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Some people work for the same organisation all their working life. Others think that it is bettor to work for different organisations. Discuss both these views and give your ‘own opinion. For most people, when they get their first jab they have little idea whether or not they will remain in the same organisation throughout their working lite. If they decide w change, they need to consider how this will impact on their crreer overall Feople who stay with the same organisation have the advantage of thoroughly understanding how it works and also becoming familiar with the staff and processes, 1f they work hard, their promotion prospects are good and th likely ta be greater job security, with the promise al » good pension when they retire, Employers value loyalty and may offer additional incentives to long-term employers, ineluding bortuses and reward sc However one of the drawbacks of staying with the same organisation is that the person may get stuck doing the same job year after pear. In some cases, 1his can lead to boredom and disillusionment, Moving from one organisation to another can be a strateytic decision in order te have varlery at aequ a range of skills and experience. A friend of my father started Gut asa sociology teacher, he then joined the Social Servi and is currently managing a care home in Westerm Australia, This has made him incredibly knowledgeable in a range related fields and, in my view, has provided him with a more inicresting working life. eis o ch Although there are benefits to working for one organisation, Heel tha so valuable Ine an employee to be able 0 offer a wide range of experience having worked for diflerent compantes. As long as it is planned carelully, | feel that change |s good and will ultimately benefit the employee and the employer. (281 words) In the past, whon students did a university degree, they tended te study in thelr ‘own country. Nowadays, they nave more opportunity to study abroad. What are th advantages and disadvantages of this development? ‘You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. The pursuit of knowledge isa concept that is valued by most cultures, Int the 21st century, we now have any more options regarding how and where to find that knowledge. It you are a French national, you can apply 10 do an econemiles degree im the USA, and likewise an American citizen: can lake a course in Hinguistizs In France. indeed, most universitie cis the world now have a geod proportion of loreign students enrolled in their programmes, Certainly, there are numerous advantages of studying in a different country, Many stiidents choose to de this becstise they know that a part Business Scftoul, has an excellent reputation. Gradual here, they believe, will increase their chances of securing decent position int a company hack home, Students studying abroad alse have the opporturity to form frieresiviges with people of varions nationalities: im time, these may devclep inte useful professional networks. Furthermore, living far fram family ar friends can enable young peuple te become more independent and self-sufficient Ur abroad a positive one, Rewareh suguests that a small percentage uf young people struggle (0 adap: 10 their new environment and suller from severe culture shock. ‘the situation can become worse (f the studem is nor mature enough 10 cope by themselves. Dillerent approaches to teaching and learning may also come as an unwelcome surprise tn some students stance Stantord ng fron ular a not always tunately, the experience of stu In essence, the key 10.4 good experience at a loreign university is an open mind. Ifa student is presented with this apportunity, they should certainly seize it (267 words)

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