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COVID-19 Database

HCIN 543: Database Design & Knowledge Management

Done By: Alaa Ahmed

Professor: Juhi S. Israni

▪ According to the California open portal, more than
25,182,916 in the state has been confirmed posite COVID-
▪ More than 47,320,802 tests have been conducted so far.
The virus is highly contagious because it is easily
transmitted through droplets.

▪ This database was created to identify the counts,

localization, patterns, and exposure of the virus to narrow
its spread.
Description ▪ By identifying key county, gender, age and race can allow
for targeted emphasis on prevention of virus spread and

▪ The database will include four tables which are county

cases, age, gender, and race demographics. Data elements
were based on a California data portal.
column type label description
county_id text county id county identification
county text County County for which case statistics were reported.
Cumulative number of laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 cases as reported by local health departments
total_count_confirmed numeric Total Positive Cases , beginning March 19, 2020.
Cumulative number of COVID-related deaths as reported by local health department, beginning March 19,
2020. This determination is made by local health departments based on the cause of death reported on death
certificates. It is expected that, to be counted, COVID is the cause of death or at least a contributing factor to
total_count_deaths numeric Total Deaths the death. COVID-related deaths are also counted in “Positive Cases― .
new_count_confirmed numeric New Cases Number of new lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 cases reported by local health departments each day.
new_count_deaths numeric New Deaths Number of new COVID-19 related deaths reported by local health departments to each day.
age table
column type label description
county_id text county id county identification
county text County County for which case statistics were reported.
covid_age_0-17 numeric covid cases from 0 - 17 Number of covid cases for age group from 0 to 17
covid_age_18-49 numeric covid cases from 18-49 Number of covid cases for age group from 18 to 49
covid_age_50-64 numeric covid cases from 50-64 Number of covid cases for age group from 50 to 64
covid_age_65+ numeric covid cases from 65+ Number of covid cases for age group from 65 and more
gender table
column type label description
county_id text county id county identification
county text County County for which case statistics were reported.
covid_male numeric Covid males Number of male covid cases

Data Dictionary
covid_female numeric Covid females Number of female covid cases
race table
column type label description
county_id text county id county identification
county text County County for which case statistics were reported.
covid_latino numeric covid latino Number of covid cases for latino
covid_white numeric covid white Number of covid cases for white
covid_asian numeric covid asian Number of covid cases for asian
covid_black numeric covid black Number of covid cases for black
covid_other numeric covid other Number of covid cases for other
county_id county total_count_confirmed total_count_deaths new_count_confirmed new_count_deaths
CA1 Alameda 775578 10552 19734 207
CA10 Orange 853187 11545 18135 217
CA11 Riverside 871188 11863 18001 318
CA12 Sacramento 803532 10773 11640 91
CA13 San Bernardino 887949 12084 16761 221
CA14 San Diego 835052 11328 11269 257
CA15 San Francisco 212522 1450 1654 1
CA16 San Joaquin 228857 1520 4590 34

