [ would fly high in the sky to have a beautiful view of the earth. 4) Inis time we (4)... . (start) working hard to understand scientific concepts correctly. 5) 1). (return) the novel as soon as I finish it. 6) If I were you, I (6)...... «+. (construct) an independent house. Scanned with CamScanner pewrite the sentences as directed, i) Nobody can save him, (change into passive voice) ii) How much loan has the bank sanctioned ? (change into passive voice) iii) The Inspector said to the constable, “I am your boss", (change into indirect speech) ix) “It is better for you to join M.P.C..” said his mother (o Bharath.(change into indirect speech) v) Virus infects a person faster than bacteria, (change into positive degree) vi) Most of the villages depend on agriculture,__? (add suitable a question tag) 12, Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors. i) He is doing homework since 8°O clock. ii) If they are going out, we will follow them. iii) If you will depend on others for everything, you will not learn anything. iv) If you have helped your mother, she would have felt happy. v) He is trying for a job since last year. vi) Is he remembering our help ? 13. Supply the missing letters in the following words. ) my--ery ii) t-- cher iii) in ~~ lien’ iv) fu--iture —v) ew - - oard vi) dis se vii) vill - - n viii) conv - - sation ix) ori== nal x) as =~ st 14, Identify the silent consonants in the following words. 1) gnaw 2) island 3) receiy pl 4) colonel 5) ghost 6) salmon 7) aisle 8) lacquer 9) mnemonic 10) musete a Scanned with CamScanner 15. Identify the parts of speech in the following underlined words. 16. 17. i) Two other people saw you and started to talk. fi) This conversation bores me iii) Do people often come ont here ? iv) What do you mean? v) Oh, don’t be a fool, Match the following words in colu Column - A i) elated ( civilian ( belie ( iv) regimen ¢ v) skewed ( vi) guide ( vii) mentor ( viii) tutor ( ix) counsellor ( x) coach ( nA with their meanings in column B. Column - B a) someone who shows you the way by leading and directing b) a set of rules about food and exercise ©) of a person who is not a member of the armed forces or the police d) misrepresent €) some one who gives you good advice based on expertise in a particular field ) some one in charge of training a sportsman or a team g) someone who gives advice mostly on psychological issues h) biased, distorted i) delighted j) someone who teaches you privately Read the following paragraph and convert it into tree diagram. Your brother has to attend a party tomorrow and he wants to wear his best sl He asks you how he should wash it. These are the instructions you write in the form of a flow chart, Write a paragraph with the information. How to wash a shirt ? Put some detergent in half a bucket of water Rinse the sie in bucket of wat thoroughly | a nan Brush the shire |_| Tightly Place the shirt om ind allow ‘tt dry in the Scanned with CamScanner 18. Look at the following transcriptions. Write the words in normal spellings. | i) /gloubl/ dv'mifnz/ iii) /sob'ma:rdain/ | iv) /mes/ v) /'plenit/ vi) /pavla(r)/ | 19. Look at the following words. Circle the word that Sounds different with regard to the sound of | the bold letters. [en eae sand | mix box xerox baggage luggage suggest | look book door meal measure meant yell money many 20. Mention the number of syllables in each of the following words. i) Fate / ii) Honour iii) Fan iv) Employee v) Amplification vi) Create Scanned with CamScanner SECTION - B cestions given after it, (June-2019) ang the bridge, I noticed that the river lark, The bats were Read the followin refully and answer the qu Vrindavan’s house was across the river, As 1 walked a long time. It was growing d a strong compulsion within me rew stronger. I didn’t pa pe ca was in flood. 1 stood there, watehing the river for flapping around. Not a soul was in sight. All of a sudden there was np into the river, As I stared at the swirling water, the feeling 8 y would be the end of me. My legs were heavy and it was not A desire to ji know how to swim, If I jumped in easy to move, 1) Where was the narrator going ? 2) It was moming. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’. 3) What did the narrator notice while he was walking along the bridge ? 4) “... .. the feeling grew stronger.” What was the feeling ? 5) Why would it be the end of the narrator if he jumped into the river ? 