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From the earliest days, songs have been sung about

female beauty, the world famous painters were capturing
their allure for centuries. Wars were fought over some
Helen of Troy. Some Layla got you on your knees. Some
Sharona is making your motor run. It seems like women
are paralyzing all surrounding observers with its lush.
But, what about men? We come to the point of always
emphasizing the need that women should be given praise.
Beneath all that toughness, men also care for nice words.

I have always been a "show don't tell” kind of gal, but

sometimes it is so gratifying and pleasurable to hear those
words. It’s not an ego booster, but it’s sincerity, open-
mindedness, and if that is not important for a relationship,
I don't know what is…

Complimenting looks

- Are you a National treasure of your country?

- Your beard is majestic.
- That shirt looks so good on you. But shirtless, you are
- You are glowing —and that's the least interesting thing
about you.
- I could play with your fingers for hours.
- I am so jealous of your eyelashes, so long and thick.
- I like losing myself in the depth of your eyes.
- Your body is stunning.
- Your lips seem so soft and kissable.
- Damn, look at you. So hot!
- You know the song Beautiful? I think it’s about you…

Complimenting personal traits

- I enjoy your cheerful nature.

- I bet that if I look in the dictionary I will find your
picture next to the word "charming".
- You are so smart. God, I’m in love with your brain.
- Your soul is so cuddly.
- I really appreciate the way you acted selflessly there.
- You are so down-to-Earth and still can dream your
way up to the highest cloud.
- It never ceases to amaze me how brave and daring
you are.
- Damn! Jokes are even funnier when you tell them.
- Is there anyone who doesn’t love you? Like
- I admire your open-mindedness and honesty and your
kind heart.
- Such a gentleman…
- There is ordinary, and then, there are you.
Complimenting accomplishments and resourcefulness
These will show him your trust and support…

- I believe in you.
- You are my knight in shining armor. My hero.
- I got your back.
- You’re so responsible. I can always rely on you.
- Is there anything you can’t do?
- I need your help, you are so good at fixing stuff.
- You are so talented and hard-working. You got this.
- The sky is the limit for you.
- I bet you do a crossword puzzle in the blink of an
- I am on your side.
- You’re so strong and confident. You should be in my
- Your arms are the safest place on Earth.
- You are my best friend.

Compliments that are saying sorry and thank you

Because let's face it, it's not always sunshine and roses.
Don’t take him for granted, he also enjoys feeling
- I really appreciate everything you are doing for me.
You are the sweetest.
- I am so lucky to have you.
- It never ceases to surprise me how strong you make
me feel. And how weak, too.
- You are making me the best version of myself.
- Sorry I was mad. Thank you for giving me some
- Nobody listens to me as you do. Everything seems
easier after talking to you…
- It amazes me how you always know what to say to
- The ones you love... they are the luckiest people

Cute and funny compliments

- You know how you don't believe in ghosts? That's

how I didn't believe in soulmates. Until I found you.
- I enjoy our long phone calls.
- You are my muse, my inspiration, my passion.
- I want to be part of your dreams.
- Wow! Even those dark clouds light up when you
come around.

Compliments that tells him how he makes you feel

- You're not only keeping my bed warm but also my
- Your voice gives me tingles.
- I love the way your hands are worshiping my body.
- You are my favorite hug.
- When you touch my skin, I am not myself. You make
me weak in the knees.
- You give me butterflies when you smile like that.
- When I see you calling me, I smile like an idiot.
- You are my home.

These are just some of the types of manly compliments.

But, in the end, you know best how to make him melt.
Just be brave and say to him what’s in your heart. That’s
what this is all about, right?!

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