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Part 3 Speaking IELTS

Topic : JOB

Type of Questions :


Earning money is important, but it is much more important to have an interesting job.
Especially if your hobby is your job, even if you don’t give you lots of money, it is true
earning money is important because we hate to admit it money can provide our needs,
like pay rent house or for some people who have a mortgage, the must pay it off. But,
many of us not happy, although we reach financial stability. Having an interesting job is
much more valuable for some people because it gives satisfaction, a feeling of reward,
and maybe happier in life.


When it comes to the job, it can seem in many ways. The job itself and the other factor is
the generation. It has many speculations, but computing or IT jobs are becoming popular
and have their own business quite common these days. Many young people become an
entrepreneur or solopreneur. Like, sell their handcraft, home cooking, or home baking
through online. Maybe these situations are when they work independently, they may
have flexible working hours, and they can take another job to raise more income. For
some people, being work independently can help them balance their work and personal
life. Another popular job recently might be a consultant because they can work with
many companies and have a lot of time to chill out or work in any place and maybe have
a meeting with the client in a café coffeeshop.
Generation factor also influences people to decide what job they want to live. Different
generation hopes different expectations. Sometimes people called recent generation or
generation Z are snowflakes because the usually airy-fairy means they want all for
themselves. Unlike Generation X or Generation, I think they may like to have job security
and progress up the corporate ladder. In contrast, generation Z are much more
independent, dare take a risk, want flextime, fast-easy money, and want a job to control.


It will probably because of many reasons like people being hope for better jobs in the city
or having a better quality of life, educational opportunities, or maybe a higher salary. For
example, for young people, maybe they migrating to the city because they find more
engaging an active social life like more restaurants, bar, café, or coffee shops to hanging
out). People move to the cities despite the fact there is overcrowding, house prices are
high, competition may be harder in study or work life, and life cost in the city is more
expensive. But, back again, a city always gives more opportunity rather than stuck in

Well, I supposed so, because I think with technological revolution more jobs are
technology-focused. Jobs around computing, IT, technology investment, or technology
invented are going more popular. I supposed people would need to learn coding skills. It
might be lots of jobs in the future haven’t invented yet because of the pace of
technology change. Maybe we can’t imagine what job will be invented. I think robots will
take over some jobs and there will be more automation jobs. Yesterday, I watched a
video blog in Japan. One of the hotels in Japan had replaced a recepsionist with a robot,
and the robot helped the guest check-in or check out administration or give what the
guest needs. There is no human except the guest hotel, and for me, it’s unbelievable. So I
think in the future it will be changing a lot.

5.How have attitudes to jobs and the workplace changed in recent years?
Attitudes to job security and stability have changed in many years. Most of the late
generation will stay in one company for their entire life because they are comfortable,
have a higher position, or achieve something they want since they in and have financial
stability. In contrast to millennials, they want competitions, a dynamic workpace, and
want to study much more skills, and they don’t really into job security and probably
change their job in a year or over six months. Also, for the expectation and reward have
been changed too. People have expected a solid salary and fringe benefits, like social
security, health insurance, etc. But now generation they expected not the only reward.
Still, other things like a gym membership, creche for their children, having a lunch or
cafeteria, a vending machine, coffee on tap and probably a game room like Google. This
Google expectation makes Generation Z not expect a hierarchical company, like a junior-
senior thing. They probably expect more work in the same place as another employee.
Back in the old times, my father’s office has several computers and his desk lots of paper
and pens. His office canteen provides limited meals choice, and it’s not free.

6.What are the psychological effects of work?

Well, that’s good and that’’s bad. That’s good because work can be rewarding if it is
challenging and there is support. So, it can be motivated and can be positive on the
employee’s self-esteem and confidence. At the same time, there is a downside; work can
have a detrimental effect on your mental health. If it so lots of stress, you can’t have a
work-life balance. And I think lots of people around the world suffer because of this.

7.What motivates young people in the workplace?

For me, It maybe for many people in my country that they are motivated by the salary,
the working environment, the colleagues or the variety of fringe benefits like free lunch,
coffee on tap, health care insurance, gym membership, an open workspace, For example,
I found in many start-up companies they have a game room because a lot of their
employees are young people who really into to the game, for example, company like
Google Indonesia or Shopee Indonesia. And may be this motivated young people to have
a work environment like this.
Topic : Health
Describe an article you read about healthy living
You should say,
What it was about ; When you read it; Where you read it and explain what you learnt
from it.
= an article in a  magazine, blog, newsletter, newspaper
= popular topic  Diets, losing weight, getting fit, keeping active, homemade cooking,
different sports, superfoods ( a marketing ploy (marketing tricks), antioxidants, vitamis,

1. How do people keep fit in your country ?

If we talking about (older , middle age, young, parents) people then I would
If we are talking about young people, then I would say before the pandemic, many
young people go for a stroll on the weekend, sometimes cycling, jogging, or running.
For instance, In Indonesia, several cities have a car-free day on the weekend, so
people can do their outdoor activities and spend time with relatives or friends.
Sometimes, they forget some fresh air. But today, many people prefer to stay at
home and try to keep in shape by doing home workout online, yoga, cardio sports
like go for a jog, go for a run, go for a walk in their neighbourhood or maintain their
weight by trying to eat healthy food. Today, home workout more popular last year
because it is safe and comfortable. This sport no needs special skills or equipment or
no need experience for decades. You follow the lead from the instructor but don’t
forget to warm up. If you don’t this, you could get injured during the workout.

2. Do you think people take action on information they read about in health artciles ?
Well, it depends. I think on the one hand
3. Is it easier to live a healthy lifestyle compared to the past ?
4. Do you think health services should be free? Why ?
5. How could health services in your countru be improved ?

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