6) Write the word (used in the passage) that means ‘looked closely’. Read the following passage and answer the questions given after A truly multifaceted personality, Pamulaparti Venkata Narsimha Rao (28 June, 1921 to 23 Dec. 1, Telangana. Born in Warangal district and brought up in Karimnagar district, he had his education in Karimnagar district, Osmania University and Fergusson College. Maharashtra. A lawyer, an activist, a statesman, PV was the 10th Prime Minister of India (21 June 1991-16 May 1996), He was the first Prime Minister from South India. With the active involvement of a non-political économist, Dr. Manmohan Singh as the Finance Minister, PV initiated bold liberalization policies which saved India from a deep financial crisis and won for him the title. ‘Father of Indian Economic Reforms’. On the defence and political fronts too, he lett his unique stamp. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam said, “He is a patriotic statesman who believed that the nation is bigger than the political system”. A versatile genius, PV spo! works from Telugu into Hindi; and Marath knowledge too. ‘Answer the following questions. 17 languages, translated great into Telugu, He had incredible software programming i) What'was PV's distinction as the Prime Minister of India, according to the passage ? Scanned with CamScanner ny is PV called the “ earns a ‘ather of Indian Economic Reforms” iii) Name the other areas where PV proved himself to be unique, iv PV spoke 20 lang es. Write true or fa v) Why does Abdul Kalam say that PV is a patriotic statesman ? vi) Who helped PV in initiating liberalization policies ? SECTION - c §, Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. a) I do possess (1) ........ car, and it's in (2)........4. garage round (3) corner. b) At last (4) ........ sympathetic audience! I'll tell you (5)......... story of my life. How as (6) cesses child I was stolen by (7)......... gypsies, and why at (8)......... age of thirty-two, T find myself in my lonely Essex cottage. c) You are (9). crook. Do you think I am (10).. Sunday-school teacher? 9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. i) There is a danger (1)......... the world getting liberty drunk (2)........ these days like the old lady (3).......the basket, and it is just as well to remind ourselves (4).........what the rule the road means, It means that in order that the liberties (6). .- all may be preserved, 6). the liberties (7).........everybody must be curtailed. vo the sofa, sat (9)...00000 her and put his army (10)... her shoulders. ii) He drew her (8).... 10, Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs given in brackets. a) 1)... (be) glad you (2).. . (be) pleased to see me. b) You (3)... soon (4).. (stop) being smart. 1 (5). (make) you crawl, 1). (want) to know a few things, 11, Rewrite the sentences as directed, i) Mental peace cures many diseases. (change into passive voice) —— $$ $$ Scanned with CamScanner 12. 13. 14. 15. (change into Passive voice) ii) The workers called off the strike. (change into indirect speech) iii) Sunil said to his daughter “I will take care of you (change into indirect speech (change into positive degree) ¥) Teaching profession is the best of all profes vi) Iam very happy now,__? (add a question tag) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors. i) She is more shorter than her brother. ii) As there are only few students, I can interact with them easily. Everest is the most highest of all the mountains in the world. iv) My all friends are very active. v) Gandhi is more truthful than any political leader. vi) This is taller than many buildings in Hyderabad. Supply the missing letters in the following words. i) ve--el ii) pa--ionate —ii)y -- Id iv) dis -er v)a--ain vi) n-- ther vii) br --£ viii) sh--Id ix)er--d xyw--d Identify the silent consonant in the following words. 1) prow 2) ought 3) calm 4) mighty 5) sown 6) night 7) sights 8) rustling 9) folk 10) xknight Identify the parts of speech in the following underlined words. i) What do you mean ? Scanned with CamScanner ii) Oh. don't be a fool. iii) Now take a look at_me, iv) Two other people saw you and started to talk, 16. Match the following words in column A with their meanings in column B. Column ~ A Column - B | i) jest (.) a) make something start to grow | ii) hoary ()_b) very old and well known iii) global (.)- ©) amarea of tree, smaller than a forest iv) woods (.) 