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Humiliation: It is all about me

By Mustapha M. YELWA

They criticise, denigrate

but can't really humiliate me.
You look around; make a search
for the millions who praise me.
Virtue a life daily I live,
how can you humiliate me?

Good I enjoin; bad I forbid,

these are signs of very strong will.
Honey I honour; turkey I scorn
at virtue am always standstill.
Kierkgard said Hamza echoed
this person is never called "pill."

My head you stone, my face you slap,

that doesn't mean humiliation.
If it's more about me not about you,
then can be called humiliation.

Humiliation the feeling I feel, not

the extent of your wrong
Or denigration.
But I am humiliated
By doing stupid things, or
if I succumb to your denigration

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