Table 1 CA17
San Mateo
Santa Barbara
CA19 Santa Clara 823783 11071 10761 221
CA2 Contra Costa 224267 1486 4576 32
CA20 Solano 210868 1449 2597 2
CA21 Sonoma 208271 1447 1332 2
CA22 Stanislaus 219691 1454 4405 0
CA23 Tulare 219486 2218 3410 0
CA24 Ventura 232171 1531 3314 11
CA3 Fresno 813022 10850 9490 77
CA4 Imperial 212122 2218 3945 29
CA5 Kern 791892 10682 16314 130
CA6 Kings 203714 2151 3275 53
CA7 Los Angeles 901783 12250 13834 166
CA8 Merced 208177 2189 4463 38
CA9 Monterey 216076 2218 3954 0
Table 2
county_id county covid_age_0-17 covid_age_18-49 covid_age_50-64 covid_age_65+
CA1 Alameda 284404 1583 1186867 934959
CA10 Orange 1580 267362 1242402 345442
CA11 Riverside 294879 1794 1172610 109724
CA12 Sacramento 1414371 321802 37322 69353
CA13 San Bernardino 459070 1527536 1257880 22331
CA14 San Diego 251000 497350 1186641 5444
CA15 San Francisco 1574 272795 37705 9678
CA16 San Joaquin 298917 1794 1276663 209350
CA17 San Mateo 1431570 328748 1203388 966661
CA18 Santa Barbara 465397 1555858 38560 350048
CA19 Santa Clara 254873 506646 1303646 111456
CA2 Contra Costa 1372058 307852 1123490 338842
CA20 Solano 1577 277893 1228087 70441
CA21 Sonoma 303249 1817 36908 22511
CA22 Stanislaus 1448341 334451 1330617 5498
CA23 Tulare 471057 1578202 1252120 9842
CA24 Ventura 257996 514231 38540 212926
CA3 Fresno 444733 1468660 35552 107465
CA4 Imperial 243143 477988 1210473 67996
CA5 Kern 1571 262405 1144460 21985
CA6 Kings 290655 1706 36328 5358
CA7 Los Angeles 1397879 314694 1225955 9476
CA8 Merced 453356 1497244 1158092 204513
CA9 Monterey 247791 487547 36847 951899
Table 3
county_id county covid_male covid_female
CA1 Alameda 1225955 117227
CA10 Orange 1276663 75064
CA11 Riverside 1203388 24109
CA12 Sacramento 38560 5926
CA13 San Bernardino 1303646 10618
CA14 San Diego 1228087 230717
CA15 San Francisco 36908 1054317
CA16 San Joaquin 1330617 383641
CA17 San Mateo 1252120 123544
CA18 Santa Barbara 38540 76770
CA19 Santa Clara 1355858 24794
CA2 Contra Costa 1158092 73573
CA20 Solano 1275068 6103
CA21 Sonoma 40036 10899
CA22 Stanislaus 1376112 237816
CA23 Tulare 1293614 1078116
CA24 Ventura 41075 391396
CA3 Fresno 36847 23457
CA4 Imperial 1242402 5750
CA5 Kern 1172610 10357
CA6 Kings 37322 224198
CA7 Los Angeles 1257880 1031277
CA8 Merced 1186641 374526
CA9 Monterey 37705 120172
county_id county covid_latino covid_white covid_asian covid_black covid_other
CA1 Alameda 1546 113487 12422 5926 12181
CA10 Orange 16515 72361 8441 10899 8211
CA11 Riverside 66457 23026 3109 237816 3031
CA12 Sacramento 192069 5646 1833 1078116 1801
CA13 San Bernardino 970 10144 286 391396 281
CA14 San Diego 41993 220043 87 126414 85

Table 4
CA15 San Francisco 764 1007959 142 78392 139
CA16 San Joaquin 206939 366351 298 25284 267
CA17 San Mateo 35431 117227 12827 6261 12314
CA18 Santa Barbara 1815 73573 8619 11131 8230
CA19 Santa Clara 413 23457 3171 244040 3043
CA2 Contra Costa 949 71566 8309 10618 8136
CA20 Solano 2540 5750 1853 1098158 1804
CA21 Sonoma 22867 10357 291 397915 282
CA22 Stanislaus 8571 224198 90 128784 85
CA23 Tulare 74527 1031277 147 79786 138
CA24 Ventura 25767 374526 316 25749 267
CA3 Fresno 11039 22949 3056 230717 3003
CA4 Imperial 3146 5583 1816 1054317 1781
CA5 Kern 6621 10014 283 383641 273
CA6 Kings 5994 216946 86 123544 85
CA7 Los Angeles 791892 990854 139 76770 136
CA8 Merced 67810 360022 278 24794 258
CA9 Monterey 19395 114864 12583 6103 12282
The Entity Relationship (E-R) Diagram
List the total count of confirmed covid cases and
the number of each gender in San Diego county.

SELECT county.county,
gender.covid_male, gender.covid_female
FROM county, gender
WHERE county.county_id = gender.county_id and
county.county = "San Diego"; Query 1

county total_count_confirmed covid_male covid_female
San Diego 835052 1228087 230717
List the total number of covid cases whose age
from 18 to 49 in Orange county , Riverside county
and Imperial county.

SELECT Sum(covid_age_18-49) AS
FROM age
WHERE county IN ('orange','Riverside',
Query 2
List the covid Asian in solano, fresno, Kern and
Alameda and arrange the results by the county

SELECT county, covid_asian

FROM race
WHERE county In
Query 3
ORDER BY county;
county covid_asian
Alameda 12422
Fresno 3056
Kern 283
Solano 1853
• Add states to be not limited to counties only to widen the
Future data search scope
• Add dates so when analyzing peak days, it would be easier
Improvements and more indictive
• Add presence or absence of comorbidities
Thank You

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