4) strange or unusual . v) queer () @) sacred places vi) heap (-) 8) covering the whole world vil) fanes () 8) apile of something viii) kindle () bh) a joke 17, Read the following paragraph and convert it into route map. The route map from Bus stand to the 2 storey white building ‘As you come out of the bus stand take a left turn and go forward a few metres. You proceed along the road till you reach the two cross roads to ignore them on your way. You can reach T junction. ‘At T junction tum to the right and move forward. And now you have to go to the left. A few meters away you find the 2 storey white building. . Scanned with CamScanner 18. 19, 1 normal spellings: Look at the following transcriptions, Write the words i i) /pro'vinfl/ ii) /daralekt/ iii) /a'kastamd/ iv) fev har(r)sta/ v) fin'telidgobl/ vi) Zmamb(a)l/ nt with regard to the sound of Look at the following words, Cirele the word that sounds differen the bold letters. cant cat back go to no student stupid study laughter daughter cough ink island if dog done donkey Mention the number of syllables in each of the following words. i) cricketer ii) bachelor iii) beautiful iv) sorry v) anaesthesia vi) discussion Scanned with CamScanner SUIPE MODEL PAPER - 131 SECTION ~ B ead the following pa ‘Sage carefully and answer the questions given after it. Joe Larrabee came from the Middle West with a genius for painting, As a child of six, he drew a pietre of the {own pump with an important citizen passing na hurry. ‘This effort was framed and hung in the drug store window. At twenty he left for New York with a flowing necktie and a small capital 1) Where did Larrabee come from ? What was Larrabee interested in ? 3) This effort was ... ‘effort’ refers to ... choose and fill in the blank. i) Larrabee ii) the painting an important citizen 4) When did he go to New York ? 5) Give two meanings of the word ‘left’. 6) The word ‘capital’ in the passage means ‘the city that is the centre of administration’ Say true or false, Read the following passage and answer the questions given after Chakali Hamma (1919-1985) was born at Krishnapuram village in Rayaparthi Mandal, Warangal Rural District. She was married to Chityala Narsaiah of Palakurthy in Jangaon District. Chakali Hamma was a revolutionary leader of the Telangana Armed Struggle during 1940s. She joine: the Andhra Mahasabha, an organization founded in 1922 to oppose Nizam domination, The organization was later merged with the Communist Party. She worked actively against the Nizam and the local feudal landlords who mercilessly exploited the rural people. especially the weaker sections, Chakali Ham na led the revolt against the feuda lord, jar Ramachandra Reddy, known as Visnoor Deshmukh, to save her four acres of land when he tried (o grab it, She fought not just for her right to land but also against the exploitation of the poor in general. Chakali IL armed struggle served as an inspiration for Telangana region, lamma’s heroic y during the revolts against the feudal lords of the Scanned with CamScanner 10. Answer the following questions. i) Where was Hamma bor ? ii) Name the organization Hamma joine ifi) The Aandhra Mahilasabha was merged with the Communist Party. Write true or false, iv) Who was Ramachandra Reddy ? ¥) Why did Hamma revolt against Ramachandra Reddy ? vi) During which period did Iamma become an inspiration for many ? SECTION ~C Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. i) Tam now going to suppose that you are (1)....... foreign student of the English language; and that you desire to speak it well enough to be understood when you travel in (2)..e++ss British Commonwealth or in America, or when you meet (3)........ native of those countries. ii) Tam (4). member of (5)......... Committee established by (6).. . British Broadcasting Corporation. iii) Our chairman is (7), (9)... - Poet Laureate, who is not only (8).......... artist whose meterials are .. sounds of spoken English, but (10)......... in their pronunciation. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. a) Gopal’s hand involuntarily strayed. (1) ___ the region (2) __ his heart. It was (3)____beati He looked up (4) __ the director. The man stood (5)__ him ruthlessly, waiting (6)___ an answer. b) ), assembled. that was a region (8) shadow (9) __which’a group (10) ___ persons were Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs given in brackets. a) All the members of that Committee (1)........ (be) educated persons. b) 12)... -- (say) enough to you about the fact that no two native speakers of English 3)... whether [ myself (5)... ve (speak) it alike; but perhaps you (4).........:+0 (be) clever enough to ask me . (speak) it in the same way. (cush) into the tempie. c) There was a stampede when the pilgrims suddenly (6)..... Scanned with CamScanner 12 1B. 4, pewrite the sentences as directed, 4) Nobody ean save him, (change into passive voice) ji) Please maintain silence in the y cer hall. (change into passive voice) “Don't make friends wit ys," iit) “Di ids with bad boys,” said mother to her son, (change into indirect speech) jv) Jagan is the tallest boy in the class. (change into comparative degree) y) Ravitha is more careful than Sunandh, (change the adjective into positive degree) yi) Students are our best judges, 2 (add a suitable question tag) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors. i) Your informations are wrong. ii) He has bought expensive furnitures. Children should learn the alphabets with joy. iv) He has deep knowledges of various fields. ¥) The sceneries of Darjeeling are very beautiful. Supply the missing letters in the following words. i) vi--age ii) cha---t iii) gorge - - 8 iv) sca--ered vy) wa-- et vi) bi - - erly vii) s--n viii) fa--en—— ixykn--1 sheen Identify the silent consonants in the following words. 1) hymn 2) psalm 3) isle 4) fasten 5) phlegm 6) baulk 7) knee 8) align 9) doubt 10) castle Scanned with CamScanner 15. 16. 17. Identify the parts of speech in the following underlined words. i) ....9 gorgeous dream and 1 wondered ii) one should Jook after one’s parents. iii) your information is wrong ings in column B. Match the following words in column A with their mea Column - A Column - B i) umpteen ( ) a) excellent ii) alms () Bb) to avoid iii) elated () ©) serious danger iv) peril (_) ) clothes, food or money given to the poor people v) liberty () ) freedom vi) intelligible () f) delighted vii) dodge () g) very many iii) dandy () bh) easily understood Convert the following tree diagram into paragraph. Tasty Good Food iiny Fresh customers Good Prompt and Service Courteous Scanned with CamScanner 18. 19. 20. Look at the following transcriptions. Write the words in normal spellings. i) Avudz! ii) /Awra(n)/ iii) /"fax(r)m,haus/ iv) /haz(r)nisbelz/ vy) daunifletk/ vi) /'peral/ Look at the following words. Circle the word that Sounds different with regard to the sound of the bold letters. The first one is done for you. dark day danger hope rod rope fry cry tray break great heat finger engine anger push pull pure Mention the number of syllables in each of the following words. i) application ii) ant iii) resolution iv) complain v) particular vi) mother Scanned with CamScanner {IPE ooEL. paPER- 14) SECTION - B ms given after it. s long as their money lasted, ‘Their aims were very clear. Joe wouly with side-whiskers and thick purses. woulg yster the piano and fill concen Rea i d the following passage carefully and answer the quest ‘They were mighty happy lear very soon to paint pictures that old gentlem a was going {0 fight with one another in his studio for buying. Del as usual rates to hear her play. halls all over the & try With people who would pay twice 1) How tong were Joe and Delia happy ? 2) Name the two arts Joe and Delia aimed to mastering 3) What would gentlemen fight with one another for ? 4) Write the meaning of the expression: ‘gentlemen with thick purses’. (choose from the options) i) Gentlemen who had purses made of thick leather ii) Rich persons 5) Delia's concerts would bring her .... ass (choose from the options and fill in the blank) i) Low income ii) An average income High income 6) The word ‘mighty’ has ‘g’ and ‘h’ as silent consonants. Find two other words from the passage that have silent consonants. Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. rict, enjoys the distinction of being the ss than fourtest yarkable Malavath Poorna, a young girl from Nizamabad dist youngest woman to climb Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, She was I years old when she accomplished this feat on 25th May 2014, Her feat is all the more re ‘as she is a tribal girl belonging to a humb! was accompanied on her expedition, by S. Anand Kumar, « 16 year old boy from Khamnst! ‘a and Anand are students of the Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educate aphs of BLR, Ambedkar and $.R. Sankaran. * Je background. Her parents are farm labourers. Poor district. Poorn: