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Physical Health Benefits

Outdoor activities are ways for improving one's physical fitness, a great distraction from using gadgets,
maintaining our blood flow in our body by getting our heart pump while doing physical activities, and in
order for us to feel relaxed so that we can think clearly because it will not work if we are stressing our
self just by thinking problems or negative thoughts that's why it's a good way to calm and relax our
mind. By foing this, it can also help us avoid having diseases, enhanced immune system, and increase life

Psycho-Emotional Benefit

Being in outdoor also makes people be sociable because we all know that there's a lot of people that
we'll encounter once we engage in outdoor activities. But it's a good thing because by having good social
communication to other people makes you develop you confidence, self-esteem, and being creative. For
those people who always feel stress and depress, it's a great thing to do in order to motivate yourself
and feel free from all your problems that you are thinking everyday. It will change your mood by giving
you good vibes and it can calm you down.

Social Benefit

This outdoor activities can make your relationship with your family or friends stronger and happier.
Because this is when you spend your time with your love ones to create memories and this will serve as
your family bonding. You can also discover new friends or people just by participating outdoor activities
that's why it's a good thing to have this that it benefits you a lot. It can also create interaction between a
lot of people which makes you become more sociable person.

Spiritual Benefit

This activity will make ourself deal with positive mind or thinking in order for us to strengthens,
rejuvenates and soothes our body and soul. It prevents us from being alone, stress and harsh to
ourselves that it stir up our spiritual values so that we can stay calm and feel relaxed.

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