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Agafonova A.

ФНЯ 0-20-41



The paper explores the problem of the connection between language and consciousness, which
has been studied for a long time and has not been solved yet. The author highlights all the
functions of the right and left hemispheres. Abstractness and logical dissection of thought,
conceptuality of statements are associated with the functions of the left hemisphere. The thought
of the right hemisphere is an image. Such a thought can serve as the basis of a guess, intuition.
But this position still needs to be studied very carefully.

Keywords: Brain, language, consciousness, left hemisphere, right hemisphere.


The text under analysis covers the problem of the right and the left hemispheres. The problem of
the connection between language and the brain was first realized and became the subject of study
after the discovery of the French surgeon and anthropologist P. Brock in the 60s of the XIX

The language and the left hemisphere are divided into different levels. The phonological level of
language explores the perception of speech sounds - both individual sounds (vowels and
consonants) and longer segments - syllables and words. The morphological level of the language
showed that the awareness of the morphological division of the word, as well as the linguistic
mechanisms of inflection and word formation are associated with the activity of the left
hemisphere. The syntactic level of the language is inherent in the construction of syntactic
constructions, and the understanding of constructions of any complexity is a function of the left
hemisphere. The semantic level proves that the left hemisphere in semantics does not go beyond
the language itself. And if this happens, it is only in the field of abstract judgments and pure

Considering the right hemisphere and its levels, the following conclusions can be drawn. The
right hemisphere has been considered non-speech for centuries. Currently many researchers
believe that the right hemisphere is able to understand sound speech. Speaking of the phonetic
level, it can be argued that the regulation of voice and intonation in one's own speech depends on
the perception of the right hemisphere. On the morphological level, the right hemisphere has
nothing to do with inflection and word formation. The semantic level performs the actual
separation when the topic always precedes the comment.

In conclusion, it should be said that the linguistic and non-linguistic functions of each
hemisphere are closely related. The generation and perception of speech occurs with the
participation of the physiological mechanisms of both hemispheres, without duplicating each
other. The right hemisphere not only carries out the reception of the external world and builds a
sensory image, but also includes this image in the chain of speech processes. The left hemisphere
not only knows the language, but thanks to this ability is inclined to build a rational model of the

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