Society. The youngsters carried with them photogr LAS. officer who devoted his life to the uplifime 2014 marked the 61° anniversary of the congu jary from New Zealand and Tenzin ince ections of society former nt of the marginalized Incidentally, the fourth week of May Mount Everest, It was on 29th May 1953 that Edmund Hilt Norgay from Nepal - the first men to climb this highest peak -reached the summit of Everest. Si then more than 4000 people have reached the peak. rest of Scanned with CamScanner 12 gwer the following questions, s j) How did Pooma make news on 25th May 2014 jj) Who accompanied Pooma on the expedition ? iii) Where were the two youngsters studying at that time ? jy) What did they carry with them to the top of the world ? y) Who climbed Mount Everest for the first time and when ? vi) How many persons have so far climbed the highest peak in the world ? SECTION - C Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. 1) Ihave studied in (1). government school. 2) Rajesh is (2)_____ enterprising businessman. 3) Today there is (3) lot of progress in (4) __ field of communication. 4) Madhu is (5) _____ cleverest boy in (6) ____ class. 5) People usually go for (7) ___ walk in (8) __ morning. more you benefit. 6) (9). more you learn (10) 9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. i) One (1)......... our members is Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, famous not only as an actor but (2). .. his speech. the beauty (3). ii) Being strong, he was able to swim (4).....--. the river. ili) The boy ran (5).....-... the room to get his ball, . him went for the movie. iv) Rakesh was busy, so all (6)..--. ¥) The shop is open (7)---+-+++ 10am (8). 8pm. 2014. vi) I have been reading this book (9) »-.- Vii) The meeting began(10) «. . the evening. Scanned with CamScanner 10. lu. 12. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs 4 n in brackets. a) Every (know) thay sh person to whom you (1) (speak) at once (2) you (3) (be) a foreigner, He (4) (not expect) you to be polite and to use elaborate grammatical phrases. b) Look ! The bird (5) ly). c) I wish 1 (6). (have) a bike, Rewrite any four sentences as directed. i) I told them an interesting story, (change into passive voice) ii) Check the spel (change into passive voice) i) The doctor said, “sorry, I can’t help it.” (change into indirect speech) iv) “Nothing is in our hands,” said the priest. (change into indirect speech) v) Lakshmi Mittal is one of the most popular industrialists, (change into comparative degree) vi) Children love to play with toys,__? (add a question tag) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors. i) 1am too happy to meet you. ii) He has many sheeps. iii) His both hands are paralysed. iv) He and me are brothers. v) Some cattles are grazing in the field. vi) Many passer — bys observed the accidents Scanned with CamScanner ya ii) sold - - rs i) w=- pons iv) su--enly vy w-- ded yi) ou ~~ ing Vii) ch-- s viii) e--t ix) st--y ser--f 14. entity the silent consonants inthe following words 1) debt 2) mnemonic 3) damn 4) whistle 5) sword 6) receipt 7) debut 8) mayor 9) feign 10) precis 15, Identify the parts of speech in the following underlined words. i) Hyderabad is a historical city. ii) Children are a source of joy to the parents. Honesty is the best policy iv) We learn many things through observation v) The boy ran into the park joyfully. vi) Alas! Abdul Kalam is dead. 16, Match the following words in column A with their meanings in column B. Column = A Column - B i) scattered () a) sweet smelling, fragrant ii) assailed () b) discussion down to earth () ©) continue to live iv) tutor () d) of the earth related to the poles vy) ruined (.) e) one who teaches you privately vi) polar (-) f) destroyed vii) exist (.) g) dropped things in different directions viii) debate (hy) disturbed ix) vessel (-) i) large ship co) x) aromatic j) practical Scanned with CamScanner 17, 18. 19. 20. Convert the following text into pie chat The favourite subject of students in a ¢ iss. aken into consideration — We can see from the figure that five subjects have been | Language. Students who Tike 25% expressed preference for this subject , economics form the large Civies, Commerce, Beam nglish and 2 A quarter of the students of the class i.c, \ lik 0h of the student Commerce are liked by an equal number of students. 