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Agafonova A.

ФНЯ 0-20-41




Z. A. Kharitonchik

Minsk State Linguistic University

Received by the editorial office on February 2, 2017.

The article examines the main points of criticism introduced by constructionists against the idea of a
Universal grammar. The linguistic analysis of the arguments based on different scientific experiences
show the inadequacy of Noam Chomsky’s theory. However, the refutation of the theory is not the
primary goal for constructionists. This question is discussed as a part of the investigation of knowledge
construal. According to constructionists, language acquisition takes place on basic cognitive structures.
In that way constructionism language is viewed as a certain part of cognitive development. The article
concludes that the vision of the construction of knowledge as a certain type of dynamic cognitive
structure of representation makes us turn to the problems of linguistic meaning and the nature of
mutual understanding in the communication process.

Key words: constructionism, Universal grammar, generative grammar, Noam Chomsky.


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