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Jojo Rabbit's Dilemma

Before we start the discussion about Jojo Rabbit's dilemma, let's talk
about its definition. "Dilemma" in Greek which means "double proposition" is the
situation offering 2 choices that are difficult if have to choose, neither of which is
unambiguously acceptable or preferable. Jojo Rabbit is a ten-year-old boy in Nazi
Germany during the second world war. He is extremely patriotic and loves his
country and loves the fuhrer - he talks to his imaginary friend Adolf Hitler (Taika
Waititi), who, in his mind, he sees as his best friend and biggest cheerleader. And
obviously, his life ideal is also affected by his friend Hitler. One day, he finds out
that her mother is hiding a young Jewish girl in their attic. Timepass, they became
close to each other, and Jojo "accidentally" fall in love with her. But the situation
put him in a dilemma choosing a Jewish girl or follow the ideal of his "best friend
in mind"-Hitler. When Jojo meets someone Jewish for the first time, especially as
that meeting is in what is for him the most unlikely of circumstances, Jojo has to
figure out what to do. While truly believing he is a Nazi despite not knowing what
that means, he has to decide either to follow what he has been taught in hating
and trying to kill any Jewish person despite knowing that killing is not in his true
nature, or not, which may have larger consequences with relation to the family.
Jojo runs home, where Elsa asks who won. After the war, Jojo, who has fallen in
love with her, lies and says Germany won to keep her from leaving. Jojo tells her
he loves her, and she tells him she loves him too - in a little brother way. Hitler
confronts Jojo one last time, angry at him - and Jojo kicks him out of the window,
rejecting him fully and finally. Jojo takes Elsa outside, now in free Germany. Jojo
Rabbit is the bravest kid that I have ever known, although he was being controlled
by the ideal of Nazi, in the end he stood against it, follow his 'own' ideal!

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