20% of the students Tike same percentage i.e, 20% of the students like Commerce, Next in popularity is Civics, likey 18% of the class, Fi ics, comes 2" Language, which is the favo, subject of 17% of the students. ally, trailing closely behind Look at the following transcriptions. Write the words in normal spellings. i) /wrart/ ii) /vesal/ iii) /prav/ iv) /starliy v) Passenger vi) ‘pefontt / Look at the following words: Circle the word that sounds different with regard to the sound of the bold letters. load road broad earn earth each rose chose lose week meek deer nature mature tutor. took door look Mention the number of syllables in each of the following words. i) ugly ii) property iii) agitation iv) create v) persistent vi) criticism Scanned with CamScanner {IPE MODEL PAPER - 15) SECTION - B Read the following p: age carefully and answer the questions given afte [couldn't get any pupils,’ she confessed, ‘And I couldn't think of your giving up your lessons and I got a place ironing shirts in that big Twenty forth street laundry. And I think f did very well to invent both General Pinkney and Clementina, don’t you, Joe? And when a girl in the laundry set down a hot iron on my hand this afternoon, | was inventing that story about the Welsh rabbit all the way home. You're not angry, are you, Joe ? 1) Why did Delia have to take up the job of ironing shirts ? 2) Who invented General Pinkney and Clementina ? 3) Who set down a hot iron on Delia’s hand ? 4) The Welsh rabbit is .. i) an animal ii) a dish ili) a toy 5) Write the synonym from the passage of ‘admitted 6) Write the word from the passage that the means ‘create’, Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. Countless friends and acquaintances have been taken off to a dreadful fate, Night after night, reen and gray military vehicles cruise the streets. The soldiers knock on every door, asking whether any, Jews live there. If so, the’ whole family is immediately taken away. If not, they proceed the ‘They often go around next house. It's impossible to escape their clutches unless you go into hidin; with lists; knocking only on those doors where they Know there's a big haul to be made, They frequently offer a bounty, so much per head. In the evenings when it's dark, [offen see long Hines ng on and on, ordered about by the of good, innocent people, accompanied by crying children, wall a handful of men who bully and beat thei until they nearly drop. No one is spared, Th elderly, children, babies and pregnant women- all are marched to their death. (From ‘The Diary of Aune Frank) si Scanned with CamScanner 2) What was the only way to escape 3) Who were the people ber 4) Even old people and 5) What happened to the sick, the elderly, childre i) ©. A ors ask ? 1) After knocking on doors, what question did the soldiers ask ? from the clutches of the soldiers ? taken somewhere in long lines ? J children were treated by the soldiers in a brutal manner, Say tre or fale, babies and pregnant women in the end? 6) The passage depicts .......s (Choose the best answer). i) how people went for movies at night together ii) the unspeakable horrors and cruelty of soldiers during wartime iii) how criminals commit burglaries SECTION — C Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. a) (1)...... camel is the ship of the desert. flute. b) Lord Krishna played (2). jungle. c) The lion is the king of (3)... d) (4). student whom I motivated became a doctor, e) R. K. Narayana is one of (5)....... greatest Indian writers in English, £) OG). novel I bought yesterday is interesting. g) Kiran Bedi is (7)........ first woman IPS Officer in India United States of America. h) My brother lives in (8). turies. English ruled India for more than wo cei _ Tatas are pioneers in Steel Industry. Scanned with CamScanner 10. uu. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1) We should not feel superior (1)......... others, 2) People usually put (2) new dresses (3). 3) He is good (4). 4) Don’t rely (6).. others for everything. 5) If you give (7)... 6) [went to the airport to see (8), 7) The minister feft (9)... Dethi yesterday. 8) They have agreed (10) s+... our proposal English, but weak (5)... my son. - festival days. -» Mathematics. your efforts, you don’t succeed. