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BSHM 502

Tourism Product 1

Bilar Man-made Forest, Bohol

The man-made forest stands out because of the uniformity in height of the big trees, the spread of its
branches, thickness and design of leaves. Seedlings abound around the older trees. Trunks, some thick
and others just a few months old, grow resplendently straight up towards the sky which is obscured by
the branches and the thick leaves.

Tourism Product 2

Sagano Bamboo Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest is a once tranquil nature spot that is now a series of tourist-packed pathways,
but if you can escape the sounds of camera shutters and boorish visitors, you’ll hear the rustling,
creaking, and swaying of one of Japan’s governmentally recognized soundscapes.


In Bilar, Bohol, there’s a man-made mahogany forest that stretches two kilometres. Its uniformity
constantly inspires Filipino filmmakers to use it as a shooting location. That, and perhaps its mild
resemblance to the Sagano Bamboo Forest in Kyoto, Japan! In fact, if you take a photo in the middle of
the road, you just might give the illusion that you’re in Kyoto, not Bohol. But if you’ve been to both,
you’ll know that both spots are equally gorgeous in their own ways

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