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Question 1 [15 marks]

(a) For items 1 to 5, circle the correct answer.

1. My aunt loves me a lot. __________ visits me every day.

A. She B. He C. I D. You

2. The car crashed ____________ the tree.

A. with B. at C. into D. by

3. The sky is cloudy and a strong wind ____________.

A. blew B. blown C. is blowing D. was blowing
4. I am neither hungry __________ thirsty.
A. and B. but C. nor D. or
5. I have __________ things to say.
A. a lot of B. much C. any D. no

(b) For each of items 6 to 9, circle the sentence which is correct.

6. A. Tomorrow, I was absent.
B. Last night, it rained heavily.
C. Next Friday, he was going to the cinema.
D. Yesterday, I sleep peacefully.

7. A. There is some problems in my country.

B. There was four men waiting at the entrance.
C. There were many pupils absent.
D. There are only one apple left.

8. A. I could not attend the meeting.

B. I could not attended the meeting.
C. I could not attending the meeting.
D. I could not having attended the meeting.

9. A. Don’t let her ordered you around.

B. Don’t forget eating your lunch.
C. Don’t let her order you around.
D. Don’t forget ate your lunch.

(c) For items 10 to 15, follow the instructions given.

10. Insert a comma (,) in the correct place in the sentence below.
You must be very careful especially when you cross the river.

11. Rewrite the sentence below in indirect speech.
He said, “I will go to London tomorrow”.


12. Underline all the words which should begin with a capital letter.
roman reign is a better wrestler than john cena.

13. Separate the following sentences properly. Add capital letters and full stops where
He went to the bank he wanted to apply for a home loan

14. Re-write the following sentence, using ‘postman’ in the plural.

The postman’s bicycle was lost.

15. Re-write the following sentence in the passive voice.

People say that a cat has nine lives.

Question 2 [5 marks]
For each item, circle the letter which shows the correct answer.

1. I often __________ my father on his inspection tours.

A. went B. sent C. accompanied D. led

2. Long ago, women were _________ the right to vote in some countries.
A. access B. denied C. forbidden D. prevented

3. She __________ the guests to sit down.

A. envied B. commanded C. evoked D. invited

4. They were kind to ___________ the old man of his heavy burden.
A. relieve B. lift C. take D. remove

5. I am __________ the little boy from the water.

A. received B. relieved C. reviewed D. rescued

Question 3 [10 marks]

Read the e-mail below and answer the questions which follow.

Subject: Complaint about noise pollution

21st March 2020

Mr Marko Paul,
The President
Hillview District Council
Dear Sir,

I am a resident of Hillview and I wish to bring to your notice something that is

causing a lot of inconveniences to the inhabitants here.

There is an abandoned plot of land on the main road next to Golden Bakery. As
the plot of land is unfenced, people can easily have access to it. Many people,
especially teenagers, gather there to play football and volleyball.

However, they behave in a rowdy manner. They use foul language and show no
respect to the people in the vicinity. They keep playing till late at night and
consequently disturb the inhabitants. Sometimes, they even play loud music.

I suggest that fences must be placed all around this plot of land. Moreover,
another plot of land which is not found in the residential area, can be converted
in a football playground.

I request you to look into this matter urgently.

Thank you in advance.

Mrs Nikita Lee.

1. Who is Mr Marko Paul? [1]


2. What is the e-mail address of Mr Marko Paul? [1]


3. When was this e-mail written? [1]


4. What is the subject of this e-mail? [1]


5. Where is the abandoned plot of land found? [1]


6. Why do people easily have access to this plot of land? [1]


7. Name two activities young people do there on the plot of land. [1]


8. Who is writing this complaint? [1]


9. Suggest two solutions to this problem, as proposed in this e-mail. [2]



Question 4 [5 marks]
Write the correct form of the words in brackets. The first one has been done for you.

Every school has a set of rules and regulations (regulate) which students have to abide by.

__________ (Fail) to follow those rules will result in __________ (punish). Some students might

feel that these are draconian rules, but they are nonetheless __________ (necessity) to enable the

smooth __________ (function) of the school. One of these is the student’s attire. The uniform

should be neatly pressed and skirts, shorts and trousers should be the correct __________ (long)

and not too tight.

Question 5 [5 marks]
Read the text below, which contains some mistakes. They have been underlined for you.
Correct them. An example is given.

Dear Ramesh,

Thanks for all your letters. I am realy glad to know that you have done well in your
examinations and I am happy to tell you that I have done well to. I am also happy that
you cow has given birth. I think it must be a trilling time for you and your family. I am
impressed about the way you write about your cow as if you was close friends. I think
I think this should be our bond with all animal.

Question 6 [5 marks]
Complete the following text by writing one suitable word in each blank space. An example
is given.