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs given in brackets. . (be) glad you (2) soon (3). . want, to know a few things, you (6). Rewrite the sentences as directed. i) I will conduct a spelling contest tomorrow. Gandhi said, “I respect all religions.” . (stop) being smart. I (4). (be) pleased to see me. (make) you crawl. (see). (change into passive voice) (change into indirect speech) (change into indirect speech) iii) He said to me, “Who is your favourite politician?” iv) R.K. Narayan is one of the most widely read Indian writers in English. (cl ge into comparative degree) v) Very few poets in India are as famous as Kalidas. (change into superlative degree) vi) None of them is close to me,___? (add a question tag) Scanned with CamScanner 12, 13. 14. 15. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors. 4) This is superior tham that ii) We often chit-chat with our friends. iii) Please shut the TV. iv) Land my wife went to a movie. v) He is my older brother, vi) I doubt that he yyill succeed, Supply the missing letters in the following words. i) enc--rage ii) --ur iii) st - - pless vi) 1-= rels vii) mi --le viii) th - = der Identify the silent consonants in the following words. 1) hour 2) tomb 3) foreign 6) dawn 7) balm 8) often Identify the parts of speech in the following unde i) Children are a source of joy to the parents, iv) t-- cher v) a - - ommodation ix) sy-- able. x) vill--n 4) knife 5) column 9) neighbour 10) arms: ed words. ii) Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract, ili) Music draws the attention of everyone. iv) The two simplest and commonest words in any Kige are “yes” and “no”, Scanned with CamScanner ae n the following words in column A with thei atch meanings in column B 1 Cotunm - Column = B infinite () a) avoid iiy_civilian () bp limitless iy) vessel (de) large ship jy) aromatic () dy very old and well known yy dodge () ¢) disorder, chaos yi) hoary () 1) promises vii) vows () g) adjustments viii) anarchy () hy) money, clothes and food that are given to the poor ix) compromises () ®. resident, inhabitant x) alms ( ) j). sweet-smelling, fragrant 11, Convert the following Text into a Table. This paragraph shows the information about a few Asian countries with their capitals and currencies. Each of the countries has different currencies with different values. Afghanistan's capital is Kabul and its currency is Afghani. China's capital is Beijing and the currency is Yuan. Japan's capital is Tokyo and its currency is Yen. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia and its currency is Riyal. The capital of Singapore is Singapore and the currency is Singapore dollar. Thus the names of currency of some of these countries are near to the name of their capitals. 18. Look at the following transcriptions. Write the words in normal spellings. i) / kom'pauz / ii) /‘ta:minos / iii) / Vlebarat / i) /ri'ha:(r)s(a)l2/ vy) ‘mambl/ vi) /'stlobl/ Scanned with CamScanner 19, 20. ard to the sound of 1 sounds different with Fé Look at the following words. Cirele the word th the bold letters. east exist extra suppose sucrose super music must muscle public pure tbe one orange ox thorough this thin Mention the number of syllables in each of the following words i) go ii) present iii) example iv) intelligent v) policy vi) time Extra Passage : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given after i The ‘crime teams* of Delhi Police help crack cases by collecting and analyzing evidence that is visible only to a trained eye or sophisticated equipment. These dedicated teams mainly collect clues, including ‘chance prints’ that help police catch the suspects involved in a crime. A typical crime team includes a fingerprint expert, a photographer/ Videographer and a detective. The detective is a policeman who has been trained at the Central Detective Training School in Chandigarh. He gathers clues from the crime scene and briefs cops on the possible suspects, their modus operandi and the entry and exit points to a crime scene. The job of the fingerprint expert is to collect and analyze chance prints. It takes a science graduate cop four Years to become a fingerprint expert. He has to study each print minutely, record every specified Parameter and compare it with numerous prints to suggest a possible match, 1) Who are the three members that comprise a typical ‘crime team” ? 2) Name the institute Where Delhi detectives are trained. 3) What do detectives brief the police about ? 4) What is the main task of a fingerprint expert ? 5) How long does it take for a cop to become a fingerprint expert ? 6) Commerce graduates can become fingerprint experts. Say true or false. Scanned with CamScanner

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