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Benefits and Beneficiary

This research study wants to give assistance to students who are Registered voters from CCNHS GRADE
12 STEM strand .

• study will help them to visualize their preference and standard on choosing the best candidate in the
2022 presidential election. And it will also guide them in what they really want to see in the leader that
they will choose And it will help them to be more open-minded in knowing a good and effective
Government officials.

The Supreme Student Government(SSG) of CCNHS-MAIN

• this study will be useful for them in supplying the student of CCNHS-MAIN a comprehensive list of
presidential bets that best fit their preference,

And for future Researcher

• this research study can be used as a reference for their own study or it will guide them in doing a
useful research study,

•And in General this study will help everyone in choosing the best leader based from their preference
just like the article published by Rappler in May 2019, Entitled #TheLeaderIWant:Candidates' empathy,
moral values still matter to Filipinos. This Article encompasses the several traits of Filipino citizens that
wish to see in candidates, example f it is they want a leader who is “ True to their word”, “Respectful of
woman”, “pristive personal background”. Everyone has their own preference in choosing a leader they
want and this study will help them expand their perception in voting the right and effective leader in
2022 presidential election.

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