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The sustainable Development Goals report 2021

All of us are aware what has our community suffered about since previous years the
community encountered a lot of problems and the number one problem is poverty.
Because many people doesn’t have a good education, doesn’t have a decent job, lack
of opportunity to find a job and it’s because of the total number of population. The
current situation is threatening because we can’t predict what is happening in the future
whether it can be presented or not. Since the pandemic rise on 2019 many people got
affected, many of our fellow man loses their job, other students unexpectedly stopped
for their studying because of lack of financial support.

Many people are suffering from hunger situation because they are not able to earn
money when the government posted a protocol for the safety Nets against COVID-19
pandemic. Many people reacted against this kind of policy because they said we’re not
dying because of COVID, we will die because of hunger. They are all reactive because
the support of the government or the “ayuda” is not enough to sustain the daily needs of
every individual houses.

Even though the struggle is real the global solid Terry and leadership from the highest
political level, countries can still deliver on the 2030 ayuda and the 2015 Paris
agreement on climate change. They complement vaccines and they surely that is one
supported properly to ease the racing numbers affected of the said pandemic. The
report says that even though we face so many problems and difficulties, a brighter
future still be possible.

We must use this crisis to transform our world. Instead of losing hope and getting
discourage, we must challenge ourselves and use it as an inspiration. The 2030 agenda
keep their promise to current future generations for the beautiful future. The challenge is
immense but there are so many reasons to look forward. Because of the herculean,
herculean on the strength and effort of our essential workers in facilitating the rapid
increase of social protection and development of vaccines.

The reality hurts when we know that this current 2020 the poverty is extremely arising
over 20 years because of this pandemic and hundreds of millions of people will continue
suffering this poverty and chronic hunger. Sad to say that the most affected in this
situation it’s the poor people because it has to take the risk because of this crisis is
threatening and the livelihood of 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy. The
climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis. Biodiversity means the variety of life on earth at all
its levels from levels from areas to ecosystems and can encompass the continuing
ecological and cultural processes that sustain life was crisis.

We see there are positive happenings despite of this tremendous challenge that we are
facing today because we saw that the government has taken action that much but we
can see the improvement because of their collaboration and people are willing to adopt
and adjust the protocols of the health benefits and for the sake of people to help prevent
by following the guidelines and protocols of the government.

Because of these protocols the transformation changes are needed the SDG’S provide
the road ways which includes strengthening social protection systems and public
services including health systems education, water, sustainable and other basic
services, increasing investments in science technology and innovation to address
vulnerable expose by the pandemic. That’s why the government and international
community should make sustainable development goals investing in data to save lives.
Leaders think that making data is the helpful procedure to know the information what
are really needed by the community.

The gathering of data information to guide the decision making. Together with the
partners, the office of COVID-19 infection survey in a matter of days. Which has
become an indispensable source of data on the pandemic. It is important to have
statistics information period to guide policymakers and crisis response and service
delivery. Ghana statistical service also helps monitor lockdown compliance through
mobility data gathered in partnership with all phone carrier.

Gathering data and it literally save lives of the people like this successful strong of
“Sugarmaas” she was a healthy infant, during in this weather condition because of data
information, her mother gain knowledge about her proper nutrition and ways to care for
a baby in a harsh weather condition because of advancements of data for SDG parental
and neonatal. Services were put in place because of data that identified the region as
high risk for child mortality.

Through the help of collecting data information helps to reach people having physical
conditions like persons with albinism, including indigenous people and stateless
population were counted in the census. To meet data demands the national and
international levels have been working together closely. The National Bureau of
statistics partnered with the National Commission on human rights to work with the
communities that has been historically left behind.
In the overview report, we saw that COVID-19 has led to the first rise in extreme poverty
in a situation, an additional 119 - 124 million people were pushed back into extreme
poverty in 2020. In 2020 pandemic the child malnutrition is worst over 161 million
people is likely to have experienced hunger as a result of pandemic based on the report
2021. Health and care workers on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic are at risk
because of exposure to COVID-19. Healthcare workers face challenging working and
psychosocial conditions related to COVID-19 including stigma and discrimination, lack
of personal protective equipment, strike actions, quarantine and self-isolation. For the
quality education ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all. Many children are now entirely reliant on their parent’s
unsafe condition because of COVID-19. Active gender equality and empower all women
and girls.

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