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Nama : Cindra

Nim : 2019.C.11a.1039

Prodi : S1 Keperawatan TKT 1B

Unit 6

1.Medication that kills bacteria and cures infections……

a.antibiotics noun

b.appointment noun

c.arthritis noun

d.anemia noun

Answer : A

Unit 7

2.functio from blood pressure monitor……

a. tool used To cut bandages

b.liquid used tp sterilize the surface of the skin

c.a tool that measures the force of blood flow through a person’s body

d.protective covering that is placed over a wound

Answer : C

Unit 8

3.what function from Brain………

a.the organ inside the head that controls though memmroy feeling and activity

b. the organs that digest food

c.the hard parts insiden a human or animal tht make up its frame
d.the organ inside the body of a person where urine is stored before it leaves the body

Answer : A

Unit 9

4.the meaning of risk for bleeding, Translating into Indonesia……..

a.Gangguan Gigi

b.resiko mata kering

c.resiko pernafasan

d.resiko pendarahan

Answer : D

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