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Laringitis Akut

Laringitis Kronis
The various LPR symptoms and signs are usually non-specific.The accumulation of sticky
mucous is associated with postnasaldrip, globus sensation and throat clearing, which lead to
coughand chocking (laryngospasm) because sensitivity in laryngealsensory endings is up-
regulated by local inflammation [41]. Ina same time, the mucosal inflammation of
pharyngeal, retro-cricoid and supraglottal spaces may induce dysphagia, throatpain and
odynophagia. Because the reflux episodes are mainlygaseous, heartburn and regurgitations
are less prevalent in LPRthan GERD [42]. According to some studies conducting on alarge
number of patients, hoarseness concerns 71 to 79% of LPRpatients [1,4,43] and LPR is found
in up to 55% of patients withhoarseness [44]. Moreover, some studies reported that the
majoretiologic factor for hoarseness more than 3 months in duration isLPR [45,46].Among
the laryngostroboscopic findings, as previously devel-oped, LPR can be associated with
many non-specific signs includinglaryngeal edema, and erythema, vocal folds erythema,
keratosis,thick endolaryngeal mucus, and, in some severe LPR diseases, vocalfolds edema,
granuloma, and ulcers. However, as reported by Rosset al., hoarseness related to LPR may
over time favor forcing andinappropriate voice behaviors that increase mechanical stress
inthe mucosa, microtraumas, contact ulcers, granulomas, and thedevelopment of benign
lesions [39]. Many authors have studiedthe occurrence of some specific laryngeal findings
such as pseu-dosulcus, contact granuloma, Reinke edema, polyps, or nodulesin LPR disease.
Pseudosulcus (subglottic edema) exhibited sen-sitivity ranged from 30 to 86% and specificity
of approximately70% [47–49]. Other showed that LPR patients with contact gran-uloma
have a higher number of pharyngeal reflux episodes thanhealthy subjects [50]. Svensson et
al. found that 74% of patientswith granuloma have esophageal dysfunction and related LPR
[51].With regard to the relationship between LPR and the developmentof benign lesions,
Kuhn et al. demonstrated that the prevalenceof LPR according to pH metry is higher in
patients with nodulesand those with Reinke edema than controls [36]. In summarize,
todate, no sign was identified to be highly specific to LPR disease.Finally, it is important to
keep in mind that 25% of LPR patientsexperience spontaneous resolution of symptoms and
50% havechronic course of pathology with intermittent exacerbations and remissions

Tanda dan gejala dari LPR biasanya itu tidak terlalu spesifik seperti :
- Suara serak
- Disfagia
- Sakit tenggorokan
- Odinofagia
- Edema laring
- Eritema pita suara
- Keratosis
- Granuloma, ulkus

Gejala yang sering muncul seperti suara serak, mendehem, penumpukan dahak di

tenggorok atau post nasal drip, sukar menelan, batuk setelah makan, sulit bernafas
atau tersedak, batuk yang sangat mengganggu, rasa mengganjal dan rasa panas di
tenggorok, nyeri dada atau rasa asam naik ke tenggorok.

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