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Some parents simply don’t care:

No matter how much we try to raise awareness, some parents simply don’t care about the physical
and mental health of their kids, which is obvious cause they are the ones hurting them in the first
place, so it might be difficult to convince the parent to listen and to make them change their mind
about the way they’re raising their child

“how to change their minds”

Children don’t talk about it:

We can see it every day in the eyes of the innocent kids the fear they carry from their teachers , or
their parents or every abuser who threatened them of worse than they had already done if they ever
“opened their mouth” about it, the challenge is to gain the trust of these kids, to make them believe
that we are here to help them, that we wont let them down, and if they ever do talk about it we will
protect them from any harm that might come, but how to do that? How do we gain that trust when
this fear is so big that it made them unable to escape or even to fight for their peace?

« how to gain their trust? How to fight their fear? »

Chicken society:

Many people in our society notice a lot of children getting abused but they never help. why? Because
they think stuff like, who am I to talk? What do I have to do with this? I’m barely handling my own
problems, and worst of all, in my opinion of course, its their kid they can do whatever they want with
them. So, the thing that needs to be done here, is to make them realize that every voice matter, and
no matter how small the deed is, it might save a child from a life of suffering, or maybe even from

Parents hiding their children:

Obviously, any abuser won’t give its feast on a platinum plate, so no matter how much solutions we
might find and how much services we can provide, parents well run away with their child every time,

What I mean is, every time an abuser realizes that the child is in a place where he can get the support
they need to escape from them, they will simply prevent them from being there.

The Stockholm syndrome:

Stockholm syndrome is an emotional response. It happens to some abuse and hostage victims when
they have positive feelings toward an abuser or captor. (and yes, this is why Monica from la casa de
Papel was called Stockholm later in their missions)

So, we are talking about an adult who followed someone through crimes just because they fell in love
with them, how are we supposed to convince a child that when their close one hit them or yell at
them or touch them inappropriately, it’s not out of love? To make them realize that what they are
feeling is not love its just fear that even them cannot admit. And that is a challenge that can be
solved with psychology clearly, but how to even get the child to realize and admit having this

As young people who are trying to change the world, we know that these aren’t the only
challenges we are going to face, there will be more to come for sure, but we hope that we’ll be
always ready and prepared to fight through them.

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