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Dialog 1

Radeka: Hi, Mari! How are you?

Mari: Pretty good. And you?
Radeka: Good. Mari, would you like to go to a party?
Mari: A party? That sounds like fun. When is the party?
Radeka: It’s right now!
Mari:Oh! I’d love to go to a party.
Radeka: Great! It’s just down the street.
Mari: Okay. Let’s go!

Dialog 2:
B: Hi Mari! How are you?
Mari: Pretty good. And you?
B: Great. Mari, My cousin Jinny is getting married.
Would you like to go to the wedding with me?
Mari: I’d love to! When is the wedding?
B: It’s today! At 4 p.m
Mari: at 4 p.m? But it’s 10 a.m now! Oh dear, I’d better get ready.
B: I’ll pick you up at 3 o’clock!

Dialog 3:
Radeka: Hi Mari! How are you?
Mari: Pretty good. And you?
Radeka: Good. Mari, would you like to go to a film?
Mari: A film? When is the film?
Radeka: It’s this afternoon.
Mari: I’m sorry. I can’t go this afternoon. I’m busy.
But thanks anyway.
Radeka: Maybe another time.
Mari: Sure. Let’s go another time.

Dialog 4:
B: Hi Radeka! How are you?
Radeka: Great, and you?
B: Pretty good. Radeka, would you like to go to a soccer game?
Radeka: A soccer game, hmm. I don’t really like soccer.
But thanks anyway.
B: Okay.
Radeka; Have fun!
B: Thanks

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