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Allena, Camille Marie A.

PE 3 – F


1. Why is it important to learn the basic skills? Justify your answer.

- Basic skills are the foundation in every single talent or sports that we want to
explore. I remembered that Kobe Bryant in an interview with Nike, he stated that
one of the biggest impacts that made him to be better is going back to the basics.
In badminton, most of the drills are basic and yet when we are trying to be better
we always master the basic skills as we want to be stronger in all aspects.
Learning basic skills is not only for the weak but for the great athletes as well. As
the common saying goes, “Small impact has greater achievements.”

2. What did you notice about the players and their performance?

- Players in the video are so much dedicated to their sport. We can see how
passionate they are to win. In addition, I also observed how they are focused and
serious in the game. Aside from that, basic skills are very vivid in every single move
that they did. Proper handling is so visible that made the sport more interesting. It
gives us a lesson on how to focus and give time to learn about the basic skills and
the proper handling of the equipment in badminton.

3. What is your overall impression of badminton?

- Badminton is such an interesting sport. To be honest, I underestimated badminton

at first. But when I discovered and learn how to play badminton properly in this
subjected, I got more interested in playing it. Badminton is such a unique game that
will hone an individual’s skills both physically and spiritually. Badminton gives me a
wide perspective on how to be better on my own while playing the sport. Badminton
is not just a sport, instead it helps someone to feel the chance on the essence of
“how to get better.”

4. How does playing badminton benefit your health?

- Badminton benefit my health in all aspects. When we talk about physically,

badminton makes a person fit as it will push you to be more active if you want to
master this sport. Secondly, it will also make you fit in a way that it will push you to
eat healthy as you will be aware that eating healthy will boost your immune system
and will make you play better. Lastly, badminton will also benefit your mental health
in a way that it will make you focus better and enjoy the sport that will make you
happy and sane at the same time.

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