There has been no space for new buildings in Central London _________ many years now. In
fact, this was a problem that city planners had to deal with as long ago as the 19th _________.
They decided __________the only way to expand was to go down. So they dug. Railways,
roads, footpaths, sewers - they even buried rivers underneath the streets of London. Recent
construction work in the heart of London _________uncovered even more of London's
underground past. Workers found a hidden world from Roman times. In one recent development,
construction workers unearthed the old High Street of Roman London, ____________follows
exactly the line of today's main roads through the City of London.

Question 7 [10 marks]

You are playing football on the school playground when a fight suddenly started. The
rector wants you to write a report of what you witnessed.

Write about 50-75 words based on the following:

 When was it and where were you playing?

 What happened before the fight?
 What was the cause of the fight?
 What did you do?
 Who was to blame?

















Question 8 [20 marks]
Read the passage below and answer the questions which follow.

1 I was in my room revising my work when I heard a crash. I sounded like it came from
the kitchen. Alarmed, I went to investigate, wondering what had happened. I was greeted
by the sight of my mother crouched on the floor. She was clutching her stomach in pain
and the expression on her face conveyed that she was in much anguish. Beside her on the
floor lay scattered fragments of a plate which she must have dropped.

2 For a split second, I froze not knowing what to do. However, the groaning sounds from
my mother spurred me into action. I helped her to her feet and took her to rest in her
bed. When I asked what was wrong, it appeared that the pain was too much for her to
reply. Feeling very worried, I called the ambulance and informed my father of her
condition. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I stayed by her side, feeling quite
helpless for there was nothing I could do to alleviate her situation. I was growing more
worried by the minute and my imagination grew wild as I wondered what my mother was
suffering from.

3 The paramedics soon arrived and my mother was taken to the ambulance. Following along,
I met with my father at the hospital. We waited anxiously while doctors examined her. I
paced worriedly along the corridor, waiting for doctors to make a diagnosis. My father did
not say much but sat in stoic silence. After what seemed like an eternity, a doctor came
to update us of my mother’s condition. Apparently, she was suffering from a rare illness-
rare strain virus- and had to undergo emergency surgery. However, the doctors were not
confident of her chances of survival for it seemed that my mother’s body had been
severely affected by the virus.

4 When I heard this, my face grew pale and I felt faint. I could not believe my ears. I had
no idea that my mother has been ill all this while. I was distressed at the thought of
losing my mother. I could not imagine living without her. I tried to speak but no words
came out. I turned to my father, who implored the doctors to help my mother. Saying that
they would try their best, they entered the operating theatre, leaving me and my father to
await the outcome of the operation.

5 That wait was the most agonising one of my life. Not willing to entertain any thought of
my mother dying, I tried to talk to my father about other topics, hoping that it would
make time pass faster. Finally, the doctors reappeared. It appeared that my mother had
survived the operation. However, she was very weak and had to be hospitalised for a
while. We thanked the doctors for their help as tears of relief trickled down my face. That
incident happened a few years ago but it will forever be etched in my memory. Till today,
I have learnt not to take my loved ones for granted.

From paragraph 1
1. What was the writer doing when he heard the crash?


2. How did the writer feel when he heard that crash?



From paragraph 2

3. What urged the writer to act quickly?



4. In your own words, explain how the writer helped his mother.



5. Suggest a reason why the mother did not say anything when the writer talked to her.



6. What made the writer feel more worried?



From paragraph 3

7. Write down one word from this paragraph to show that the father did not express his
feeling of anxiety?


8. What might happen to the mother if she did not undergo an emergency surgery?



9. Why were the doctors pessimistic about ‘her chances of survival’ (line 23)?



From Paragraph 4

10. ‘I tried to speak but no words came out.’ (line 28)

Suggest a reason why the writer could not speak.


From Paragraph 5

11. Quote a word from this paragraph which shows that the writer was suffering a lot.



12. Give two reasons why the writer decided to talk to his father about other topics.



13. Write down an expression from this paragraph which suggests that the writer will never
forget this experience.



14. Give the meaning of the following words or expressions as they have been used in the

1. clutching:

2. paced:

3. like an eternity:

4. faint:

5. implored: [5]

Question 9 [15 marks]

Write an essay of about 200-250 words on one of the following:

1. Write a story including the line: “I can’t breathe.”
2. Describe the scene in a busy shopping mall.


3. School uniform should be banned. Do you agree?

Item chosen: ______


















































Question 10 (Literature in English) [10 marks]

Mother to Son
Poem by Langston Hughes (an adapted version)

Well, son, I’ll tell you:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I have been climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landings,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you go down the steps
’Cause you find it’s harder.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’ll still be goin’, honey,
I’ll still be climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

1. Who is speaking in the poem and to whom the words are addressed to?



2. What do metaphors such as ‘tasks’, ‘splinters’ and ‘boards torn up’ suggest about the
mother’s life?



3. What is the tone of the poem?



4. What pieces of advice does the speaker give? Pick out the lines from the poem.



5. Imagine you are the son. Write your feelings after listening to these words from your






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